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Everything posted by qwertywarrior16

  1. When 2.5 comes out and they don't stack trophies for both games I'll be willing to do it. I have done it for KHFM
  2. I'll probably get a PS4 in the next year or so. I hear that Sony is thinking about cutting the price of the PS4 from $400 to $350, but that's just a rumor. I really want to play InFamous: Second Son, from what I've played it's better than the past two. The Last of Us is also suppose to be remastered for the PS4 which is also another win. Destiny looks freaking amazing, maybe it'll bring more people back to the FPS genre. Rumors of Uncharted 4 also brightens up it's library potential. And of course, KH3 and FFXV. Which is probably the main reasons to even get a next gen console.
  3. 1. Multiplayer for BBS 2. Voices for the extra scenes 3. No flat faces 4. Capes 5. Better lip sync 6. KH3 easter egg 7. More back story for Vanitas, Xehanort, Eraqus, Yen Sid
  4. Well they do got the manga. Or do you mean like an actual literature book?
  5. I guess you guys don't realize what we will be getting from this. I've never played either KH2FM or BBSFM and from what I've seen it looks pretty amazing. Plus we're gonna be getting them in glorious HD. But it's easier said then done. I mean look at Re:CoM on 1.5, it looked horrible in the cutscenes. And I don't want to see that happen to either 2 or BBS. So yes they can take their time. But you shouldn't wave this game with all it's nostalgia in our face, and promise news for it every other month, and then not give us a release date. You're basically teasing us.
  6. But why even make it? The story ended with X-2 and i loved it's ending. I wouldn't want them to do anything stupid and screw over another character.
  7. What if the reason they're taking so long to give a release date is because they're putting multiplayer in BBS.
  8. I would like if they put a back option in the save menu so you can go back to the title screen.
  9. I would like if they put a back option in the save menu so you can go back to the title screen.
  10. 1. I don't want any questions not being answered 2. Them not bringing back Roxas, Ventus, Xion, Aqua, Namine. Terra (i couldn't care less) 3. Marvel (no just no), Starwars (put that in a later game) 4. Don't screw over anyone
  11. Umm, what? BBS has a bad rep? I believe a majority of the Kingdom Hearts fanbase loves BBS (me included)? and stupid story? (i know it's your opinion, but not everyone's opinion is good) i can agree with Coded except with the new fight scenes they've made just for this remake which excites me more than what they did with 358/2 when people just randomly had heart attacks in the middle of the fight.
  12. Well they did say that there would be information "soon", I doubt that would be two months from now, but as well already know SE is oblivious to time.
  13. I'm pretty sure Obama's gonna be outta office before we get a release date.
  14. I kindof want to play BBSFM more because just recently I JUST got my memory stick duo, which without you're basically screwed if you want to play blank points. But just after i got it, my PSP broke. So i haven't played BBS for over a year and i'm so excited for this game, it needs to come faster.
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