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Everything posted by Tuna

  1. Donald. ...was nobody expecting someone to say Donald? :\
  2. Back from the dead to give the living haircuts.

  3. I love the Super Mario Galaxy OST to death. It's always a pleasant to hear after a long day. Oh and uh... Toontown. I've played the game for far too long to just forget. It's burned into my mind, so I always catch myself humming one tune to the next.
  4. Rest in pizza Jimbles Nutrono 2014-*offensive thread*-2420
  5. Do you try to wear hats as much as possible in your daily life? Also, welcome to the site!
  6. Tuna


    Batman confirmed as Saxton Hale.
  7. Happy 4/20 blaze guise.

  8. Uuughghhhhh I have FCAT today.

    1. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      what grade you in? Did they changed the rules since 2013?

    2. Mio


      I forgot about the FCAT. Makes me glad I don't live in florida anymore x_x I still have the sols though

    3. Tuna


      Late reply, in 7th. Each week is either part one or two, or just a different subject.

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  9. Maybe time's just a concept of human perception, an illusion created by-

  10. I can't stop playing TF2. helpme

    1. Cucco


      I feel your pain

  11. This video makes me feel very young...
  12. 6/10 because pineapple isn't ripe.(1000/10, is very gud shipping.)
  13. JUST MAKE THE WEIRDEST SHIPS AND WIN 10/10* POINTS. Let me start: RoxasxVentus. It'll kinda be incest. *10/10 or Barry not included.
  14. 0/10, there was no horrible dubstep.

    1. Tuna


      http://www.homestarrunner.com/ I hope this isn't an April Fools Joke...
    2. Tuna


      B-but it's true! D:

    3. Cucco


      oh I didn't notice that, I was expecting a new animation

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. My Kh13 trading cards better be signed by these actors.
  17. Except we're not the ones deciding what worlds will be put in, just ones we heavily dislike. I'm sure people don't want a 3rd use of a world by now, and it's understandable, and to add to that, there are pretty awful worlds. Just saying.
  18. This is entertainment for the uneducated. Their way of relieving a life of failure might be through inflicting pain to others.
  19. The whole "wat wurls u lyk" questionnaire did get old quickly, and this would probably too! So.. What worlds from previous games shouldn't be in KH3, or even other nonexistent worlds like Pixar films and such. I'm going to start off by saying no Space Paranoids. Port Royal is a close second by of how gimmicky the battles are, but was Tron really necessary?
  20. The lack of Mega Ampharos and Goodra greatly disturbs me. M.Amph and Goodra 2gud4me
  21. Timeless River is preeeetty short if you think about it.
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