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Everything posted by KingdomHeartsSora

  1. Bbs mark of mastery: defeat a few orbs. Ddd: GO INTO SLEEPING WORLDS, SAVE PEOPLE, ETC....

  2. Anyone else think that KingdomHearts 3 SHOULDN'T be on xboxone?

    1. SoRox


      I honestly think that there should be a PC version of it

    2. xHaru


      If KH3 gets a xbox version we will see the KH Community go downhill "omg noob hahah beat xx with yy l2p gentleman 1vs1 me cod"

    3. KingdomHeartsSora
  3. Hello all, so basically this fourm is to tell your kh3 ideas! (idk what to say)
  4. Dang i cant wait for LittleBigPlanet 3, Kh 2.5 hd remix, and destiny this year! :D

    1. Shulk


      Smash Bros, Pokemon. All I need.

    2. Geotrix


      I'm hyped for all those games too! (Destiny on a much lesser degree though!)

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Smash Bros. 2.5 HD. Pokemon. Freedom Wars.


      nuff said.

  5. Wow I haven't been on here in along time!

  6. I'm gonna avoid this site as much as possible when kh 2.5 & kh 3 come out.
  7. If you see "SyFy Original Movie" you know it's gonna be terrible.
  8. I cant wait for it! We get kh2 fm, kh bbs fm, and 3 hours of re:coded cutscenes, all in HD!
  9. I bet the kh3 opening vid will be freaking awesome! :lol:
  10. Why is nomura so obsessed with the number 13 in the kh serries?

    1. Gamerazor247


      Tetsuya Nomura IS 13 letters

    2. Gamerazor247


      I would name a KH team called NormuraXIII,so badass

    3. KingdomHeartsSora
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  11. Xehanort looks like a freaking alien in the 2.5 box art! 0_0

    1. AaySquare


      Kinda yeah now that u mention it. His ears especially xD

    2. Caity


      I thought it was more his single giant eye

  12. I just realized that the kingdom key is the only keyblade that ACTUALY looks like a key.

    1. 『R』
    2. WakingDawn96


      What about the Kingdom Key D?

    3. KingdomHeartsSora


      Yes that too.


  13. 2:25 in the morning #sleepisforweak

  14. Info: This roleplay is about the events that could happen in kingdom hearts 3. Rules: NO worlds that ARE NOT from kingdom hearts, disney, final fantasy. New characters: Yes you can make new characters but they must be a main part of the story.
  15. 'Business, business, business. Numbers.' 'Is this working?' 'Yes.'' 'YAAAAY!'

    1. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      I just saw the Lego Movie yesterday (after I already beat the video game...)


      Best. Movie. Ever.

    2. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      I agree. It was a pretty good movie. Also, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!

  16. KH3 Release Date: 9081

    1. Exiblade7


      lol it seems like that.

    2. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      Nah, too soon, try 10,000

      But seriously, I doubt it will be later than 2018, which is still a long way off.

    3. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Yeah, I'd say 2018 is the least likely, and yet still slightly plausible explanation of when it is coming out.

  17. Maybe you could try to make a kh2 adventure map?
  18. Sony's E3 is 8:00 at night for me!

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