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Everything posted by HIrukina15

  1. (Is it really okay having the same reason ) Because Ren is your abselotu fav
  2. I'm a pottaatooo

    1. Wolf on the Run

      Wolf on the Run

      a coach pottaatooo im guessing

    2. HIrukina15
  3. Those can happen. Its probably tpbecause her parents did sent her to military school. Since she has a boyfriend i guess she thinks her boyfriend is like her life, and she hates her parents for sending her to military. Maybe something happened big between her and her parents. She went to her boyfriend to consult. And either she/boyfriend said they should ran away together. Either way, thats how i see in my book of view. Im 13. And i look out for investments, i have to study or il get banned from internet /games/socialized once. so i sometimesget her feelings of running away.
  4. ( okay, sorry i took so long) Because that triangle love is cute~
  5. The Amazing Spiderman 2 shows that businesses are not what they seem

  6. Idont think the villians are much in Frozen, Tangled and such. Sure maybe Wreck-It-Ralph would suit very very much. Buy qs for frozen and tangled.. My first thing in the world would thinking qbout the boss.. So theres no way sora or any other chara would be vsing hans or the mother that captured Rapunzel. Unless they make a magical thing happened. Who knows They could just whack their heads with keyblade with villians like those.
  7. How sweet!~ Even tho Final Exam starts in end of May, because there's sooo much holiday, i only have 17 days of school until it starts! HA!

  8. Im suprised this didnt catch any attention...
  9. Aqua looks good!..but terra... ..no, just no.
  10. ...so, in mind sora and kairi made baby xion which was somehow had Incle van's color hair??
  11. Then ill be taking the second spot.
  12. ....gosh i need to stop eating ice all the time. O_O

    1. HIrukina15


      My teeth are getting in weird orders and mostly bleeding, plus its mixed with ho-knows-liquids on the freezer...

      gosh i need to stop! OAO

    2. Black Cat

      Black Cat

      that sounds really bad, I hope you stop soon

    3. King Demise

      King Demise

      eat the ice

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