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Everything posted by XBladeWielderVentus

  1. I actually just beat the speed level 140. I used up 400 Jewels and the enemys took barely any damage. Im currently level 116 but yea it is very difficult so I hope the Timeless River Mickey is a good medal
  2. Gosh I hope it works later. I really appreciate all the help people. Thanks
  3. Darnnnn. So anxious to play it! I've been having this error for 4 hours man... I chose the bear group btw
  4. I beat critical and Terra on it already! 11 data battles to go! but.... i havent recieved the beat game on critical trophy for some reason... its weird
  5. i hate that one too. final form helps to get damage on him when you actually get to attack him
  6. so ive beaten Terra... but with my low health i die instantly during zexions fight because he locks me in a book and i die in seconds... frusturating
  7. I thought id have a big problem beating critical but surprisingly i beat it all with little difficulty! Now i just have to beat all the data battles and Terra which will be challenges! Critical was amazing and i started kh2fm with it! i played proud so much before it became easy but even with half of your health critical was pretty simple! Anyone else beat it and enjoyed it?
  8. Alright cool. I just wanted to know since the english text and voice is in the Japanese version so I thought the us disc would transfer to that idk but thanks anyways!
  9. So I have played and beat the Japanese 2.5 and I received the English trophies and such but im wondering if my saves and trophies will transfer to the English version.
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