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Everything posted by victoriadelgado229

  1. Dance class? Seriously? DANCE CLASS.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AuraAce



    3. AuraAce


      I had to. Sorry.

    4. victoriadelgado229


      Omg @Scottish Skarmony I just love you right now xD

  2. I'm gonna need sum MAJOR coffee e_o

    1. King Demise

      King Demise

      Coffee is good

    2. liamaru


      i could go for a cup of joe

  3. First period Biology. Second period Computer Applications. Third period Keyboarding 1A. Fourth period World History. Fifth period is P.E. And Sixth period is English II. Well, it's not what I really wanted, but other than that, I'm sure I'll have fun.

    1. Sora232323



    2. victoriadelgado229


      Understandable indeed. Looks like I'm enjoying my classes more than I thought.

  4. I'm so bored. Summer is boring. Can't wait for school. :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AuraAce


      What about... Song mashups? Because why not? xD

    3. victoriadelgado229


      I only have like five days left until my summer's over... gruhhhh.... I wont be able to sleep in anymore -___-

    4. King Demise
  5. Last day of school everyone. Won't be back for two months. Bye.

  6. Happy Birthday, Baby Boy! :D You've finally caught up with me.

  7. Wah. I hate it when people sit next to you and just suddenly without covering their mouth and it hits you. Yick. .-.

  8. 'I like Roxas.' 'That's Ventus.' 'Whatever. Same person.' And that's how you tick off a Kingdom Hearts fan. I saw it on google once.

  9. Omg I know which deviantart profile you are getting this from
  10. Just finished watching 7 Most Gruesome DisneyLand Deaths. Looks like Disneyland isn't the happiest place on earth anymore.... .-. But I'll still go anyway xD

  11. ♪ I try to run away from my life, but fate has kept me all down and tied. I look into the mirror and think about what I've become. There's no escape to how I feel. I've become so numb. I'm sorry for all the pain and agony. I put you through so much. But the past is in the past♪

  12. ♪ The only way out of here, is the way I've avoided for all my life. There's so many things I wanna say, but there's too many things still in the way. I'm lost. Please help me find my place. You're the only one. Please lead me out of the dark...♪

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. victoriadelgado229


      Ikr? xD Made me cry the first time. Second time, I sang along. Third time, I did both. Haha

    3. WakingDawn96


      I'm just a little but of a Squidward today, I don't feel like being around or helping people

    4. victoriadelgado229


      It's alright. .u. We all have our grumpy days.

  13. Well, turns out I have insomnia. Ain't that a big whoop.

    1. King Demise
    2. victoriadelgado229


      Well, lookie who decides to comment. Ha-ha. Yeah. I do.

  14. Everybody has to lie and pretend to make somebody else feel good about themselves....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. victoriadelgado229


      Yes, but... I... What I meant was.... You know what, stop getting me tongue-tied -_-

    3. Sikota Urinakano
    4. victoriadelgado229
  15. :,(

    1. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      What's the matter?

    2. victoriadelgado229


      Just didn't have a good morning, is all. I'm fine now.

  16. Classroom cold. Freezing to death...... Help ._.

  17. Couple nights ago I had the strangest dream. Now I wish fictional characters were real. I'd love to have one as a bf. LOL

  18. I am so conflicted on what I want to do when I grow up. >.< Now I'm DYING to become a social worker!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. victoriadelgado229


      I had a feeling you'd comment xD Like, I still wanna do film and game design, but I'd really also like to help children and such.

    3. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Go into a gaming company with an education branch. Video game education is a growing idea and you can be a part of it.

      (I sound like some kind of college ad council ._. )

    4. victoriadelgado229
  19. Rubbbbyyyyyyyy I miss yooouuuuuu T.T Y U no onlinnnnnneee???? Come baaaacccccckkkk!!! (please? Lolz)

  20. I'm into Post-Hardcore music.

    1. Silent


      *gives you a cookie*

    2. victoriadelgado229


      *noms on the cookie* Yay!

  21. 'If you are receiving this email, it is because you did not turn in your Excellence essay, which was due Friday at midnight. Due to difficulties regarding the frame, I extended that to Sat and notified you by email. If you do not complete this project, you will not pass the class. You cannot turn this in late, as it is a rough draft. it still must be done for the final, where you turn in all of the pages together. Please finish you essay. you have two more to write next week.'...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole


      "What happens when you don't want lifes lemons? Why not just throw them back in lifes face and say, 'I DONT WANT YOUR STINKING LEMONS!!'" i LOL so hard during this one song that said that xD

    3. victoriadelgado229


      Oh I heard that song before! xD

    4. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      isn't it funny?? I laughed my head off when I heard it! xD

  22. Sleeping with Sirens is such a great band ^___^

    1. WakingDawn96


      I once slept with a siren, never making that mistake again

    2. victoriadelgado229


      Haha sounds like a painful thing to do cx

    3. WakingDawn96


      Trust me, it was more painful than anything else ever experienced

  23. That moment where senpai notices you... Kyaaa~

  24. I can't do it... I can't finish this project... It's due next period.... I CAN'T FLIPPING DO IT. D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zola


      Keep going right to the end!

    3. victoriadelgado229


      *headdesks* This is the death of me x.x

    4. WakingDawn96


      That's the spirit! You should really just give up!

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