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Everything posted by SirBuckford

  1. They sent Vexen to Castle Oblivion, though he wasn't a traitor and Xemnas says in 358/2 Days, "Losing Vexen was not part of our plans." So it wasn't just the traitors + Axel.
  2. Maybe Xehanort knew that Aqua was going to defeat Vanitas/Ventus, thus destroying the x-blade and making Ven's heart go back to Sora again. Maybe that's what he was after, (plus Terra as a vessel) since if Master Xehanort's plan didn't fail, then a lot would had been changed in the rest of the games.
  3. I thought when I played KH 2.5 Luxord looked really... bright. Especially when he says "I'd rather we just skip the formalities." He looks fabulous though, like as if he did up his face before his battle with Sora.
  4. TheWadesmellbringer is doing a Blind Let's Play for KH2FM. I've been watching others like Obiwan and V2LP but for some reason I prefer this guy's. He's a bit annoying at times but some of his reactions are pretty funny. Also he's played KH1FM and Re:CoM so it helps that he knows the story well enough to play KH2 without being overly confused, except for the BBS references but hopefully he'll go to BBSFM after he finished KH2FM. Also his episodes are kind of short and he doesn't upload them often enough.
  5. Have you been using Block and RCs, especially at the beginning part? He likes to swing his scythe until you get him down to a certain amount of health, in which then he'll start using his swirly roll attack. Also use Reflect (if you have it at that point in the game, I'm not sure if you would) at the end of his DM. (special move where he flies around) Also use Fire in the center just as he teleports to the center. He can be hit at the very moment he reappears, interrupting his pools of death attack. Oh, and throughout the whole fight, after you do a string of combos on him, he'll vanish then reappear to hit you with his scythe. Dodge roll is the best option for that, but if you don't have it, try blocking it. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't for me.
  6. Not that it matters much, but I went and checked a Let's Play of both the original KH2 and KH2FM and his character model is mirrored in both. So yeah, it was like that all along not just in 2.5.
  7. I hate to admit it, but I'd buy all the KH3 DLC no matter what it is.
  8. I don't recall Marluxia ever elaborating as to why he wanted to overthrow the Organization, so I was thinking about why... maybe it was because he found out about the plan to turn everyone into Xehanort? Maybe he wanted to destroy those super loyal to Xemnas? (Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, and Saix come to mind) I suppose he could've just wanted to be the leader and be all pompous and whatnot, but I feel like there would've been more to his reasons.
  9. So unlocking the Secret Episode on Standard you just need to beat all 3 stories + Final Episode + all stickers + all Xehanort Reports? Or do you need that 9999 Unversed Trophy as well?
  10. Only thing left for me to do to get 100% in KH2FM are those gummi missions. *shudders* Not even close to 100% in BBS.
  11. Marluxia is my favorite... maybe because he's the easiest. But he's just really fun to fight and not annoying like a lot of the others.
  12. How about a new difficulty mode called Baby? Whatever amount of damage Sora receives from any enemy, it's always 1 HP! And the amount of damage Sora gives out is always instant kill, except for bosses, who require a whopping 5 hits to defeat!
  13. Mine would be Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix from 2.5 ReMIX. I feel like I can play it over and over again!
  14. The "?????" between Twilight Town and Hollow Bastion are the scenes surrounding Sephiroth and Cloud. You get those scenes in the theater once you beat Sephiroth.
  15. The Xemnas data battle is 2 parts, the first one where only Sora fights him, then the 2nd one where Xemnas is wearing the white cloak in the realm of nothingness or whatever that place is. So yeah the data battle would have to appear after you complete the game.
  16. I haven't even noticed much of a delay in controls. I think I did notice it slightly, but I never really think about it nor does it effect my gameplay. Load times for drive forms are noticeable but, again, don't really effect my gameplay much. (I will pause buffer if it's necessary for the situation I'm in) The Roxas' quotes change hasn't been bothering me considering you don't hear his battle quotes much except in his boss battle and the few hours you play as him. IMO, It's silly to not play 2.5 because of that - it's laughable, really. The censoring I really don't give a crap about. (except for Xigbar's sniper, which they left in the 2.5 english version, so I'm happy) There would be no complaints from people if, say, the original JP KH didn't have Will Turner point the gun to his head. The reason people complain about it is simply because it was censored. It doesn't even matter what got censored, just that it did. I don't get why some people get worked up over the smallest things. Also, I can confirm that Maleficent still says "Hell" in BBS.
  17. I always 100% my KH games on Standard, and then I replay the games on the other modes.
  18. Did you get 2 day shipping? If not, it won't come today I imagine.
  19. I've started playing a few hours ago, and I thought Namine sounded an awful lot like Brittany Snow from when she voiced original KH2... turns out it is her. But didn't Meaghan Martin voice the FM scenes with Namine in them?
  20. Got my Limited Edition from UPS this morning! Started with KH2FM and about halfway through the Roxas prologue right now.
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