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Alexander Gerges

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Everything posted by Alexander Gerges

  1. Who do you think would win in a battle, Sora, or Dark Vader?

  2. Does anyone know how to edit the title and start another topic? Because I don't know how to do any of that.
  3. How do I add new topics

    1. FerroAxel7


      Go to the forum boards and click the link in which your topic has more relevance.


  4. How do I add new conversations?

  5. There are rumors that KH3 will have Star Wars/Marvel. Which character do you hope will be in the game?

  6. If there was a game featuring characters from Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney, And Kingdom Hearts, would you play it?

  7. How is this a bad idea? No one's complaining about Final Fantasy, and it has blood during some of the cutscenes, and killing during both the cutscenes, and gameplay.
  8. There is a rumor going around that KH3 will have Star Wars and/or Marvel involved. Which character do you hope will be in the game?
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