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About Sorarocks93

  • Birthday 07/03/1993

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  1. TWTNW Twilight Town Hollow Bastion Mysterious Tower Disney Castle Beast's Castle / Port Royal / Olympus Coliseum / Land of Dragons (Org XIII. members in each of those) Timeless River / Space Paranoids (important in order to progress the story) Agrabah / Pride Lands / Atlantica Not sure if I prefer KH1 method or the KH2 one. Think I'm leaning more towards the KH2 though.
  2. I think it's just teleportation through time. Since you'd need another version of you somewhere where you'd be going. It's just your heart going from one point to the next.
  3. Well first it was interacial relationships, people found those disgusting at some point, same as they did with homosexual relationships a while ago and even now. I don't really care what people "do" as long as they are being careful of the problems that might arise. And there's only really one big problem with incestuous relationships, and if you have a good working brain then you know how to avoid it.
  4. It's delving into taboo themes so the devs would have to be very risky about it tbh. Maybe if they didn't advertise it with that, who knows?
  5. Yeah, what's going on? Also didn't Nomura direct those? Do you mean co-director or something...?
  6. So, the Land of Departure is better and actually teaches important things for life than most schools on our planet? K.
  7. Yeah I understand what you mean. However I think there's a reason the faces of the Foretellers are covered. It's kinda like the Org. XIII members. Also there's a theory going around that they might look like the other characters in the series so maybe they are setting it up for a reveal later on. As for the gameplay in BBS, I think that's because of the PSP hardware. If you look at the recent 0.2 trailer you can see Aqua fighting as fast as Sora in KH2 almost.
  8. Finally! Dynasty Warriors 9 is real!

  9. While KH3 might not be ported, I doubt that's true. Would be pretty dumb for nintendo to release a console in the middle of the 8th generation and still have it be less powerful than the PS4 and XBONE
  10. Yeah but, if you think about it, DDD in 2.8 doesn't look THAT much better than 1.5/2.5 on the ps3. What else can they do? Remove fish faces?
  11. Everyone wants a Kingdom Hearts x Dynasty Warriors crossover and I'm here waiting for Dynasty Warriors 9 to be announced. :(

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