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Everything posted by HIrukina15

  1. ^^ thankyou!! Arigato!
  2. If im not wrong isnt GGO going to be released this summer? TYANKYOUTHANKYOUFINALLYOURBACKKIRITOANDASUNA! I wonder what kind of twisted secret is behind GGO program? Cant wait!!~
  3. Thankyou! ^^I dont plan to. Drawing is probably a drug in my life right now. I draw almost every hour. My arm tingles when i look at paper and pencil/pen. Its like my life
  4. Hm... Wll, not much i can say. Ive been drawing for 1-2 years. I dont go to manga schools nor use books. I cant afford them really so i usually just see them and draw. Tho i do realy enjoy drawing. ^^ Tyankyou for seeing.
  5. Thankyou!! ^w^ i cant wait!~Not if..i take theirs souls first . *yandere smiel*(?!)
  6. Ganbat-...te....1..12...127 pages!?!??! ;/ i cant afford something like that. so just usually use my instincts... Should i post them anyway?
  7. Seriously? O_O no wonder. For emotions i only give credits on how the kid exploded when his father amde him to go home.. gosh, my dad even slept during that movie.
  8. ^_^ nice~ Golden-san! Tho i would suggest using thin lines so they dont leave any marks like the 2nd pic..
  9. Banned because banning me as charge of saying why.
  10. AFTER EARTH Totally, Theres only one person doing the action. Icant believe why it would the third most popular movie of the year.. Probably because the one who played karate kid was the big lead. Bnt thats just it. The ftaher only gave orders. No friends. All alone. Thats a poor movie. Im sorry. I just had to say it. :\
  11. thankyou!! ^^ Arigato!! i have a good feeling about this site!
  12. Wow..how long has this topic been going? owo
  13. Band for cutting your hair in KH3D ( WHYYYYYYY)
  14. Are? Whats going on here? oAo

    1. Weedanort


      At this time of the morning the forum's dead xD

    2. HIrukina15


      ...morning? Its Probably Sunset in my spot! OAO

  15. then i shall live and breath until the end to be your frienda, > Arigato!! Yoroshiku onegaishimas Tails! ^^ Thankyou! Arent we all? >LOL and thankyou! /(^w^)/ ^,^ arigato desu ne~ pantsu? stocku? Yaoi desu ka? HELLOW fellow KAMEN RIDER! Lets us be buddies!!! ( ^w^ thankyou~Eh? giraffes?? Where desu? Owo
  16. Yoroshiku~ :D thankyou for accepting me! :3

    1. HIrukina15


      Firaga-sensei : Arigato desu! :3

  17. Hello everyone!! my name is hirukina15!~ i love to eat, sleep, and draw! Of course KH lover X3 hope we can be buddies!~
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