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Posts posted by savus1909

  1. "Wait president there is something i want to discuss!" Lucio said running after her. "You see im interested in joining the student council but i have no idea how i can join." Gallan resurfaced again and said "Lucio are you out of your mind? Last night she was with those people. She just gave you detention why are you asking her?" And control shifted back to lucio "I dont want to be a problem in this school especialy after what haponed last year. I want to atone for what i did by helping the council. Is that by any chance posible?"

  2. Lucio stood up and said "Im terebly sory. I didnt want any of this to hapon. I take full responsibility for my well galans actions." He stood there just waiting for an answer when gallan again resurfaced "Lisen lady you better keep these idiots under control they were the ones who picked a fight" He smiled and continued "Tried to pick a fight ... and just to be clear i ... we arnt the new kid we were supposed to be in this class since last year but things kind of went south with our father. We passed the years exams witout taking any classes but this dobe wanted to come here anyway." Lucio then reganed control "But none of that excuses os from our actions again please forgive this him he is not the most civilized person. I am willing to accept any punishment you see fit for my transgression."

  3. Seeing the situation is acualy fine Lucio now slightly less confused stroled over to the classroom 2e as he opened the door everyone was confused "Who is he?" one said and was replied by another "No clue mayby he is a new transfer." Everyone in the classroom was shocked when e sat down in front of naoko. He put some books on the table then started writing something in his notebook. One of the students got to hi and said "Hey fresh meat do you where you are? Me and my crew sortof run this class and i want absolutly no talking back from you." that statement made gallan who just got control laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You moron do you accualy think i am a sheep?! You are a cockroach just ripe for the stomping." zhat made the student angry and he threw Lucios books of the table. "Wrong move." he said in anger making a fuss "I know and im feeling nice so i give you a five second time periiod to piss of or i start braking bones." Gallan shoved back. That made the angry fool try to punch him. The reaction was .. well nothing. The agresive personality took the ppunch and was counting "three two one. Time is up." In the blink of an eye his fist flew intoo the agressors solar plexus (a point below the chest) and made the arogant boy fall back. Lucio suddenly reganed control and said "Please leave me alone. I dislike monkeys trying to hit me. So whats the moral of this story? its leave the new kid alone." The others wanted to stand up and attack him as well but were frightend. He sat back down picked up his books and keept on writing.

  4. Lucio woke up felling a light breze "Mayby i shuld get ready for school." He got up and streached "You dobe you were at this school the whole year and never attended class." Said his other personality. In response he just shruged his shoulders and went downstairs. Very soon He heard the screem. Instinctivly he ran in that direction. Before he reached it he found the dog running in the same direction and followed him thinking "Oh well class can wait." He may not look it but he accualy wanted to go to class. "Gallan take over." he wisphered and his personality swiched again. Suddenly his running pace became much faster. Gallan was his more athletic and aggresive self who had several anger managment problems while the other side Lucio was a born protedgy who had a normal amounth of atletic skil but in these kinds of situations he was by his standards "inneficient". "Gotta rap this up fast so you can get to class you neard." Gallan said keeping up with the dog,

  5. "Thank you. I didnt realise that. Anyway i think ill stay here. Well good night i guess." He said Going towards the roof. All the while knowing something bad is going to happon to everyone involved but at this point it didnt really matter to him finally he found a place where he belonged. When he got to the roof he just lied on the ground and dosed off.

  6. "Im aulredy in this school so i dont need the aplication but i Will take the aplication." Lucio said quickly filling it out. "Well i have to get going. I still need to find a place to stay. So ill see you again in school i guess." he sighed and put down the amulet just before he left he threw Narutame a small flask of medicie. "I saw what haponed so you shuld just take it its bound to stop the pain. And tell me if there is any side effects i havnt tested it out on humans jet." He said with a smile.

  7. "I know its not a game but i still want to join. So how about it After what ive seen you need all the help you can get." Said the real Lucio. "Besides whats the harm in letting me die i have nothing to loose." He continued more serious. He sighed and pulled a strange amulet like item from behind his shirt. "You have no idea what ive been through it might be best if i die right away " After his rather strange statement he still insisted "I want to join SEES. I want to make a diference."

  8. at that moment he had to ask the obvious question "Why?" And once more Gallan resurfaced. "Do you really want to know you dumb ass? Right since im in control i have to ask. How do i join SEES im kind of interested to see how this plays out." He had a strange smile on his face and his eyes kept wandering around the evoker. "This culd become one hell of a party." he wisphered.

  9. Hering that he culdnt beleve what he heard "My father is a rich asshole who never trusted me and the reason i ran away fro home." He reaches intoo his bag and pulls out his evoker. "what were those things you were fighting?"

  10. "What were those guns you used? And what were those things that attacked?" Lucio asked trying to get ahold of the situation "My father gave me one of those guns when i was little but i never imagined they were accualy usefull." He said still curious as to what those things are. "Oh and i almost forgot how do i kill those things?" The kids other personality resurfaced and dissapeared again. Taking a deep breath he was ready to get an answer

  11. Reluctantly lucio entered the dorm. All the while his face stayed calm as if he were aulready dead. "There now tell me what the hell is going on. ive seen all of you around the school but i never saw anyone do anything remotely like this." He sat down on the floor. That second his expresion changed. "Now then... Who of you bastards wants to explain to me this firetrucked up situation?" As quickly as it came it left giving off a strange feeling. "sory dont mind Gallan he is a little bit off...  So explenation please." Once more his expresion shifted "or ill tear out your throat" and again back to normal. This kid is seriusly messed up.

  12. A voice ecoed from a distance "What on earth is going on?" Lucio ran over as fast as he culd. The second he got there he was astonished. He aulways dreamed of something like this jet in reality it was sort of scary. He saw a figure holding a gun like item it was makoto. "These people I saw them in school why are they here what is going on i dont understand." he thought. He aproached slowly still not convinced it culd be real. "Who or what are you?"

  13. name lucio sky

    gender male

    age 16

    personality he is a quiet person normaly dosnt talk at all but he has multiple personality disorder

    bio The sone of a milionare who ran away from home. He trained several martial arts was a protedgy in all areas of science learned 32 languages and was said to be the perfect person (boy were they wrong) His biggest falw was his innability to be social. after his fathers deth he gained the entire family fortune and went to high school

    appearance http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2012093648/inotia3/images/0/0c/Ipad2_calendar.jpg



    What personas are left i really dont get how they work

    and please forgive my bad grammar

    and if the link dosnt work try googling inotia 3 lucio

  14. name-Gallan Martius


    where are you from- japan

    what are you- ex technician

    color of knight-silver

    fighting style-support,field repair,can push the offensive but inefectivly,good in air combat,expert in martial arts

    geass power-none

    personality-a person with a lack of presance strangely fades away

    appearance-has light blond hair and light blue eyes often seen wearing civilian clothes however wears the black knights jacket when fighting

    bio-he was a child protegy. Considered to be a genius and was forced at gunpoint to work for the military. Waht he did during his service is unknown. For an unknown reason he was releved of his military duty. some time later there were rumors of creating a special knightareframe. A fiew months aago it was rumored that he wanted to join zero. further events are unknown. Curent residance is ashford academy

    theme song- rookiez is punkd in my world


    please go easy on me its my first time rping

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