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Everything posted by GotMilk5101520

  1. "Anime is for kids" Try watching One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, Akame ga Kill, or Berserk. Then come back and tell me it's still for kids. Also don't watch Boku no Pico
  2. The "Bravely series" for me (Here's hoping Bravely Third doesn't take 10 years) I love Zelda, but as everyone's been saying, it's not an RPG. Chrono Trigger was a great game and i really enjoyed it.
  3. Inb4 Skuld gets a name change
  4. Shun, for betraying us you are here by stripped of your Yu-Gi-Oh cards
  5. Why does the tablet make this harder for me -550
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