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Everything posted by Hargleblargleboo

  1. Is this a new, dank meme, or am I just high?... Either way, it's real good.
  2. lol. You know why - Dry Season Sickness... Hey. Go on the Steam Workshop, look at Gmod and tell me how much more cringe there is than this... You won't really be surprised, cause that what you probably initially did here: deliberately looked this crap up. Fun, ain't it? Unless you didn't and just stumbled upon it, in which case, eh. Oh well. It's the internet.
  3. Welp. That was that. Hope Disney gets another new, good cartoon instead of another "Pickle & Peanut".

    1. Enix


      And Star vs the forces of evil.

  4. It wasn't two people for me. It was the classic PB+J. Yum yum. But in all seriousness, It was Zero and Yuki from Vampire Knight because I was weeaboo garbage back then. I don't ship them now because the anime was complete trash, and not the good kind.
  5. I made a grilled cheese sandwich today. That's true love right there, my friend...
  6. As the title now states, an animation is in progress for the next update. But in the meantime, Happy Valentines, I guess. Have some stupid sin I did a while back on the Ghost Hunt blog. (whichyoushouldfollowforstupidextras.) http://mr-sir-mayohopper.tumblr.com/post/137980891191/only-if-your-boo-bro-is-feeling-especially-blue
  7. It's just a vine of some older-looking man saying, "Love...[pause] is...[pause] a baked... [pause] sweet potato..."
  8. You are in my thoughts. I like to call today, 'National Singles Awareness Day' and have it be all about celebrating the lives of single people, Proving you don't need to be in a relationship with a significant other in order to celebrate life. So, yeah. You are all magical. Treat yourself today. We all know what true love is. ~HBB
  9. Was the hot date supposed to be eaten afterwards? If so, I just messed up hard.
  10. Happy Singles Awareness Day. Ya'll are magical.

  11. The demon perked his head up in intrigue and gently received the card, causing him to feel like it was his birthday or something. He loved cards just as much as the next guy. That, and this man was intriguing all on his own. Mr. Z giggled with red glowing eyes. "Snnrk... Oh, reeeally??? That's fantastic! We could alwaysss have more people on board!~ *hic* Mmm hmm hmm hmm!", he chuckled again. "Real magic, you say? You mean the fake, human kind with literal sssmoke an' mirrors?", he teased, his grin getting wider. However, what the human demonstrated was indeed "real" magic. Black or white, it didn't matter. The trick was way too impressive to Z. Then again, the demon was impressed by just about anything. "Ooh hoo hoo hoo hoo!", he softly exclaimed. "Fire!~ My faaaavorite...". He took the card and looked at Nine with a seemingly unending smile. "Oh, don't you worry, keeping secrets with others is myyy specialty..." He then leaned in to whisper to the human in a rather unsettling fashion, but ultimately meant no harm. "If...If you get the chance, swinnng by the tent of the counselor. They help out a lot and can aaalways keep someone company around here... Heh heh heh...", he offered with a wink before the man went about on his way, telling the demon goodbye. "Heh heh... I am old... Old as Hell...", he murmured in his head with a carefree smile as he paid for his own ticket and found a seat. Gosh, he loved this twisted circus. It's shows always cheered him up even more than he already was. The abundance of humans, the performances, seeing Happy work his own "real" magic, and seeing his colleagues do their amazing acts. It was like a party, a very weird party. The demon was wild and joyous with hype, a bit too much in fact.
  12. Ahh. Good ol' Dingo Pictures. Always with the cringe and hilarity.
  13. I'm scared. Why the mix?? I'm just being reminded of the Smurfs films by Sony. *cringe*
  14. ~Z~ Z was awoken by his little old timey alarm clock sitting on a shelf that he forgot about. It scared the literal living hell out of him as he shrieked, falling off of the couch and trying to grip the air for support as he thumped to the floor. He just laid there for a bit, staring up at the ceiling of his tent, that semi-iconic grin still pasted to his face. He just stared up before airing a wheezy laugh out of nowhere. "Ohhh wooooow...", he slurred one again, the heavy alcohol intake still influencing his fragile state of mind. "I'm gonna...uh... Oh! I'm gonna be late for the showww!~" He wasted no time initiating his human disguise. It did not look all that different from his natural form. He just didn't want to get scolded by anybody in the staff again for unsuccessfully hiding his demonic stature. He still had that sharp, toothy grin and red eyes, though. Then, successfully knowing nothing about fashion, he lazily put on his lucky bowler hat and grabbed a cane decorated with a silver ram on the tip that one of the doctors gave him for balance in is drunken state. He rubbed his eyes as he stumbled out of the tent to get in line for the show. He loved helping his local workers. He also loved the humans, a bit too much most of the time. He got in line right behind a young red-haired man in the line. Looking over his shoulder, the incubus observed in interest. "Heh heh heh...", the demon creepily chuckled from behind, balancing himself on his cane with his hands. "I'm not sure if this is your first time to...this circus, Mister. You, uh...are aware that the, uhm...performers are under a lot of pressure as it is, riiiight?...", he asked in a bit of a low whisper. "Hee hee hee... That pressure brings out a great performance nonetheless, you see. This circus is like no other. I think you'll- *hic*...reeeeeaaaally enjoy it... It's soooo much fun...", he stated out of the blue. "Those cards, though... Not too sure why you have those with ya'... Hoo hoo hoo! May...maybe for a dandy shindig with friends, I assume? *hic* That... That should be fun, Mister...uhm...What do you go by, if you don't mind me asking?..." Sometimes, Z never knew when to shut up.
  15. Oh god. I'm so conflicted on what film to see on the 12th. 'Deadpool' or Zoolander No. 2'?...

    1. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      I would honestly go with Deadpool, but that may just be me having never seen the first Zoolander movie.

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Neither. End of the conflict.

  16. I know! I heard about it this morning and was devastated! Surely his legacy will live on...
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