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Everything posted by alexczas

  1. So I finally got to the remaining where destiny islands is and I triggered the cutscene where you go into the hole and Ansem starts talking before Sod Riku appears in front of you. Thing is there's no voices, so I thought ok I think that might be normal, until i got to the part where sod Riku turns into ansem and there are still no voices. Has anybody encountered this bug before? Or is there an audio option that I accidently turned off
  2. Disneys haunted mansion, who the heck even remembers that film?!
  3. I've been hearing a lot of rumors that kingdom hearts 3 will get a worldwide release instead of the Japan first than every other country. It's very unlikely that we'll get a worldwide release but this is one of squares biggest games...
  4. In kingdom hearts we had 1 visit per world excluding traverse town, in kingdom hearts 2 we had 2 visits per world, so in kingdom hearts 3 we have... 3 visits per world? It would make the game much longer but would it be repetitive?
  5. To be fair it is a Japanese game so we'll most likely get information at tgs
  6. Most likely summer 2016 dream drop distance took 2 years in development I expect kingdom hearts 3 to take 3 years (no pun intended)
  7. It's about time lol I've been waiting for the localized version of kingdom hearts 2 for 4 years now!
  8. Ehh I wasn't focusing on the fact that sora should team up with Xehanort but more on the fact that though kingdom hearts is light and darkness maybe it could lead to the real final battle. Don't get me wrong though I want to beat up Xehanort more than the next guy, but it seems to straight forward that nomura would just make Xehanort the final boss without any plot-twists
  9. What if xehanort finds away to go inside kingdom hearts and gets the x-blade than sora enters it and finds that xehanort was about to be killed by kingdom hearts itself. Sora blocks the attack made by kingdom hearts and xehanort gets shocked that kingdom hearts was going to backstab him. Sora and Xeahnort find out that kingdom hearts true intention of being opened is to spread chaos between light and dark to destroy all worlds and make a new perfect one with no heartless nobodies or unversed. Sora and Xehanort than team up for a true and epic final battle. I can sort of imagine kingdom hearts looking like orphan or bhenvelze from the final fantasy XIII series. What do you guys think?
  10. I'm a diehard fan of kingdom hearts who recently stumbled upon this website. I have played all the games, (even chi) and I hope I can get along with everyone on the forum!
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