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  1. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from lea12345 in Pre-registration for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ in Japan now open, releasing in September for Japan   
    Pre-registration is just a mistranslation!
    It's like a sign-up for a newsletter.
    You'll get an email that tells you it's ready for download on the app store.
    It's just for their marketting so they can 1) gauge how many people are interested 2) gather email data and 3) spam you with future notifications
    but you'll get an email link to the wallpapers - or you can just type in the url...
    Get it, people!
  2. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Ninkoro in Pre-registration for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ in Japan now open, releasing in September for Japan   
    iOS Apps usually are identitcal to all regions of the app store. Most of these apps include several language options as well.
    Assuming that the game will be exactly the same all over the world, I don't see why they should make that big of a fuss about a release.
    I mean, they just have to make sure everything is translated accurately by the release and then release it world-wide.
    Everyone signs in with a google or itunes account to save progress and the interactions with other players are put out in the respective system's language.
    It's just a smartphone game. It's been done hundreds of times, Even the recent Pokemon games works similarly.
    I really don't know why they make it seem so complicated. They really only have to come up with a working app. Android and iOS provide the rest.
    Therefore, I expect an American release at the same time.
    Also, they could easily release it in Europe as well. Just translate the fricking game. There's really nothing more to it.
  3. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from jadentheman in Pre-registration for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ in Japan now open, releasing in September for Japan   
    iOS Apps usually are identitcal to all regions of the app store. Most of these apps include several language options as well.
    Assuming that the game will be exactly the same all over the world, I don't see why they should make that big of a fuss about a release.
    I mean, they just have to make sure everything is translated accurately by the release and then release it world-wide.
    Everyone signs in with a google or itunes account to save progress and the interactions with other players are put out in the respective system's language.
    It's just a smartphone game. It's been done hundreds of times, Even the recent Pokemon games works similarly.
    I really don't know why they make it seem so complicated. They really only have to come up with a working app. Android and iOS provide the rest.
    Therefore, I expect an American release at the same time.
    Also, they could easily release it in Europe as well. Just translate the fricking game. There's really nothing more to it.
  4. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Blooming Marluxia in Unlocking Final Form   
    Go to Olympus Colisseum.
    Equip Two Become One Keyblade. This Keyblade triggers antiform every time you go into a drive.
    Final Form appears randomly instead of antifirom. Therefore, Two Become One increases the chances for Final form as you can't go into any regular forms.
    Also, every time you don't get final form but antiform, the chances for final form are increased, if this happens several times it even increases to 100%.
    Before Two Become One, people had to go into drive forms repeatedly until antiform kicked in. As it took several tries to get anti it took longer to randomly encounter final form as adeviation of antiform.
    To speed up the process even more, enter the Cerberus cup (or the one tha lets you use drive forms)
    from there, you just activate any drive form and it should trigger antiform because of Two Become One. Wait until it wears off and activate another drive andantiform should kcik in again.If you run out of bars, just hit enemies to rapidly reload your drive gauge.
    Repeat this until final form appears instead of anti form.
    Once you enter final form once, you can activate final form any time form the drive menu like any of the other forms.
    Note: if you still have Two Become One equipped, the only form you an activate correctly will be final form as all other forms will trigger antiform. This is a certain way to trigger antiform at will but if you want to access all other drive forms, use any other keyblade.
    Hope this helps.
    You can find more information on anti form and the dark points that trigger it, check khwiki, it'S easy to understand.
    (basically, each form stocks up dark points and the more you assemble, the more likely antiform will kick in. Final Form deducts from these points, however, so you can manage them if you keep track)
  5. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Bewilde in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ on iPad   
    Not with TWEWY they didn't.
    You had to purchase two seperate versions.
    But at least they made it available for iPad.
  6. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Master Eraqus in Pre-registration for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ in Japan now open, releasing in September for Japan   
    iOS Apps usually are identitcal to all regions of the app store. Most of these apps include several language options as well.
    Assuming that the game will be exactly the same all over the world, I don't see why they should make that big of a fuss about a release.
    I mean, they just have to make sure everything is translated accurately by the release and then release it world-wide.
    Everyone signs in with a google or itunes account to save progress and the interactions with other players are put out in the respective system's language.
    It's just a smartphone game. It's been done hundreds of times, Even the recent Pokemon games works similarly.
    I really don't know why they make it seem so complicated. They really only have to come up with a working app. Android and iOS provide the rest.
    Therefore, I expect an American release at the same time.
    Also, they could easily release it in Europe as well. Just translate the fricking game. There's really nothing more to it.
  7. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from AlixtheMagi13 in Kingdom Hearts 3 Looks Like Pure Magic   
    Looks pretty cool.
    I just hope they're gonna improve their shading and texturing. Looks very basic like a very early stage of animation.
    But the movement looks fluent and amazing!
    Sora's new style is also growing on me!! Like the longer bangs and tucked up back.
    I only have one wish:
    I'd rather they stick with and drawn character icons. It would give a more classical KH feeling. Or better even hand drawn animated that fluently change from happy to angry to fatigued.
    And I really hope they won't waste too many resources on expanding the worlds and fighting styles as I think they need to work on the shading and character models big time! IMHO, no KH trailer ever had such poor and expression-less models.
    Judging from that, it does feel like they just threw anything they could find into that trailer to be able to showcase anything.
    It makes me sad that they probably won't be making much progress.
    Bonita is also directing FFVII and that ones huge! I don't expect KHIIi before 2017, tbh.
    I guess they'll have ddd in 2016 anyway.
    I hope they stick with the cutscenes models for all cutscenes.
    I think those look absolutely stellar and better than anything we've seen so far!
    I'd love to see models for the other characters in motion as well!
  8. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from WakingDawn96 in Will you be spending Valentine's Day with someone special?   
    Worst Day of the year...
  9. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from AlixtheMagi13 in Which character did you like the most to play as in Birth by Sleep Final Mix?   
    Ven. I loved his swift attacks and wind-based Magic.
    Also, his fighting style is closest to that of Roxas' and Sora's and I really enjoyed that.
    The key blade held backhands was a unique style and I loved the design of his custom key blades.
    AND: one word: Glide!
    Also, I loved his story. The last battle against Vanitas was epic and, imho, the storyline in Dwarf Woodlands was really good. It's my favorite world, so I'll go with that.
    Aqua is a close second.
    I enjoyed Terra as well but I don't like that he's so slow and doesn't have a decent dodge ability.
  10. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from SRKTVAMDGRLXN in If Nobodies can grow a heart...   
    They can grow a heart but they still don't exist because they lack a body.
    If you kill them, they completely disappear unless they are restored as a person when the original heart is released from a heartless before that.
    Therefore, Lea became axel. Axel's heart was some random heartless that was slain and the heart was released at some point. 
    Axel was born because the shell that is left behind TURNS into a heartless (it's not the real body as a "body" requires a heart and body).
    Axel develops a heart after connecting with sora and ven (through roxas). Therefore Axel can exist but he stil doesnt, et that?
    So when Axel as complete as he can become as a nobidy is killed, he completely vanishes! His shell/body fades and his heart dies.
    Then he is restored as Lea with his original body and heart.
    I did some research into that as it didnt make any sense otherwise. If Axel kept his heart he would end up having two hearts when he was restored as lea with his original heart.
    Xion develops a heart as well.
    Roxas, however, doesn't! Nobodies try to become whole and this includes having a heart. So they can grow a heart but roxas already has one, which is Ven's.
    Ven's heart is sleeping inside Roxas (which is why they look alike) and he sorta can feel that therefore he does not crave having feelings and a heart like all the other nobodies. The heart is "awakened" by the intense feelings at Xion's death and therefore Roxas can dualwield.
    That means that Roxas is the only nobody that does not have a heart of his own.
    This is based on the fact that 1 being can only have one won heart. PEople can harbor other people'S hearts but only temporarily and it stays the other person's heart. 
    When he is reunited with Sora, Roxas and Ven'S heart return to Sora and when Ven is awakened Sora's heart is left as the only one.
    Therefore, Restoring Axel is useless as he is in fact lea. Restoring Xion could be accomplished if they could recreate her grown heart somehow.
    But restoring Roxas should be impossible as he is the only true nobidy without a heart. (and they should keep it that way o else they'll lose all credibility on their universe)
    Namine , I think, does not have a heart because she didnt have a heartless either (Kairi'S heart holds no darkness). 
    Hence, restoring LEa was credible. Xion coming back would be hard but remotely feasible. 
    Roxas and Namine should be just inside Kairi and Sora to keep credibility. MAybe a cutscene appearance but not as an independent person.
    Ven will return alongside with Terra and Aqua and each character will have ONE heart and therefore exist.
    In order to kill Xehanort, they need to completely destroy his heart and they'll be good.
  11. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Official Bowtie Artist in They even upgraded Jiminy's Journal!   
    While playing through KH 2 Final Mix, I noticed they completely upgraded Jiminy's journal.
    On the character screens where you see the little character snapshots, they included pictures ofd the most recent renders created for 2.5 Remix.
    Did anyone else notice?
  12. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Daxam XXI in If Nobodies can grow a heart...   
    They can grow a heart but they still don't exist because they lack a body.
    If you kill them, they completely disappear unless they are restored as a person when the original heart is released from a heartless before that.
    Therefore, Lea became axel. Axel's heart was some random heartless that was slain and the heart was released at some point. 
    Axel was born because the shell that is left behind TURNS into a heartless (it's not the real body as a "body" requires a heart and body).
    Axel develops a heart after connecting with sora and ven (through roxas). Therefore Axel can exist but he stil doesnt, et that?
    So when Axel as complete as he can become as a nobidy is killed, he completely vanishes! His shell/body fades and his heart dies.
    Then he is restored as Lea with his original body and heart.
    I did some research into that as it didnt make any sense otherwise. If Axel kept his heart he would end up having two hearts when he was restored as lea with his original heart.
    Xion develops a heart as well.
    Roxas, however, doesn't! Nobodies try to become whole and this includes having a heart. So they can grow a heart but roxas already has one, which is Ven's.
    Ven's heart is sleeping inside Roxas (which is why they look alike) and he sorta can feel that therefore he does not crave having feelings and a heart like all the other nobodies. The heart is "awakened" by the intense feelings at Xion's death and therefore Roxas can dualwield.
    That means that Roxas is the only nobody that does not have a heart of his own.
    This is based on the fact that 1 being can only have one won heart. PEople can harbor other people'S hearts but only temporarily and it stays the other person's heart. 
    When he is reunited with Sora, Roxas and Ven'S heart return to Sora and when Ven is awakened Sora's heart is left as the only one.
    Therefore, Restoring Axel is useless as he is in fact lea. Restoring Xion could be accomplished if they could recreate her grown heart somehow.
    But restoring Roxas should be impossible as he is the only true nobidy without a heart. (and they should keep it that way o else they'll lose all credibility on their universe)
    Namine , I think, does not have a heart because she didnt have a heartless either (Kairi'S heart holds no darkness). 
    Hence, restoring LEa was credible. Xion coming back would be hard but remotely feasible. 
    Roxas and Namine should be just inside Kairi and Sora to keep credibility. MAybe a cutscene appearance but not as an independent person.
    Ven will return alongside with Terra and Aqua and each character will have ONE heart and therefore exist.
    In order to kill Xehanort, they need to completely destroy his heart and they'll be good.
  13. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Caity in Do Nobodies age?   
    Namine ages because herreal body (and heart) does exist and ages as well. (Kairi)
    Roxas does only a tiny bit because he has Ven's heart and Ven is sleeping and hence not aging. Sora does so it'S a grey zone there.
  14. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Caity in If Nobodies can grow a heart...   
    They can grow a heart but they still don't exist because they lack a body.
    If you kill them, they completely disappear unless they are restored as a person when the original heart is released from a heartless before that.
    Therefore, Lea became axel. Axel's heart was some random heartless that was slain and the heart was released at some point. 
    Axel was born because the shell that is left behind TURNS into a heartless (it's not the real body as a "body" requires a heart and body).
    Axel develops a heart after connecting with sora and ven (through roxas). Therefore Axel can exist but he stil doesnt, et that?
    So when Axel as complete as he can become as a nobidy is killed, he completely vanishes! His shell/body fades and his heart dies.
    Then he is restored as Lea with his original body and heart.
    I did some research into that as it didnt make any sense otherwise. If Axel kept his heart he would end up having two hearts when he was restored as lea with his original heart.
    Xion develops a heart as well.
    Roxas, however, doesn't! Nobodies try to become whole and this includes having a heart. So they can grow a heart but roxas already has one, which is Ven's.
    Ven's heart is sleeping inside Roxas (which is why they look alike) and he sorta can feel that therefore he does not crave having feelings and a heart like all the other nobodies. The heart is "awakened" by the intense feelings at Xion's death and therefore Roxas can dualwield.
    That means that Roxas is the only nobody that does not have a heart of his own.
    This is based on the fact that 1 being can only have one won heart. PEople can harbor other people'S hearts but only temporarily and it stays the other person's heart. 
    When he is reunited with Sora, Roxas and Ven'S heart return to Sora and when Ven is awakened Sora's heart is left as the only one.
    Therefore, Restoring Axel is useless as he is in fact lea. Restoring Xion could be accomplished if they could recreate her grown heart somehow.
    But restoring Roxas should be impossible as he is the only true nobidy without a heart. (and they should keep it that way o else they'll lose all credibility on their universe)
    Namine , I think, does not have a heart because she didnt have a heartless either (Kairi'S heart holds no darkness). 
    Hence, restoring LEa was credible. Xion coming back would be hard but remotely feasible. 
    Roxas and Namine should be just inside Kairi and Sora to keep credibility. MAybe a cutscene appearance but not as an independent person.
    Ven will return alongside with Terra and Aqua and each character will have ONE heart and therefore exist.
    In order to kill Xehanort, they need to completely destroy his heart and they'll be good.
  15. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Forever in Forced Medical Procedures? Are They Right?   
    I think it's a severe and intolerable infringement on personal freedom. They can force the mother to let the daughter decide on her own but not force someone into potentially poisonous therapy!
    Government has no right to influence her own choice. Even if she decided to refusetreatment and die it's her own choice.
    For minors it's a different situation but in general it's personal choice and freedom.
  16. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Kello in 2.5 little reviews?   
    "Few reviews" as the opposite of "Many reviews"
    'little' and 'much' are for uncountable entities 
    just saying. Peace!
  17. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Aru Akise in 2.5 little reviews?   
    "Few reviews" as the opposite of "Many reviews"
    'little' and 'much' are for uncountable entities 
    just saying. Peace!
  18. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Ninkoro in Packaging of the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 & 2.5 ReMIX Original Soundtrack Box revealed   
    I just don't get why Disney and Square Enix don't team up for better promoting.
    If Disney included Kingdom Hearts on their website, and showed spots on Disneychannel, it would be even more popular.
    Also, releasing the Soundtracks in North America alongside the game in various editions WITHOUT having to rely on the Square Enix store, would be so much easier. It would make more sense if you could get these articles in store and on Amazon, Gamestop and Disneystore.
    Finally, a release of these Soundtracks on iTunes would be most popular I think.
    I mean, come on, even Pokemon has better promotion by now - and they are on iTunes!
    Feels like Disney is going down...
  19. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Shulk in Kingdom Hearts 3 release date, December 31st 2015? (speculation)   
    Oh that's just a typo.
    They meant December 31, 3015.
  20. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Green Sparrow in Kingdom Hearts 3 release date, December 31st 2015? (speculation)   
    Oh that's just a typo.
    They meant December 31, 3015.
  21. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Ghost in Best states for Colleges   
    Hey guys, sorry if this is not related to anyting KH. It's just very important to me and I want to hear as many different opinions as possible.
    I am in my senior year right now but I already got some admission letters from colleges on the requirement I keep my GPA this year.
    I grew up in Iowa, but I got admitted in Colleges in these States:
    IA, IN, KY, TN, OR, WA also Boston, MA but I don't feel comfortable with the Eastern States.
    Concerning your experience, besides choosing the school that fits best, which States would you say are the best?
    Is there anything I should consider in any of these states? (Laws, crime, cultural differences, health care?)
    I'm on the fence because I really love IA and I don't really want to leave but I also really enjoyed KY and IN, also Nashville.
    Any opinions on Midwest, South or West coast states?
  22. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Sora96 in Dream Team releases Halloween Town movie   
    I think this looks great!
    Don't listen to the others saying this was "nothing special".
    It IS something special.
    You compiled the scenes from "a world" but you created something aking to a Kingdom Hearts: Halloween Special.
    It's great you used all the Halloween town scenes and added a touch of music.
    I remember very well the Halloween special some TV channels did some years ago.
    Technically, they "just" compiled spooky scenes from movies and cartoons, but the special feel of watching it shortly before halloween and getting creeped up with friends was truly unique.
    Thank you for creating this, I thorougly enjoy it!
    Maybe you'll come  up with a Christmastown special next?
    Or a Sora and Kairi compilation for Valentine's day?
    Great job!
  23. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from HikariYami in "DDD Won't Work on Consoles"   
    Oh they will make it work. 
    It's too tempting and lucrative for them to pass out on another chance to cash in.
    Despite no one really needs it in the first place. If they include a 5 min video in KHIII it'll do the trick as well.
    Even re:coded was more important.
    re:coded's essence is:
    Mickey and the gang deciphered hidden data from Jiminy's journals.
    As data versions the characters debugged corrupted data and they also recovered lost data from the lost characters.
    Mickey writes a letter to Sora to invite him for a mark of mastery exam.
    Maleficent tries to work on new schemes using the digital worlds.
    It takes more to summarize this, as it is actually important to the story and as a standalone story.
    It is relevant for KHIII.
    Sora and Riku take the exam, Riku becomes a master, Sora fails
    Xehanort travels forward through time and back again.
    This story, as screwed up as it is, is not very important.
    The fact that Xehanort is now traveling through time and Riku is a master is told in one sentence and not too important for KHIII.
    If Yen Sid would give one explanation on enemies, like in KHII, he could cover ALL of what has been boringly extended on in 3D.
    Besides that, Coded was fun, 3D was buggy, rushed and pointless...
  24. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from TheGuide in Hidden leaf represent   
    don't be rude, I bet most people don't even recognize it.
    I'm actually jealous right now, haha
  25. Like
    MarkXIIII got a reaction from Kittenz in I don't know why I find this so funny   
    Hahahaha, it is very funny.
    Reminds me of those, by now obscured, times when Disney still had hand drawn cartoons intended to entertain instead of today's crappy CGI preschool shows.
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