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About Nel

  • Birthday 06/09/1991

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  1. I can't wait, yo'. Especially after taking a peek at a few of the OVA episodes!
  2. I didn't know this, yo'! I mean I use a variety of sites, mainly Hulu and Netflix. However, I can't ensure that I'd stop using kissanime. Not that I use the site much to begin with, other than to watch something that isn't on Netflix or Hulu.
  3. Nel

    Hello Again~

    Yay! Wbies to you too! I used to be apart of kh3.org many years ago, but it's dead. KHInsider causes me problems upon registering, so I tried this one and totally forgot I've been a member apparently for years aha. Hoping to be active this time. ^^;
  4. I thought I was new here by joining today, but apparently I had this account since 2014? Totally forgot. Kinda cool though! So I guess helllllooooo again! I suppose I'm back and looking to mingle and of course dabble in conversations on Kingdom Hearts and other games. =P My name is Nicole, but you may call me Nel. My pleasure to meet you all(:
  5. Good so far. It's been a rough few years, so I've deemed 2014 the year of recovery for my family. So far it's living up to it's title, nothing you can do put keep pushing forward!
  6. Yes, I have. I've gotten a Xbox One. (3 votes [2.38%])
  7. I wouldn't mind either way. The only actual sport game I play is NHL and it's been a minute since I have. But something that goes along with KH or FF I wouldn't mind. I probably wouldn't buy it, but I don't think it would be a terrible idea. (:
  8. Yup. But it only happened with a single KH game. (41 votes [40.59%]) Just with KH1.
  9. Nope. Not even close to it. (36 votes [35.64%]) I average maybeeee 4 a night. Working full time && being on-call, taking care of my step-son and such things really takes up time. Not enough time in the day! *Shakes fist*
  10. The Pittsburgh Penguins are moving on to the next series towards the Stanley Cup! I'm super stoked. :3

    1. Sora96


      I'm sorry, Boston's going to win again.

    2. Nel


      Pish Posh! :3

  11. Finally about halfway through all the seasons of Bleach. Been watching it over again from Episode 1. Talk about time consuming. :3

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