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Kingdom Of Me

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Everything posted by Kingdom Of Me

  1. .............Is the dress black and blue or white and gold?
  2. This is not true, Clayton died. The step mother and sisters from BBS died, Mufasa from the pride lands died and Scarr as well. Further more, in KHII in the Disney Castle you see picture of Mickey's "Ancestors" meaning they aren't alive anymore. 3rd point is that in "Their reality" there is NO difference between FF characters and Disney characters. They aren't the book of phrophies can see into the future and draw power from it in the form of Cards and in this case medals.
  3. <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> An update that does what? Do we know?
  4. First Fandom was indeed Harry potter.... Read all the books, Watched all the movies twice (except for the last 2 I only saw once) and played every Harry potter Video game up till 6 (Excluding the lego one) 2nd Fandom I guess would have to be the Percy Jackson series But both pale in comparison of my Kingdom hearts fandom.
  5. ~When You walk away, You don't hear me say~ ~ohhhhh oh baby~ ~Don't go~ ~Simple and clean is the way you are making me feel Tonight~
  6. I'm moving tomorrow, I'm excited.

  7. I would eat the Seeing-eye dog (Now everyone knows I'm american!) I would then have a chat with the Gorilla Would you rather live under the sea or in the trees?
  8. I need to go get the "~New~ 3DS" at some point soon, so I can buy Xenoblade Chronicles... except no one can get me a ride :(...

    1. Joker
    2. Shana09


      call the cab

      use the subway


  9. Damnit, that moment when I'm in a public place but I don't have my headphones....

    1. Joker


      just turn the volume up. dfv

    2. Joker


      just turn the volume up. dfv

    3. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      like I have the social courage to draw attention to myself.

  10. Nope, Square has stated before that Disney allowed Square to use any of Disney's IPs... That includes Star Wars and Marvel. Nothing is off the table. This would be true if this was Kingdom Hearts 1 where Disney limited Square on who and what they could use, (Such as Mickey only allowed to be in the game for one scene) Personally: Lightsaber Keyblade.... so uh... duh.
  11. Of course this is your opinion and that is fine. They made cloud depressing and moody, and I said that as more of a joke then anything. I didn't like the voice actors or how some FF characters were portrayed. If Square didn't want to include a story or RPG elements then clearly they don't consider it much more than a spectacle fighter either...
  12. Question, am I the only one who pronounces Tidus (Tide-us) as opposed to (Tédus)? I thought it was (Tide-us) because he represents water... and Tides like tidal waves of water....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      Well the correct way to pronounce it is Tédus. with a hard e... You can hear Waka say his name in the start of Kingdom hearts and whats her face from KHII... thats the right way to say the name.

    3. Dracozombie


      Officially it's Tee-dus, but like you I prefer to say it as Tide-us. It sounds like and actual name (Titus) and reflects the "tide" theme he has going for him. Though, I hear he and Yuna are supposed to represent the sun and the moon, respectively. Technically, Tidus's thing isn't water, but sun.

    4. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      Pronounced it the same as Tide us too.

  13. Tidus! What are you doing? Get back to Destiny islands with Waka so you two can remain being the only 2 FF characters to never be heard from again...
  14. <Oh... Okay...> I head over to prof. Oaks lab to get my new pokemon!
  15. You say all these things that upset you.... and all the things you listed makes me happy, and more ready to by the game!! I've played the first Dissidia 1) I couldn't care less about the story in the first game, Good Vs Evil, Emo kids VS Emo Villains, Light darkness whatever, I didn't care. I love story in games, but after hearing Clouds depressing victory quotes, I didn't want to hear anyone talk, let alone tell me a story. 2) I hate Multiveres, ever since Marvel and DC it has just became a lame excuse to avoid continuity, I don't care that Dissidia is Canon or not, I don't want to consider it canon, so it is not canon. 3) Okay... 4) No more customization.... That is a really good thing.... I bought the game for the cool fights, not for the counter intuitive menu and "crafting" system... I hated the move set system, the game never needed it. I also hated the progression and leveling up felt ungodly slow and pointless. I'm glad that they took all that away and have them focus on the most important part of Dissidia... the fighting. So i'm now more inclined to get it after they took out the things that made the game feel slower and more bogged down in the first game. Dissidia is a fast pace spectical fighter, and it needs to be nothing more!
  16. So I need a new computer, the laptop I have now works fine for the most part, but is slow and has trouble running certain games when it should and runs other games that it shouldn't. This computer I'm mostly going to be using for both Gaming and work stuff, so it needs to run PowerPoint, Photoshop, but also play most Steam games. I don't have the money, need, or time to invest in a "Gaming PC", I just need something that can play X-COM without crashing... As far as I know, Most steam games work on newer macs as well. I've always used Dell Windows at home, but I use the School computers and laptops and they are macs, so i know both. What do you think i should get? Thanks in advance.
  17. "Spiritual successor" is basically the term used when the developers are ripping off a game that has been long dead. I'm just kidding, but even the name is the same format (Name with too many vowels -Hyphen- Name with too many vowels) Banjo wasn't my childhood, so I won't be picking this up. But it does look good, I'll give it that.
  18. All these complicated decks when all you really need is 7,8,and 9 attack cards, Two cures, an Exiar, one 0 Card, two if you can afford it and nothing else. I make the keyblades of the attack cards different every group of three, so I'll almost always get a sleight if I randomly combine. I have no problem with any fight, because when ever they attack me, odds are I have a higher attack card, they can't break me, and when they use sleights on me, I click L1 a few times to go to my last card which is a 0 card and break them... easy. Even when I don't have a 0 card my slieght's number is almost always higher than there's
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