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Kingdom Of Me

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Everything posted by Kingdom Of Me

  1. Wait, so you can't buy PSone and PS2 games from the PSN anymore?
  2. ...No words can explain what I feel right now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI5vQ8Os3rY Also a review for it. (not mine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAbbGw0nPuM
  3. Uncharted 3, I think Jak 3 was good, so was Sly Copper 3. wasn't quake 3 or Doom 3 supposed to be really good games? Final Fantasy 3 was good, even if it was hard. Persona 3
  4. If it is cloudy, then there is a chance of me being a meatball...
  5. I laughed out loud when you said that!! Also you they need to add Nazi Donald.
  6. I...what? why is Kiri wearing Sora's 14yo clothes? Did she do in his closet and was like "Well, hes not wearing this anymore..." also why is it 14yo kiri? I like older Kiri better.
  7. I'm sitting here in the last block of school, with a sub in the computer lab, and I have nothing to look at or do, I don't have head phones, so I'm bored!
  8. I think it was something along the lines of some scenes that were once playable have been converted into cut-scenes. It means that we will see a boss fight cut scene, Something like the Sora V Roxas cut-scene but even a little more full-fledged (hopefully) which is a big update from days to be honest!
  9. AHGHGHGHGAHHHHHHH!!!!! It won't come off!!!
  10. Hey you should include a link to a live-stream of the conferences when it is just about ready, you know? on the count down clocks I mean.
  11. I get annoyed and anxaus whenever I have to type my username and password every time I use my computer and go into websites like it almost driving crazy just because it is the same thing again and again. I'm now concerned for myself if I get a desk job where it is nothing put typing the same stuff into a computer...

  12. Thats a whole Idea behind a protagonist. Protagonists aren't necessarily hero's, and the antagonist doesn't have to be a villain. The protagonists is just the person you "follow" though their tale. If it is first person, like in a book, then that person is the protagonist, like the book of Grendel, it tales the story of Beowulf from Grendel's perspective, Grendel is the villain in both stories by definition, but he is the protagonist in one and the antagonist in the other. In short it is a matter of perspective.
  13. Yeah they have been talking about it for a while and people are still wondering which ones they'll include. I hope for a Data!Sora VS Roxas or even a Data!Sora vs Sora's shadow!
  14. *playing Persona 4* "Oh! A new Social Link!" *Congratulations player!* "xD" *You offically have more friends in Persona than you do in real life!* "...oh" *Just kidding!! That happened a long time ago!*

    1. Emrys
    2. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      This is a joke. Persona is about you as a teenager and the way you get more powerful is by making as many friends as possible and it is quit easy to make like 20 "best friends" so I thought this was funny.

    3. Emrys


      oh trust me I know about persona. I have the entire series

  15. His eyelashes in Chain of memory are freaking me out actually
  16. Unless the FFXV information wen't like "World-wide release tomorrow!!", other wise I would just rage out.
  17. Not a game really, but if you like story and reading, then a visual novel like Katawa Shoujo would be a good experience. If you don't think so, it is completely free on the PC. Otherwise PERSONA... Persona 3 or 4 I'd suggest start with 3, don't worry too much about 1 or 2 SHAME ON YOU! you forgot "Investigations: Miles Edgeworth"
  18. Have you ever been so bored you typed random words into google to see what you'd find?

  19. A game like Kingdom Hearts III won't have anything like what BBB, or DDD had with it's story line. it just won't. However If we are merely speculating, I'd want to play as Sora, I connect better with him and would much rather see his story line even though his party members (mostly Donald) are the equivalent of dead weight, that in the rare times when they are alive, will heal you just milliseconds after you heal yourself...
  20. Oh, yes I forgot to add Attack on Titan, I do plan watch that one as soon as I can. Blue Exorcist and Flowers of Evil sounds interesting, I'll make sure to give them a shot !
  21. This summer I'm going to watch a lot of anime, I'm not usually a big watcher of anime but I think it is something I could get into. Plus I have a lot of friends who watch anime. So i'm open to any suggestions. This is what i plan to watch so far... Naruto (maybe) Sword Art Online Squid Girl Soul eater(maybe) FLCL Air-bender(I've finished this one) Bleach(Not sure if I'd like it) Full metal alchemist One peace(maybe) Note: I have a lot of free time...
  22. I've decided that I'm going to do an Ace Attorney marathon this summer! Because i never finished the third one due to lost data, and my eventual 3DS so I can play the fifth one.

    1. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      Not to mention there are no games this summer, and by that time i'd finish Persona 4. I played 1-3 before but I want to re-play it, a summer would suit that better.

    2. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      You foolsih fool who foolhardily has never finished playing as the foolish fool Phoenix Wright! (I'm a Phoenix Wright fan. Guess who my favorite character is.)

    3. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      *Facepalm* Foolish* I hate when things like that happen.

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