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mikidiva vs rinfate

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Everything posted by mikidiva vs rinfate

  1. welcome back have a cupcake .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... never mind i ate them all :lol:
  2. hes going to college 2 days after his graduation

  3. omg my big bro is going to graduate next week SO PROUD OF YOU BIG BRO!!!!!!!( i get his room)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mikidiva vs rinfate

      mikidiva vs rinfate

      im not new i just have not been on here for a while


    3. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      ahhh okay. well either way nice to meet you!

    4. mikidiva vs rinfate
  4. omg my face is my profile pic

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Or your profile pic is your face o.o

  5. i have to go to cheer practice so tireing but fun

    1. AuraAce


      Life is tiring but w- I can't be bothered being philosophical, have fun. :P

  6. i got a new phone now i don't have to share

  7. so ur 12 right r was that just a rumor

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. 『R』


      Are you watching season 2?

    3. mikidiva vs rinfate

      mikidiva vs rinfate

      a little bit of it got that that sao game for vita

    4. 『R』
  8. hey listening to sao op 1 english dub n on kh 13

  9. i love sao !!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shulk


      OP four year old genius with a flame sword. Yesss.

    3. Shulk


      Someone needs to make a Yui app.

    4. mikidiva vs rinfate
  10. were about to go camping n we have to hike to r camp spot n its sooo hot were about to leave soon

    1. Col.Random


      I've always wanted to go camping :3

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