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  1. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from LeYenrz in How to make Kingdom Hearts fans uncomfortable   
  2. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from MythrilMagician in How to make Kingdom Hearts fans uncomfortable   
  3. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from VisitJoan in How to make Kingdom Hearts fans uncomfortable   
  4. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Killua0707 in How to make Kingdom Hearts fans uncomfortable   
  5. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Elast0 in How to make Kingdom Hearts fans uncomfortable   
  6. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Kello in New HD 2.5 ReMIX Soundtrack online   
    This Youtube channel has started uploading the HD 2.5 ReMIX tracks included on the Music Blu-Ray of the Collector's edition.
    At first I thought the Artbook and the Music Blu-Ray were just Samplers to make the "collectors" want to buy the new Ultimania and the full Soundtrack but the Blu-Ray seems to display artwork while the music is playing.
    The new orchestrations are so great, I can't wait for the full Soundtrack Box in November!
  7. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from 143436611Xxcc in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Axel vs Roxas   
    thank you. But how do I watch this?
  8. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from KingdomHeartsSora in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX's credits contain scenes from Kingdom Hearts 3D & Kingdom Hearts III   
    Nomura also said there won't be KHIII
    and he said besides the HD remixes 1 and 2 there won't be another game before KHIII
    and here we are:
    CHI and 3D REMIX
    Never trust Nomura
    KHIII will be the next FFXV
  9. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Kittenz in Nomura doesn't like leaving Kingdom Hearts 3D as the only title without a HD remaster   
    Come on, that was clear from the beginning that 3D is coming in 2015.
    How else would they justify posponing any information on KHIII for another year.
    And besides, 3D is Nomura's favorite title.
    That's OK, but I don't like Nomura's lies. At first he's all like there won't be KHIII. Then he's like there won't be any more spin-offs.
    And then he releases tons of games for handhelds before even touching the idea of KHIII again.
    HE also said there won't be more games till KHIII but now he starts changing his mind again.
    I bet there'll be KH 3D HD AND CHI before even remotely getting close to KHIII.
    I'd rather have a year without a game than procrastinating KHIII even further.
    Do you realize how much effort they have to put into making 3D playable on aPS3??
  10. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Exiblade7 in Nomura doesn't like leaving Kingdom Hearts 3D as the only title without a HD remaster   
    Come on, that was clear from the beginning that 3D is coming in 2015.
    How else would they justify posponing any information on KHIII for another year.
    And besides, 3D is Nomura's favorite title.
    That's OK, but I don't like Nomura's lies. At first he's all like there won't be KHIII. Then he's like there won't be any more spin-offs.
    And then he releases tons of games for handhelds before even touching the idea of KHIII again.
    HE also said there won't be more games till KHIII but now he starts changing his mind again.
    I bet there'll be KH 3D HD AND CHI before even remotely getting close to KHIII.
    I'd rather have a year without a game than procrastinating KHIII even further.
    Do you realize how much effort they have to put into making 3D playable on aPS3??
  11. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from XxBlossomingNobodyxX in I feel like I need to explain who I really am.   
    Hey guys, whatever has happened before, please stop giving Jonathan a hard time.
    1) he's a genuinely nice guy
    2) he's sorry about what had happened
    3) he's trying to move on so please do, too, guys
    If he's having some hard times, let's cheer him up rather than keep turning the past over and over again.
    Jonathan, we're glad you're here. Forget about the past and look forward to some great times on here with your friends.
    If you ever want to talk, don't hesitate to send me a PM.
    And remember, you are always loved, no matter what happens.
    Or to say it with Sora's words:
    Deep down there's a light that never goes out!
  12. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Kodakliv in I feel like I need to explain who I really am.   
    It's great to have you on here, Jonathan !
    I'm not very active here and I haven't even intruduced myself to this amazing community but it's honestly great to meet you
    WI is one nice place to be!
    You really don't need to worry about any learning disabilities, I worked with some kids struggling with LDs a few months back and they are undoubtedly awesome people!
    I'm very sorry for the difficulties you had to experience in your life. Never give up.
    I'm looking forward to having some interesting video game talks with you on here!
    And, again
  13. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Cucco in Why DDD destroyed what KHIII could have been   
    I’ve been revisiting the several plot-difficulties of Dream Drop Distance lately and I come to the ONLY possible conclusion that makes sense and explains everything about this game:
    Besides being the worst game in the series due to its being rushed extremely, this game’s plot and other inconsistencies that became major flaws due to the rewritings done by this horrible game.
    Here I’m going to explain why Nomura’s only chance to save Kingdom Hearts III is to pretend DDD never happened while showing all major flaws this game brought to the series and even its own plot in chronological sequence:

    Mysterious Tower: Yen Sid summons Riku and Sora to take the Mark of Mastery. So far so good but the contradicting starts right here: according to what we have seen in the “Reconnect KH” endings in Coded and BbS, Mickey’s letter was addressed to Sora exclusively, Riku asks whether Sora has made a decision yet, Sora says yes because his tormented connected friends really need him and Kairi asks him to return soon. FLAW-TIME: How can ONE letter tell Sora about the Data-scape, torments of the hearts connected Sora doesn’t even remember AND invite Sora as well as Riku to the Exam?? And why on earth don’t they take Kairi with them?? Destiny Islands: Exam begins: Of course, the boys accept the exam and Yen sends them BACK IN TIME to enter the realm of sleep. WHY does he have those powers while Xehanort needs so many other loopholes. Couldn’t Xehanort just send his companions back in time just like Yen Sid did?? Come On, Nomura MAJOR FLAW NR 1!!! Anyway. The boys are back in time and 14/15 years old again. (WHY doesn’t Sora’s voice resemble his voice back at that time??) Next thing is they MEET Ursula! How come Ursula is in the picture?? And WHY does she want revenge?? If they really were back in time AND IF Ursula were swimming in those seas HOW could she have the Trident and powers she would steal through Ariel way later after D.Islands fell to darkness?? And How can she want revenge for Sora defeating her BEFORE he even met her??? OK, try to ignore it all. BUT why Is there a Keyhole in the Islands?? Destiny Islands has not fallen to darkness yet and was clearly restored at the end of KH1. WHY, Nomura, why a keyhole for SLEEPING worlds trapped in sleep?? So, trying to make sense of that mess still we do not count this keyhole as one of the 7 but rather as Entrance gate to that sleeping realm. Traverse Town: Ignoring the rebuilding the town has undergone and ignoring the fact that the Heroes’ outfits changed, WHY are the boys still 14/15? According to official explanations they traveled back to the present…and should at least have their 15/16 bodies… Another theory is that the person entering dreams is in the time the dream is taken from. BUT this gives way to MAJOR FLAW 2: time travel isn’t even needed, we can just go to any sleeping worlds and that’s it. No complicated rules, just hopping through time, space and beyond all logic. Accepting the fact that dreams are separate and not connected, Sora and Riku are trapped in 2 sides of the same world. Their encounters with the local residents here DO make sense. Some even skip over from one half to the other and the storyline actually works for a while. UNTIL: 2 Keyholws show up in this town. MAJOR FLAW NR 3: why does Traverse have 2 keyholes?? (I count both visits and not the ½ ones Sora and Riku seal/open each). But this just helps us get to the Number of 7, nothing else… Cite/Grid: These worlds do make sense IF we see the dreaminess as a fact. Sora and Riku visit the same word but can only access separate dreams of the same world. The only thing the boys “share” are the locations and the nightmares fought. Riku beats that flying thing and he falls into the fire from the skies. Sora does not see the fire cuz it’s only a dream the world remembers. But he get to battle the fallen nightmare. Makes sense -kinda. STRICTLY SPEAKING, talking to people who don’t remember anything that just happened and people appearing in two people’s dreams or dream-halves IS and STAYS an awkward concept. PRANKSTER: this world illustrates the separation/distance concepts as jiminy does not remember Sora, and hence is a dream-illusion. The awkwardness aside, TIME-JUMPING is still going on as Sora seems to have traveled to the world just before it fell to darkness… Sealing two ½ keyholes works differently here as Sora and Riku seal different world’s keyholes Paradise and Monstro. This is another way to get to the total of 7 if Traverse only counts as 1. BUT MAJOR FLAW 4: How do those keyholes actually work? Do Sora and Riku really need to lock 1 each in their half of the dream to get 1 complete? CONSITENCY EVEN WITHIN 1 GAME WOULD BE NICE!! Musketeers/Fantasia: The Mickey-ness of these world aside, MAJOR FLAW NR 5 is obvious in Musketeer: PARALLEL Time lines, really? How can Mickey and Co. be French Monarchs and Musketeers trapped in their world’s dreams WHILE being awake and in the real world and rulers of Disney castle?? It only makes sense if they left this world and the world is empty for real but the world should remember that, right?? Fantasia did a better job by embedding the past of mickey as apprentice in the mysterious tower setting. NEVERWORLD: If you still feel like you can understand the plot up to this point, you’re losing it at this point. MAJOR FLAW INFINITENESS: HOWs and WHYs are too numerous to be listed actually. Why did Sora end up at this place that has been destroyed. Why does this world have so many different looks and places? How come Sora is changing Forms and skipping from 14 to 15 year old?? NOMURA stated they change from the real world over and back at this place but WTF??? Form changes?? XEMNAS does not make any sense either. While explaining Nobodies DO have heart this would make Roxas having 3 Hearts!! (His own grown heart, Ventus’ [why he looks like him] and later Xion’s and therefore Sora also has 4 Hearts now. Kairi has two. Makes sense – no? and due to this BbS, Days and KH2 don’t make sense anymore. And then our favorite: TIME TRAVEL?? Xehanort’s RULES on time traveling. Yen Sid was able to do that withoutrules just 15 hours ago. I won’t even mention the fact that Nomura ruined ALL other games by f*ing up these rules and the mere inclusion of a NEW ORG XIII!!! OUTCOME: OK, So Sora was sleeping, Riku dove into his dreams acting as a dreameater while locking “fake” keyholes cuz he was trapped in soras dreams within dreams – destroying the very nightmares sora was having and those Nightmares pulled Sora into the darkness. IT seems the Boys traveld back in time at the beginning then disappeared from the real world, became young but suddenly they are back at the tower only sleeping and dreaming their adventures? The threat of Xehanort is only legit if they really “dive” into the sleeping worlds, as in being physically gone from the real world – on the CONTRARY RIKU is just sleeping ON THE FLOOR IN THE TOWER while diving into Sora’s sleeping heart at the end. So IF Xehanort was so dangerous, why didn’t Yen sid just wake the boys if their bodies weren’t really gone? Sora returns to Traverse which should be returned and YET he is sleeping upon arrival, WHY???? AND WHY ARE THOSE CREEPY SPIRITS STILL AROUND?? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TWEWY GANG???
    In conclusion, I’m sure many other will agree, Nomura manages to rewrite and mess up the entire series with one AWFUL game.
    The awesome KH series we once new, the KH we loved cuz it was SORA’s story, is now gone. Goodbye, KH1 with your heartbreaking Sora seeks Kairi nostalgia, CoM with your mysterious introduction of an Organization and a certain Nobody couple, KHII – the best game ever- with all your logical solutions and reunions and a sweet sora+kairi-hug, Days which was good precisely because it didn’t have a happy ending (Xion worked BECAUSE she died never to return to the series), BbS which felt mysterious and had lovely cameos and gave KH so much more depth [and the Roxas-Ventus connection even made sense back when Ventus’ heart transferred over to Roxas] and Coded with the innocent plot (quite good to have a simple linear plot without much complications).

    The Series would have worked out great if they had just released HD1.5 and HD2.5 and KHIII. But now I don’t see much hope after Nomura turned this beloved series into XEHANORT’s saga where Xehanort is an omniscient and omnipresent god-like freak.

    As much as I’m looking forward to 2.5 Remix, I fear Nomura lost his great sense of direction when starting with Final Fantasy XV. I really feel Nomura is all like F* you KH Fans my new pet project is XV and you’ll just get a messed up DDD and KHIII to shut you up.
    And seeing they have been unable to release XV in about 10 years, I don’t see any hope for KHII ever being released, cuz one more financial hardship and they’ll cut it anyway. And judging from the lack of news lately we won’t see 2.5 anytime soon either…

    So I dare say, IMAO, Mr Nomura, PLEASE rethink your decisions, finish FFXV already (if ever), and PUT AT LEAST A TINY BIT OF THINKING EFFORT into the future of KH!! Let’s pretend DDD never happened, trash that junk of a plot and start over with 2.5 and KHIII.

    In all other cases the series will end with KH1.5 and KH2.5 and I’ll have to say: “GOODBYE Kingdom Hearts, (The waiting’s always bothered me anyway)”
    Sorry for the rant but I'm just really disappointed by what companies that used to be really good some years ago did recently. Seems like Nomura with Square and lasseter with disney have never heard of "if it ain't broken DONT fix it!"
    As a fan I feel really betrayed. If they decide to go a different path in the future, that's OK.
    [Recent Disney movie restaurations, messing with new restauration and adding of new Disney logo to old movies... Lasseter-fication of Disney (=now Pixar)]
    [Recent Xehanortification and Finalfantasyfication of KH ...Nomurafication of square]
    If it's just to squeeze profit, let it be. I'd rather see a cancelled KH series without glorified KHIII than a messsed up Xehanort can do it all and yet we'll defeat him by resurrecting ALL characters ever in this series.
    C'mon just let it go!
    Who else thinks that a new lead in this series would be the best solution? I feel KH could use alittle more western philosophy and direction... NEW DIRECTOR!
    I'm writing all this provocative stuff cuz I'm really CONCERNED ABOUT SORA!! AND KAIRI!
  14. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from KingdomHeartsSora in Why DDD destroyed what KHIII could have been   
    I’ve been revisiting the several plot-difficulties of Dream Drop Distance lately and I come to the ONLY possible conclusion that makes sense and explains everything about this game:
    Besides being the worst game in the series due to its being rushed extremely, this game’s plot and other inconsistencies that became major flaws due to the rewritings done by this horrible game.
    Here I’m going to explain why Nomura’s only chance to save Kingdom Hearts III is to pretend DDD never happened while showing all major flaws this game brought to the series and even its own plot in chronological sequence:

    Mysterious Tower: Yen Sid summons Riku and Sora to take the Mark of Mastery. So far so good but the contradicting starts right here: according to what we have seen in the “Reconnect KH” endings in Coded and BbS, Mickey’s letter was addressed to Sora exclusively, Riku asks whether Sora has made a decision yet, Sora says yes because his tormented connected friends really need him and Kairi asks him to return soon. FLAW-TIME: How can ONE letter tell Sora about the Data-scape, torments of the hearts connected Sora doesn’t even remember AND invite Sora as well as Riku to the Exam?? And why on earth don’t they take Kairi with them?? Destiny Islands: Exam begins: Of course, the boys accept the exam and Yen sends them BACK IN TIME to enter the realm of sleep. WHY does he have those powers while Xehanort needs so many other loopholes. Couldn’t Xehanort just send his companions back in time just like Yen Sid did?? Come On, Nomura MAJOR FLAW NR 1!!! Anyway. The boys are back in time and 14/15 years old again. (WHY doesn’t Sora’s voice resemble his voice back at that time??) Next thing is they MEET Ursula! How come Ursula is in the picture?? And WHY does she want revenge?? If they really were back in time AND IF Ursula were swimming in those seas HOW could she have the Trident and powers she would steal through Ariel way later after D.Islands fell to darkness?? And How can she want revenge for Sora defeating her BEFORE he even met her??? OK, try to ignore it all. BUT why Is there a Keyhole in the Islands?? Destiny Islands has not fallen to darkness yet and was clearly restored at the end of KH1. WHY, Nomura, why a keyhole for SLEEPING worlds trapped in sleep?? So, trying to make sense of that mess still we do not count this keyhole as one of the 7 but rather as Entrance gate to that sleeping realm. Traverse Town: Ignoring the rebuilding the town has undergone and ignoring the fact that the Heroes’ outfits changed, WHY are the boys still 14/15? According to official explanations they traveled back to the present…and should at least have their 15/16 bodies… Another theory is that the person entering dreams is in the time the dream is taken from. BUT this gives way to MAJOR FLAW 2: time travel isn’t even needed, we can just go to any sleeping worlds and that’s it. No complicated rules, just hopping through time, space and beyond all logic. Accepting the fact that dreams are separate and not connected, Sora and Riku are trapped in 2 sides of the same world. Their encounters with the local residents here DO make sense. Some even skip over from one half to the other and the storyline actually works for a while. UNTIL: 2 Keyholws show up in this town. MAJOR FLAW NR 3: why does Traverse have 2 keyholes?? (I count both visits and not the ½ ones Sora and Riku seal/open each). But this just helps us get to the Number of 7, nothing else… Cite/Grid: These worlds do make sense IF we see the dreaminess as a fact. Sora and Riku visit the same word but can only access separate dreams of the same world. The only thing the boys “share” are the locations and the nightmares fought. Riku beats that flying thing and he falls into the fire from the skies. Sora does not see the fire cuz it’s only a dream the world remembers. But he get to battle the fallen nightmare. Makes sense -kinda. STRICTLY SPEAKING, talking to people who don’t remember anything that just happened and people appearing in two people’s dreams or dream-halves IS and STAYS an awkward concept. PRANKSTER: this world illustrates the separation/distance concepts as jiminy does not remember Sora, and hence is a dream-illusion. The awkwardness aside, TIME-JUMPING is still going on as Sora seems to have traveled to the world just before it fell to darkness… Sealing two ½ keyholes works differently here as Sora and Riku seal different world’s keyholes Paradise and Monstro. This is another way to get to the total of 7 if Traverse only counts as 1. BUT MAJOR FLAW 4: How do those keyholes actually work? Do Sora and Riku really need to lock 1 each in their half of the dream to get 1 complete? CONSITENCY EVEN WITHIN 1 GAME WOULD BE NICE!! Musketeers/Fantasia: The Mickey-ness of these world aside, MAJOR FLAW NR 5 is obvious in Musketeer: PARALLEL Time lines, really? How can Mickey and Co. be French Monarchs and Musketeers trapped in their world’s dreams WHILE being awake and in the real world and rulers of Disney castle?? It only makes sense if they left this world and the world is empty for real but the world should remember that, right?? Fantasia did a better job by embedding the past of mickey as apprentice in the mysterious tower setting. NEVERWORLD: If you still feel like you can understand the plot up to this point, you’re losing it at this point. MAJOR FLAW INFINITENESS: HOWs and WHYs are too numerous to be listed actually. Why did Sora end up at this place that has been destroyed. Why does this world have so many different looks and places? How come Sora is changing Forms and skipping from 14 to 15 year old?? NOMURA stated they change from the real world over and back at this place but WTF??? Form changes?? XEMNAS does not make any sense either. While explaining Nobodies DO have heart this would make Roxas having 3 Hearts!! (His own grown heart, Ventus’ [why he looks like him] and later Xion’s and therefore Sora also has 4 Hearts now. Kairi has two. Makes sense – no? and due to this BbS, Days and KH2 don’t make sense anymore. And then our favorite: TIME TRAVEL?? Xehanort’s RULES on time traveling. Yen Sid was able to do that withoutrules just 15 hours ago. I won’t even mention the fact that Nomura ruined ALL other games by f*ing up these rules and the mere inclusion of a NEW ORG XIII!!! OUTCOME: OK, So Sora was sleeping, Riku dove into his dreams acting as a dreameater while locking “fake” keyholes cuz he was trapped in soras dreams within dreams – destroying the very nightmares sora was having and those Nightmares pulled Sora into the darkness. IT seems the Boys traveld back in time at the beginning then disappeared from the real world, became young but suddenly they are back at the tower only sleeping and dreaming their adventures? The threat of Xehanort is only legit if they really “dive” into the sleeping worlds, as in being physically gone from the real world – on the CONTRARY RIKU is just sleeping ON THE FLOOR IN THE TOWER while diving into Sora’s sleeping heart at the end. So IF Xehanort was so dangerous, why didn’t Yen sid just wake the boys if their bodies weren’t really gone? Sora returns to Traverse which should be returned and YET he is sleeping upon arrival, WHY???? AND WHY ARE THOSE CREEPY SPIRITS STILL AROUND?? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TWEWY GANG???
    In conclusion, I’m sure many other will agree, Nomura manages to rewrite and mess up the entire series with one AWFUL game.
    The awesome KH series we once new, the KH we loved cuz it was SORA’s story, is now gone. Goodbye, KH1 with your heartbreaking Sora seeks Kairi nostalgia, CoM with your mysterious introduction of an Organization and a certain Nobody couple, KHII – the best game ever- with all your logical solutions and reunions and a sweet sora+kairi-hug, Days which was good precisely because it didn’t have a happy ending (Xion worked BECAUSE she died never to return to the series), BbS which felt mysterious and had lovely cameos and gave KH so much more depth [and the Roxas-Ventus connection even made sense back when Ventus’ heart transferred over to Roxas] and Coded with the innocent plot (quite good to have a simple linear plot without much complications).

    The Series would have worked out great if they had just released HD1.5 and HD2.5 and KHIII. But now I don’t see much hope after Nomura turned this beloved series into XEHANORT’s saga where Xehanort is an omniscient and omnipresent god-like freak.

    As much as I’m looking forward to 2.5 Remix, I fear Nomura lost his great sense of direction when starting with Final Fantasy XV. I really feel Nomura is all like F* you KH Fans my new pet project is XV and you’ll just get a messed up DDD and KHIII to shut you up.
    And seeing they have been unable to release XV in about 10 years, I don’t see any hope for KHII ever being released, cuz one more financial hardship and they’ll cut it anyway. And judging from the lack of news lately we won’t see 2.5 anytime soon either…

    So I dare say, IMAO, Mr Nomura, PLEASE rethink your decisions, finish FFXV already (if ever), and PUT AT LEAST A TINY BIT OF THINKING EFFORT into the future of KH!! Let’s pretend DDD never happened, trash that junk of a plot and start over with 2.5 and KHIII.

    In all other cases the series will end with KH1.5 and KH2.5 and I’ll have to say: “GOODBYE Kingdom Hearts, (The waiting’s always bothered me anyway)”
    Sorry for the rant but I'm just really disappointed by what companies that used to be really good some years ago did recently. Seems like Nomura with Square and lasseter with disney have never heard of "if it ain't broken DONT fix it!"
    As a fan I feel really betrayed. If they decide to go a different path in the future, that's OK.
    [Recent Disney movie restaurations, messing with new restauration and adding of new Disney logo to old movies... Lasseter-fication of Disney (=now Pixar)]
    [Recent Xehanortification and Finalfantasyfication of KH ...Nomurafication of square]
    If it's just to squeeze profit, let it be. I'd rather see a cancelled KH series without glorified KHIII than a messsed up Xehanort can do it all and yet we'll defeat him by resurrecting ALL characters ever in this series.
    C'mon just let it go!
    Who else thinks that a new lead in this series would be the best solution? I feel KH could use alittle more western philosophy and direction... NEW DIRECTOR!
    I'm writing all this provocative stuff cuz I'm really CONCERNED ABOUT SORA!! AND KAIRI!
  15. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Lalalablah in Remember back when being a Keyblade wielder was something special?   
    Ye good ole times...
  16. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Oli in Pixel Sora   
    Awesome shading technique!
  17. Like
    MarkXIIII reacted to Tails in WHEN ARE YOU ''TOO OLD'' TO WATCH CARTOONS?   
    You're never too old to watch cartoons. 
  18. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Sendou Aichi in Why DDD destroyed what KHIII could have been   
    I’ve been revisiting the several plot-difficulties of Dream Drop Distance lately and I come to the ONLY possible conclusion that makes sense and explains everything about this game:
    Besides being the worst game in the series due to its being rushed extremely, this game’s plot and other inconsistencies that became major flaws due to the rewritings done by this horrible game.
    Here I’m going to explain why Nomura’s only chance to save Kingdom Hearts III is to pretend DDD never happened while showing all major flaws this game brought to the series and even its own plot in chronological sequence:

    Mysterious Tower: Yen Sid summons Riku and Sora to take the Mark of Mastery. So far so good but the contradicting starts right here: according to what we have seen in the “Reconnect KH” endings in Coded and BbS, Mickey’s letter was addressed to Sora exclusively, Riku asks whether Sora has made a decision yet, Sora says yes because his tormented connected friends really need him and Kairi asks him to return soon. FLAW-TIME: How can ONE letter tell Sora about the Data-scape, torments of the hearts connected Sora doesn’t even remember AND invite Sora as well as Riku to the Exam?? And why on earth don’t they take Kairi with them?? Destiny Islands: Exam begins: Of course, the boys accept the exam and Yen sends them BACK IN TIME to enter the realm of sleep. WHY does he have those powers while Xehanort needs so many other loopholes. Couldn’t Xehanort just send his companions back in time just like Yen Sid did?? Come On, Nomura MAJOR FLAW NR 1!!! Anyway. The boys are back in time and 14/15 years old again. (WHY doesn’t Sora’s voice resemble his voice back at that time??) Next thing is they MEET Ursula! How come Ursula is in the picture?? And WHY does she want revenge?? If they really were back in time AND IF Ursula were swimming in those seas HOW could she have the Trident and powers she would steal through Ariel way later after D.Islands fell to darkness?? And How can she want revenge for Sora defeating her BEFORE he even met her??? OK, try to ignore it all. BUT why Is there a Keyhole in the Islands?? Destiny Islands has not fallen to darkness yet and was clearly restored at the end of KH1. WHY, Nomura, why a keyhole for SLEEPING worlds trapped in sleep?? So, trying to make sense of that mess still we do not count this keyhole as one of the 7 but rather as Entrance gate to that sleeping realm. Traverse Town: Ignoring the rebuilding the town has undergone and ignoring the fact that the Heroes’ outfits changed, WHY are the boys still 14/15? According to official explanations they traveled back to the present…and should at least have their 15/16 bodies… Another theory is that the person entering dreams is in the time the dream is taken from. BUT this gives way to MAJOR FLAW 2: time travel isn’t even needed, we can just go to any sleeping worlds and that’s it. No complicated rules, just hopping through time, space and beyond all logic. Accepting the fact that dreams are separate and not connected, Sora and Riku are trapped in 2 sides of the same world. Their encounters with the local residents here DO make sense. Some even skip over from one half to the other and the storyline actually works for a while. UNTIL: 2 Keyholws show up in this town. MAJOR FLAW NR 3: why does Traverse have 2 keyholes?? (I count both visits and not the ½ ones Sora and Riku seal/open each). But this just helps us get to the Number of 7, nothing else… Cite/Grid: These worlds do make sense IF we see the dreaminess as a fact. Sora and Riku visit the same word but can only access separate dreams of the same world. The only thing the boys “share” are the locations and the nightmares fought. Riku beats that flying thing and he falls into the fire from the skies. Sora does not see the fire cuz it’s only a dream the world remembers. But he get to battle the fallen nightmare. Makes sense -kinda. STRICTLY SPEAKING, talking to people who don’t remember anything that just happened and people appearing in two people’s dreams or dream-halves IS and STAYS an awkward concept. PRANKSTER: this world illustrates the separation/distance concepts as jiminy does not remember Sora, and hence is a dream-illusion. The awkwardness aside, TIME-JUMPING is still going on as Sora seems to have traveled to the world just before it fell to darkness… Sealing two ½ keyholes works differently here as Sora and Riku seal different world’s keyholes Paradise and Monstro. This is another way to get to the total of 7 if Traverse only counts as 1. BUT MAJOR FLAW 4: How do those keyholes actually work? Do Sora and Riku really need to lock 1 each in their half of the dream to get 1 complete? CONSITENCY EVEN WITHIN 1 GAME WOULD BE NICE!! Musketeers/Fantasia: The Mickey-ness of these world aside, MAJOR FLAW NR 5 is obvious in Musketeer: PARALLEL Time lines, really? How can Mickey and Co. be French Monarchs and Musketeers trapped in their world’s dreams WHILE being awake and in the real world and rulers of Disney castle?? It only makes sense if they left this world and the world is empty for real but the world should remember that, right?? Fantasia did a better job by embedding the past of mickey as apprentice in the mysterious tower setting. NEVERWORLD: If you still feel like you can understand the plot up to this point, you’re losing it at this point. MAJOR FLAW INFINITENESS: HOWs and WHYs are too numerous to be listed actually. Why did Sora end up at this place that has been destroyed. Why does this world have so many different looks and places? How come Sora is changing Forms and skipping from 14 to 15 year old?? NOMURA stated they change from the real world over and back at this place but WTF??? Form changes?? XEMNAS does not make any sense either. While explaining Nobodies DO have heart this would make Roxas having 3 Hearts!! (His own grown heart, Ventus’ [why he looks like him] and later Xion’s and therefore Sora also has 4 Hearts now. Kairi has two. Makes sense – no? and due to this BbS, Days and KH2 don’t make sense anymore. And then our favorite: TIME TRAVEL?? Xehanort’s RULES on time traveling. Yen Sid was able to do that withoutrules just 15 hours ago. I won’t even mention the fact that Nomura ruined ALL other games by f*ing up these rules and the mere inclusion of a NEW ORG XIII!!! OUTCOME: OK, So Sora was sleeping, Riku dove into his dreams acting as a dreameater while locking “fake” keyholes cuz he was trapped in soras dreams within dreams – destroying the very nightmares sora was having and those Nightmares pulled Sora into the darkness. IT seems the Boys traveld back in time at the beginning then disappeared from the real world, became young but suddenly they are back at the tower only sleeping and dreaming their adventures? The threat of Xehanort is only legit if they really “dive” into the sleeping worlds, as in being physically gone from the real world – on the CONTRARY RIKU is just sleeping ON THE FLOOR IN THE TOWER while diving into Sora’s sleeping heart at the end. So IF Xehanort was so dangerous, why didn’t Yen sid just wake the boys if their bodies weren’t really gone? Sora returns to Traverse which should be returned and YET he is sleeping upon arrival, WHY???? AND WHY ARE THOSE CREEPY SPIRITS STILL AROUND?? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TWEWY GANG???
    In conclusion, I’m sure many other will agree, Nomura manages to rewrite and mess up the entire series with one AWFUL game.
    The awesome KH series we once new, the KH we loved cuz it was SORA’s story, is now gone. Goodbye, KH1 with your heartbreaking Sora seeks Kairi nostalgia, CoM with your mysterious introduction of an Organization and a certain Nobody couple, KHII – the best game ever- with all your logical solutions and reunions and a sweet sora+kairi-hug, Days which was good precisely because it didn’t have a happy ending (Xion worked BECAUSE she died never to return to the series), BbS which felt mysterious and had lovely cameos and gave KH so much more depth [and the Roxas-Ventus connection even made sense back when Ventus’ heart transferred over to Roxas] and Coded with the innocent plot (quite good to have a simple linear plot without much complications).

    The Series would have worked out great if they had just released HD1.5 and HD2.5 and KHIII. But now I don’t see much hope after Nomura turned this beloved series into XEHANORT’s saga where Xehanort is an omniscient and omnipresent god-like freak.

    As much as I’m looking forward to 2.5 Remix, I fear Nomura lost his great sense of direction when starting with Final Fantasy XV. I really feel Nomura is all like F* you KH Fans my new pet project is XV and you’ll just get a messed up DDD and KHIII to shut you up.
    And seeing they have been unable to release XV in about 10 years, I don’t see any hope for KHII ever being released, cuz one more financial hardship and they’ll cut it anyway. And judging from the lack of news lately we won’t see 2.5 anytime soon either…

    So I dare say, IMAO, Mr Nomura, PLEASE rethink your decisions, finish FFXV already (if ever), and PUT AT LEAST A TINY BIT OF THINKING EFFORT into the future of KH!! Let’s pretend DDD never happened, trash that junk of a plot and start over with 2.5 and KHIII.

    In all other cases the series will end with KH1.5 and KH2.5 and I’ll have to say: “GOODBYE Kingdom Hearts, (The waiting’s always bothered me anyway)”
    Sorry for the rant but I'm just really disappointed by what companies that used to be really good some years ago did recently. Seems like Nomura with Square and lasseter with disney have never heard of "if it ain't broken DONT fix it!"
    As a fan I feel really betrayed. If they decide to go a different path in the future, that's OK.
    [Recent Disney movie restaurations, messing with new restauration and adding of new Disney logo to old movies... Lasseter-fication of Disney (=now Pixar)]
    [Recent Xehanortification and Finalfantasyfication of KH ...Nomurafication of square]
    If it's just to squeeze profit, let it be. I'd rather see a cancelled KH series without glorified KHIII than a messsed up Xehanort can do it all and yet we'll defeat him by resurrecting ALL characters ever in this series.
    C'mon just let it go!
    Who else thinks that a new lead in this series would be the best solution? I feel KH could use alittle more western philosophy and direction... NEW DIRECTOR!
    I'm writing all this provocative stuff cuz I'm really CONCERNED ABOUT SORA!! AND KAIRI!
  19. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Lalalablah in (Fan-Art) Making a REAL KH3 box art!   
    IT'S A PREVIEW!!! FOLKS, stop critisizing it!
    Looks great, dude. Maybe you could make Sora look a little more Disney-like but keep up the good work.
  20. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Sorual in What do you want the Hoenn Pokemon games to be?   
    Real remake, as true to the original as possible.
    But they could extent the hoenn pokedex (but only the evolutions of the hoenn pokes) and extended story lines as post game optionals.
    I'd also love to see new towns and an extended world (maybe even more gyms where you can choose which 8 to challenge).
    BUT I want the truthful Hoenn experience
    + all Emerald innovations:
    Both teams are evil
    Groudon and Kyogre are awakened and fight and have to be calmed down by rayquaza (and afterwards you catch one)
    Battle Frontier 
    PokeNav with Cell phone functions
    but I do hope they have both, all original contest halls and battle tents
    Secret bases
    I just hope the ultimate Hoenn game combo will be:
    omegaruby, alphasapphire and the original emerald version
    Also: did I mention I want Brendan and May back?
    Concerning their design, limited customizing would be cool like choosing from old styles (like in the gba versions) and new updated styles and also between r/s and emerald styled clothes and maybe the colors (red/blue/green) would be cool
    What would rock: some pokes that follow behind the trainer
    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Generation 3 had vivid deep colors and the hoenn Pokémon look awful in XY.
    I hope they return to richer and darker colors for this region and I hope they keep a steady over world (only hoenn had a world that did not need to refresh screens between towns)
    They might even let us access mor of the islands to the south and remember faraway island? It was not not on the map pf hoenn, so maybe it is part of the decolora isles and maybe we can go thee post-game like the sevii islands (based on the orange islands).
  21. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Setrex in What do you want the Hoenn Pokemon games to be?   
    Real remake, as true to the original as possible.
    But they could extent the hoenn pokedex (but only the evolutions of the hoenn pokes) and extended story lines as post game optionals.
    I'd also love to see new towns and an extended world (maybe even more gyms where you can choose which 8 to challenge).
    BUT I want the truthful Hoenn experience
    + all Emerald innovations:
    Both teams are evil
    Groudon and Kyogre are awakened and fight and have to be calmed down by rayquaza (and afterwards you catch one)
    Battle Frontier 
    PokeNav with Cell phone functions
    but I do hope they have both, all original contest halls and battle tents
    Secret bases
    I just hope the ultimate Hoenn game combo will be:
    omegaruby, alphasapphire and the original emerald version
    Also: did I mention I want Brendan and May back?
    Concerning their design, limited customizing would be cool like choosing from old styles (like in the gba versions) and new updated styles and also between r/s and emerald styled clothes and maybe the colors (red/blue/green) would be cool
    What would rock: some pokes that follow behind the trainer
    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Generation 3 had vivid deep colors and the hoenn Pokémon look awful in XY.
    I hope they return to richer and darker colors for this region and I hope they keep a steady over world (only hoenn had a world that did not need to refresh screens between towns)
    They might even let us access mor of the islands to the south and remember faraway island? It was not not on the map pf hoenn, so maybe it is part of the decolora isles and maybe we can go thee post-game like the sevii islands (based on the orange islands).
  22. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from The Transcendent Key in Two Manga/Anime Women I Drew Today! :)   
    How come your topic is called [...] I drew TODAY and your art sig is dated 2013??
  23. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Dio Brando in Handheld Over Console? -- Podcast Beyond   
    More buttons, more graphics, more stabilty.
    HD display, Dolby sound, flashy graphics, better rendering,
    consiles over handheld for sure!
    BbS was the only thing that came remotely close to a console title ever. But still I bet it will be zillions of times better on PS3
  24. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Exiblade7 in Kingdom Hearts 3 At E3 2014 (No Confrimation)   
    Same here!
    Hoping for:
    2.5 ReMIX new trailer showing off new voiced scenes, new gameplay and possible bonus content
    + announcement of global release date in fall (like Spetember in Japan, October in NA, November in EU)
    KH 3 proper trler showing off some cutscenes, voice acting and new gameplay and new worlds
    + new status saying "coming" soon rather than "now in dev"
    BbS, Flood Plushie announcement, it's the only of the 4 plushies (MeowWow, Shadow, Dusk) still missing and I bet they release it with 2.5
    Chi, International verison announcement
  25. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Exiblade7 in Five reasons why I like Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.   
    1) Dwarf Woodlands
    2) Ven and his speed attacks
    3) Never land mainland!! (but why can't we fly????????)
    4) Background stories and kiddo cameos
    5) hoping for rerecorded music for KH2FM and BbSFM in 2.5ReMIX
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