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Everything posted by HIrukina15

  1. Planning to do a multi crossover kh fic. Other than sonic, kirby, kh, Naruto. What else should i put? (Manga/anime are fine)

    1. Black Cat

      Black Cat

      final fantasy 7?

    2. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Soul Eater for sure!!!

  2. ( yes i did, i watched it about 3 months ago) ... Running out of ideas.. Because anime rocks
  3. Goah you like a twin with your bro.ci almost thoght you were him before i looked in the description. O_o
  4. WOW! You did the body amazingly!! Tho, the elbow should be in the sme height as her stomach. ..dmn, reched my like limits for the day.
  5. Kh 2, 358/2 days, CoM(so friggin hard, enjoyed ot tho, it was chalenging)
  6. No more break friendships ( lemme see, AkuRokuShi DEAD. TerVenQua DEAD. RiSoKai BROKE but FIXED. WHATS NEXT?!?!)
  7. OMG that fits her perfectly!!!! the wings are completing the background and Xion's true self!~ ! Man, i hope im not aking to much. but can you do Namine's?
  8. Sup, i'm Empire. Be my step-sisther? ^w^ THAnkyou!~
  9. ^w^ thankyou~i will!! >//< thankyou! etoo.. i dunno how Thankyou! ^^Oh! ive seen his drawings before. i have to say his are amazing. But i think im okay. i usually do my own thing Plus, i already have friends who would back me up. x3 their are all amazing. but theyre not in this comunity tho

  11. ..oh glob. Economic homework. Biology experiment. Math experiments, physics experiments. 2 biology homeworks... Oh glob.

  12. Yes! 10 daya of no school!!

    1. Ceriraye


      You lucky little...

    2. HIrukina15
  13. Wow o_o do you make them from scratch ?! Amazing!! Usually when i see wings they have glitches or usually juat... Wll, normal. Bht thia is very cool! It fita ventus perfectly!
  14. At the first year i could drawn. The face was square not curved realy Gosh i love Sonic(japan version no offence) i cant seem to draw their lega. So hard. @,@
  15. Ahhh i see ^^ i hope you continue on posting more! ~
  16. Wow... Theyre really deep oAo Are they really old poems? Because theyre relly great!!! ^^ it fits scenes without too firm languange . Not too shabby. X3
  17. Ive been sneezing alot in the past week. Is it because its spring at this time of year??

    1. Demyx.


      It's because the you have demons inside you.

    2. Nick Sideris

      Nick Sideris

      Maybe you've got allergies ? Or you are just ill . Or what Squirting Demyx said .

    3. HIrukina15



      Hm, my allergy only reatcs to dust... And for illness. My whole school is getting it.

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