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Kingdom Of Me

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Everything posted by Kingdom Of Me

  1. Yep! And if Ace attorney thaught me one thing, it would be that, in a court of law, parrots are legit witnesses!
  2. What about Dragon's Dogma? It is actually a really good game, and compared to DMC and resident evil six a much better game.
  3. I Just want it to be good, and what'll make it good? SUPER LONG, COLORFUL, STYLISTIC, ENDLESSLY EPIC, FAST PACED WITH A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF SLOW MOTION BOSS BATTLES!!!! *ahem* you know just some cut scenes of Data!Sora fighting Data!Roxas and his Data!Heartless, whatever you know... simple stuff...nothing unreasonable...
  4. Sora and Roxas!!! hmm uhh what? oh I don't have any thougths on this...
  5. OMG I forgot about Data!Roxas that fight was awesome!! I remember spinning around in the air trying to hit him and dodging light pillars and being like "B**** get over here!" Oh but Sora Vs his heartless was just too cool and I almost want to play Coded again just for that......do I?... I could... it is the weekend...no I got to finish Persona 3... anyway I'm 100% sure (and I saw this in an interview I don't have access to) but the Maleficent battle is included at least.
  6. They've finished voicing the cut senes in Japan. What we don't know yet is if they finished the voices for the English version... I don't think so. So I was thinking because I remembered in 1.5's remix cut senes there are ones that awkwardly have no voice, (Riku landing in Hollow Baston, and him in the wayward to dawn(or whatever)) Also to note the Unknown boss battle where they took sound clips for Sora, Donald, and Goofy. My point is SE is trying very hard to keep the voices the same, picking no voice then older ones, because HJO and uh.......*draws blank*.... can't do the voices anymore, (as proven in Re:COM where Sora sounds kind of...older) but I don't know what'll they will do for Re:Coded since Data!Sora (Is that right?) Is based on the 14yo Sora, will they have HJO or will they have a 14yo sound alike? Also I don't know how they did it in DDD because I've yet to play that game.
  7. I've heard a lot of people complain about the number of npcs in Kingdom Hearts game, but to be fair you have to remember... EVERYONE IS TURNING INTO HEARTLESS. I like to consider it as like the black plague. No one is going into it like "Oh, my mom got turned into a heartless, or where is my father," or anything like that because it is still a Disney game, but it DOES happen... (although I think the npcs taking about it like that would add a level of maturity and darkness to KH3) so think of it as people staying indoors.
  8. One habit I have is with video games, it falls by a case by case, but most of the time I'll play a game like the first hour or so to get the feel for it... then I'd restart it the next morning...and on some cases I'd play the first few hours again. With enslaved I played the first part TONS of times. I have to finish a game (If American game) within a day or at most a weekend. Why? Because I used to go to a boarding school and I could only play games on a weekend, and if I can't...I don't know...I've always been able to finish most games in a weekend. If it is a Japanese game which is usually a lot longer or an RPG then I'll play that, and only that until I finish like... persona 3. lastly I pretty much only play games if I know I have at least 4 or 5 hours of free time... If I have an hour or two to play a game I won't do it or it would have to be an episodic (walking dead, phoenix wright) or really short game. Mostly I'll play a game for 7 or 8 hours straight.
  9. A fair point but how would "a flashback" work? AH, fair enough. However I still think that they'll save the Lion King II, until the next saga.
  10. I understand that it's an important part of the story, I just meant that it's a dream world... none of it happened for real, ya know?
  11. I just wanted to add that I personally hope that the Loin King makes a return, because it is my favorite world, running around and fighting as Lion Sora was soo much fun, however It might make an appearance in the Next saga, which should be a few years later... I haven't played DDD yet, however my understanding is that the whole of DDD is in a dream right? So it wouldn't really count.
  12. The Loin King II, if i'm not mistaken, takes place a few years later right? And 11/2 takes place in the middle of the events of KHII. Sora is only going to be either sixteen still like DDD, or seventeen. I don't think that's enough time because I doubt the daughter cub is only a year old
  13. I'm really excited! I can't wait to play FinalMix!! I can't wait to fight the Data organization, Roxas (twice), and the extra bosses! I've never played BBSFM apart from a hour or two on a psp with it's loading times being half a millennium long. So I can't wait to play BBSFM on my PlayStation. As for coded I've already played coded, (and I loved it!) so i'm moderately excited for coded, I can't wait to see it fully voiced. To be honest I'm most looking forward for BBSFM because it's a new game to me. So i'm worried that KH2FM would test my patience since I've played and won KH2 about six times...(I've played it almost once a year since it's release but for that last couple of years I've been waiting to play KH2FM, so I've stopped to make it as fresh as an experiences as possible) so I hope to do almost everything before I jump to BBS.
  14. I'm not going to read any of the comments or the post because I haven't watched the last season yet, I just finished 8. My friend and I talked about alternate endings just today about HIMYM, and it went something like Ted went gay and Barney had a sex change... or Ted doing the same thing Robin did in one of the Robin and Barney episodes where she talked to her future kids that she can't have. The kids are adopted, or kidnapped, remember when Barney pretended to steal a baby?...If you were looking were a serous answer then you've come to the wrong place...
  15. Almost everyone I don't know (people on the internet and what not) say that Frozen is one of the best Disney moves ever, and everyone I know in person (like my friends) say it's a bad movie that was terrible. I haven't seen it yet myself so I wouldn't know, but yeah, I do think that Disney would allow it. To be honest I think that Nomura is running out of Disney movies to use (They want to use the most popular movies, or the most iconic) so Frozen would be the best choice for them honestly. It's an extra Disney world that has a fan base full of their target demographic.
  16. Yes, I hope so, I know it makes the game a lot easier, but they can make them do less damage, and make the game an overall harder experience. (Have an easy mode for the younger kids) but Square has to understand that a vast majority of people who loved Kingdom hearts 11 years ago are now all grown up by now. That being said I do hope that flowmotion and jumping will get to the point where we can do at least half of the reaction commands in KH2 by yourself, in KH3.
  17. September would suck by the way, just when school starts too, ugh. I would love for it to be released in the summer, besides not a lot of games come out during the summer... But in reality if it were released in lets say a few months, it would have to release in Japan first... so we are kinda doomed for a fall or at worst a winter release
  18. Hey, I'm not exactly new, I hung around the forums and the website without ever making an account, so today I got kinda bored and figured that it was about time to make an account. A little about me, I'm 18, I play all sorts of games from Uncharted, last of us, to Skyrim and Zelda, and going back to games like Persona 3, psychonauts, and games on the 64, Gameboy, game cube, and DS. My favorite game series of course is Kingdom hearts. I played the first one when I was eight or nine and it was one of the first games I really liked. I've played almost all the games, I'm still out Dream, Drop, Distance, and Birth By Sleep. I'm pissed to this day that I haven't played Birth By Sleep yet and I can't wait for the 2.5 remix. I'm also a big fan of the final fantasy series, my favorites being FFX, FFXII, and FFVII, I don't really like the FFXIII series but I'm really excited about FFXV!!!! So I like games and own most consoles like a ps2, ps3, ps4, and nintendo up to DS, so you can recommend me games or talk about them with me or anything, that be cool.
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