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Everything posted by SirBuckford

  1. I don't understand why SE used the original songs from the PS2 KH1 in the new Re:Coded cutscenes for 2.5. Why didn't they use the orchestrated tracks from 1.5? An example of this is here: *SPOILERS* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8klfIuC4X0 *SPOILERS* During the Wonderland episode, (and probably the others, but I noticed it first for Wonderland) they didn't use the orchestrated version of the song... no idea why they decided on that. Another example is the track in the new Re:Coded secret scene, except they actually orchestrated it for KH2FM in 2.5, but used the MIDI version in the Re:Coded cutscene! I don't get it...
  2. At times in the stream here the music sounds deformed at times... please tell me it's just the video or something. http://livetube.cc/%E3%81%82%E3%81%8B%E3%81%8E/%E3%81%82%E3%81%8B%E3%81%8E%E3%81%AE%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%80%E3%83%A0%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%842HD
  3. Is there a way to go backwards in the stream to see the parts I've missed?
  4. Is the music in that scene orchestrated or no? Is it orchestrated in KH2FM or did they just use the original in that?
  5. Braig/Xigbar is my favorite character in the Kingdom Hearts series, so this makes me happy to see that he'll be in a Re:Coded cutscene!
  6. Agree with all you said 100%. Also, 5) The game is only 2 years old. They don't need to make an HD version of the game yet. Like you said, I think that perhaps the KH3D cutscenes will be included with KH3.
  7. If that was the case with Yuffie in KH1, at least the average player wouldn't have much munny or potions yet so there wouldn't be much to steal.
  8. Plot twist: Master Xehanort and Kairi's grandma had a relationship at one point and it turns out Master Xehanort is Kairi's grandfather.
  9. Not sure if I'm just missing something here, but the chest in Olympus Coliseum won't open for me. It just has that "will not open" (something like that?) when I examine it. I've completed Phil Cup, Pegasus Cup, and Hercules Cup and have locked the keyhole there. I've already played KHFM twice for Beginner and Standard and this is on my Proud playthrough. On my standard playthrough, I got Olympia. So I have no idea if this is a glitch or what... Ooookay seconds after I posted this I noticed the Pegasus Cup trophy wasn't in the building, so I must had skipped that one... problem solved.
  10. Thanks for the replies. It seems to me though that some songs throughout BBS or 3D seem to have some MIDI components... e.g., the choir ahs in songs throughout those two games sound like they're from a MIDI. Maybe it's just me. I'm not really complaining, just curious.
  11. I've been a bit confused about which KH games have live music and which ones don't. Sometimes it's easy to tell, but sometimes it's hard. I understand KH1 and KH2 both originally did not have live music, but the rest of the games I'm not really sure... Anyway, can anyone list which games have live music and which ones don't? (e.g. Birth by Sleep = Live, Dream Drop Distance = Not live)
  12. Yes, it was named Hinterlands in the original PS2 game.
  13. The only way Riku will/has become one of the 13 vessels is if Xehanort went back in time to where Riku was very vulnerable to darkness and brought him to the present.
  14. I would think that it would be incredibly easy for them to simply fix the typos, but I somehow doubt they will even remember or notice that error unless someone brings it up to them. *waits for someone to email SE and ask them to fix it*
  15. I'm a little confused. Is Square-Enix using live instruments for ALL the music in KH2FM? Will there be fake sounds and real sounds mixed together? Also, if someone has this information, will they have a live chorus do the "oohs" and "ahs?" The fake choir sounded really bad in the original game, in my opinion.
  16. They did not re-voice Ansem in 1.5 because he had no new lines. However, Namine does have new scenes in 2.5 so Square will completely redo the scenes with Meaghan voicing them.
  17. I thought I read somewhere that the Disney characters in Re:Coded's worlds will be voiced. So that seems to imply they will add in scenes with Data Sora interacting with the Disney characters in the worlds.
  18. I'm eager to play HD 2.5 ReMIX... I still don't know for sure what order I'll play the games in! For sure, I'd watch Re:Coded first since it's all cutscenes and will be the shortest to complete in that regard. Whether or not BBSFM has online Mirage Arena will determine which I will focus on: KH2FM or BBSFM. I might just end up playing them both at the same time. :tongue:
  19. I'm pretty much accepting this explanation. Kind of like how I've convinced myself that Ansem the Wise himself made those typos in his Secret Reports in KH2 after having a bit too much wine or something...
  20. I'm game for them getting new clothes. The only outfit I don't like that much was Terra's. I mean, his skirt thing was just too much for me haha.
  21. I'll do my 100% run on Standard. In future playthroughs, (assuming the trophies won't stack) I'll do Beginner and Proud. Maybe Critical eventually, but it might be 2pro4me.
  22. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm curious to know... where on the menu does it appear once it's unlocked? Since "Back" takes its spot from the original, I've been wondering where it goes.
  23. Hi! First off, you may notice I'm new. I've been reading the forums on this site for a long time, and I've decided to contribute. Anyway, I have 1.5 ReMIX but have not yet finished Re:CoM and am curious to whether or not the game still has it's Theater Mode like the PS2 version. I ask this because on the main menu, I believe "Back" is in place of where it was in the original Re:CoM once you complete it. I'm curious to know because if Theater Mode got scrapped for this version of Re:CoM, I'm concerned about KH2FM's Theater Mode being scrapped in 2.5 ReMIX.
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