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Everything posted by SirBuckford

  1. "Why wasn't there a worldwide release considering the EN data (except Re:Coded) is on the JP version?"
  2. They used the old translations for KH1 because the Ansem Reports didn't have any typos. (that I'm aware of... correct me if I'm wrong)
  3. Has anyone recorded the Absent Silhouettes in the cracked EN version yet? If we don't know until the proper EN version launches, I guess I can look forward to seeing if the English actors' battle grunts were added in. Whether they are or not I don't care much, since the JP grunts sound good, but it would be nice for consistency.
  4. I know that some of them were already orchestrated, but what about songs like Laughter and Merriment and Hesitation for example? I can't find anywhere on YT of the 2.5 version unless there is no 2.5 version of those.
  5. What I'm referring to are the mistranslations in the Secret Ansem Reports for the apprentice's names specifically. I'm just curious if it has been fixed since it has always irked me that the names were incorrectly spelled. I assume someone is able to find this out since some owners of the JP version of 2.5 were able to find the EN code in the game and are able to play it.
  6. At first I was like "OMG DID I GET AN AUTO UPGRADE FROM LE TO CE" then i saw it was $99, included 1.5 (which I already have), and couldn't get it from Amazon where I have gift cards at.
  7. You are all wrong. The true abomination is... The Darkball... THE DARKBALL. I've always been afraid that giant raisin when it comes for me smacking its gums...
  8. I don't know what you're confused about. SE re-hired them to voice scenes. They recorded the voices recently, not when 2FM or BBSFM first came out on their original consoles.
  9. I've struggled with not playing it, but I haven't really. I did play my completed file for about 5-10 minutes or something like that, but what I'm really craving is to start a new game. I'm avoiding doing so because I want 2.5 to feel like a fresh experience.
  10. "I know I'm the only one here who watches all the cut scenes without skipping them." Congratulations, this is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever read on this site.
  11. I went on PSHome after many months of not going on. I heard they were shutting it down next year so I thought I'd see what's new... I remember when I first saw the first trailers it looked interesting, but it's always been a disappointment and suckish IMO.
  12. This. I've had the urge to start up a new playthrough of the original KH2 for a few months now but I've resisted.
  13. Xigbar. He's funny, looks cool, sounds cool, and above all, he's the most mysterious of all the members to me.
  14. The answer is in that cutscene... "I wanted to thank Namine... but I couldn't bring myself to say it. Not until everything was back to the way it was before." He figured it wasn't the right time.
  15. Is there a link to the Final Mix scenes? A stream, video, etc.?
  16. It was a nice gesture for them to add in that cape for consistency's sake. It does look a bit funny how it pops out randomly, but it doesn't really bother me.
  17. So I came across this a bit ago... I compared the original song to this one, and there is a difference. So anyway, I don't know if this is an fan-made rendition of Ventus' theme or what.
  18. For the Day's movie it was understandable considering they hadn't orchestrated the KH2 tracks at the time. Also with Re:CoM in 1.5 as well, SE didn't use the orchestrated tracks for the worlds from KH1FM in 1.5 and instead used the originals. I guess this could be one example of "Nomura logic."
  19. "possibly the TRUE, main, primary antagonist of the Xehanort Saga" "has taken over his mind, Body and Heart and is forcing him to do all these things for a unknown purpose at this point." I would hope this part isn't true considering the series has already bounced between "true antagonists" in the past. I'd prefer for it to stay at Master Xehanort.
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