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Kingdom Of Me

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Everything posted by Kingdom Of Me

  1. I thought about when I have kids when I grow up whether I should name them Roxas or Sora, but decided against it for a number of reasons. I might use them as Middle names though, Sora doesn't seem like a bad middle name.... On another note one of my close friends and Kingdom Hearts fan said that he was definitely going to name his future kid Riku.
  2. pretty sure that is just a clear case with a cutout of a collage glued to the back.... basically it is homemade.. just get a clear case and make one yourself.... certainly cheaper than a million Yen
  3. I'm the best Jester/ Executioner Username on ToS is Oblivian474
  4. So for the past week I've been playing this free-to-play browser game called Town of Salem, which is basically the party game Mafia, if you played this as a kid it is where you sit in a circle, and close your eyes and if you are picked as "The Mafia" you point to someone to kill, when everyone opens there eyes you try to figure out who killed that person it is like that but with people from the internet. I saw Markiplier play it on his Youtube and it looked really fun! It is free to play, but it is not pay to win, the only thing you use money on is costumes, pets, and death animations... purely cosmetic which is what all DLC and Free to Play things should be! Here is a link http://blankmediagames.com it is also on steam. Check it out, and i hope to see some of you there If you want to use me as a referral my username is Oblivian474
  5. If FFXV is good enough, fun enough, challenging enough, and long enough, I would be okay with that plan.
  6. I'm playing on proud mode, and I don't know why... I just keep dying, I keep getting overwhelmed. I played and beaten KH, BBS and KHII on proud and beating the Data battles and Lingering Will, I've also played and beaten all the other games on the DS on normal. But KHDDD on proud seems to be the hardest Kingdom Hearts game. I have Second Chance and well trained dreameaters, (although I've gotten sick of petting them, I do play the balloon game and water game with them) Anyway did anyone else have this much trouble in DDD? My friends tell me to "Spam flowmotion... just spam flowmotion" but I don't want to play like that, ya know?"
  7. No, I'm single... #SINGLESUNITE I'm most likely going to be watching the SNL special and playing Persona 4 Golden in my room.... worst Holiday ever...
  8. I would really be interested to hear what that those four cartoon anime boys have to say about that article... They seem... Perhaps.... a little too excited for whatever reason...
  9. In the computer room for Math class, ...Should be doing Math, but instead I have to write a draft on an Essay on a book that I've read only 6 chapters off that is due next block.....%$#%^%$#$%^&*&%^$@!!!

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      I feel you there ahahaha

    2. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      15 minutes left and half a page to go.... at least its only supposed to be a rough draft..... because it is VERY rough

  10. "Do 15 seconds of animation...... also you are not allowed to use tweens" ....Wait, What?!

  11. "Believe in the heart of the cards!"
  12. I'm so Hyped for the new Persona 5 game! What do you think of everything they've shown? The map traversal looks fresh and unique, but I like how the Combat still seems to be at its roots but improved which is perfect! *Me and my close friend are freaking out right now!!* Also the Protagonist looks like all the right kinds of creepy, dark mysterious....unlike the normal persona protagonist he seems to be dripping with personality! Also I wanted to ask in every Atlas Persona and SMT allowed you to name your Protagonist, so do you have any names in mind?
  13. So I'm getting a head start and thinking of names to use for the Protagonist of Persona 5...

  14. OH MY GAWD!!! it was like "New Trailer?! That is awesome!!"....."2-D animated cut-scene!! Sweet, that's pretty cool!" ...... "Intro cutscene? wow thats nice of them, Love the art sty--" *Gameplay footage* "---GAHHHHH!!!!" *I die of fandom overload* *Combat footage* * I get resurrected just so I can die of fandom overload again!" Also that short haired Blond dude is the Junpei/ Yosuke/ bestfriend of this game, clearly.
  15. I don't care about anything other than Persona 5 I've already played every game since Persona 3, I just want to see some persona 5!!
  16. I might get this only for the FFXV demo, since I never even heard of Type-0 since the HD announcement.
  17. Working my way though Dream Drop Distance.... I kinda just want to skip to the end story where they tell me WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!

    1. Cricket


      Patience, just enjoy it~ The ending is great.

    2. Joker


      on crit mode?

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