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Josuke Higashikata

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Everything posted by Josuke Higashikata

  1. Because he is hypnotizing you into wanting to marry you. Why does Xemnas have pointy hair?
  2. Is it bad I read that in the AVGN's voice? Anyway, I'm just going to wait for Sora96 to say something.
  3. Some one whose sig has something that looks like an armored narwhal.
  4. Really likes the sound of PrincessHearts25, so decided to use it.
  5. (What does that have to do with my avatar?) Likes Russia, and wanted a picture of Fem!Russia.
  6. *Muffled groans from the pineapple* *Later, I revert to my proper form* Bleh, I hate inanimate object transformation spells. *Turns you into a brick wall* See?
  7. Sig: America wiping out. (You're a fan of Wipeout, aren't you?)
  8. You're banned because I now know what your avatar us.
  9. Likes how Princess and Hearts sound together, and decided to add 25 to them.
  10. Hold on, Fluffle Puff can't ta... Oh. I see. Well, good thing my transformation spells don't last very long. *You suddenly turn back into your normal form.* See? Everything is better. Oh and, pineapples. *Pineapples fall from the sky.*
  11. (I won't. Everyone has their favorites.) Likes the Russian flag, so decided to find a picture of it with Fem!Russia.
  12. (Thank you, once again) Some one who posted a picture I was interested in.
  13. (I tend to get them mixed up, thank you.) Sig: China says:
  14. Likes the word princess, and felt like adding a random number to it. You then added hearts to that because you wanted to.
  15. Some one who is finding me pictures, Thanks, before I forget.
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