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Everything posted by qwertywarrior16

  1. Sometimes when I switch into drive form or change key blades my game freezes for a few seconds.
  2. I did notice that too, like Sora was just a dick to Demyx. I mean out of all the Organization members, Demyx posses the smallest threat but Sora had no mercy for him.
  3. These remixes are the only reason I haven't gotten a next gen console yet. Thanks a lot Yasue.
  4. Still haven't gotten my email. I know I shouldn't worry but there's a presence of nervousness creeping in the back of my head. Maybe the later you order it the later the email comes.
  5. Funny how most of them "claim" to be hardcore Kingdom Hearts fans, yet they skipped and entire PS console and expected no games would be on there. Pssh
  6. I keep telling people this but then they just accuse me of fanboyism. Not trying to sound rude but what proof do you have that that is actually true.
  7. Helo am spoderman nd tudai im gunna ply teh g8st furst pursun shotur ov al tiem.
  8. Amazing story, great characters, balanced gameplay, outstanding music. Too much water. 7.2/10 -IGN
  9. From what I've seen from gameplay, the game looks on par with KH2. As for loading times, the PSP had the same issue so I wouldn't be unnatural if this version didn't suffer the same problems in some cases.
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