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Posts posted by savus1909

  1. Lucio quickly gets up and gives a angry look. "Ow whats the big idea?" he said as he loked at usagi "Do you really hate me that much? If so then ill stay out of your way but seriously chill out." he wanted to get away but Cadance needed this "Sometimes i wonder if this was all a curse..." He thought. "Listen i need to sign my close friend up for school since youre the president i thought you were the first person i shuld go to." He sighed and Gallan took over "I dont care what he thinks but its getting on my nerver how you treet Lucio as if he was dirt. You may not be mistaken that much but he trys to act according to the rools. My sister wants to go to this school and i just wanted to sign her up." He nearly shouted out of anger and grabed his head "Man you sure know how to kill a person. Dont make me end up same as Gjiro. Last night was a strange thing and i wuldnt like to end up in a body bag  especialy becouse of a president who trys to kill me." He mutterd in pain.

  2. "Now wait here ok." Lucio said as he left searching for Usagi. He got to her dorm and heard noises. He came through the door and saw her talking to herself. It was a sight that made him close the door. He wanted to go back to Cadance but he needed to get her signed up for school. And so he once again opened the dor and walked in. "Listen miss prez. I dont mean to disturb but there is something i wuld like to discuss."

  3. Lucio finally managed to get to the hospital. He walked through the door and the nurse welcomed him as if he was living there. "Hello lucio, Gallan, Jean, Juan and rei did you have a nice day at school" the lady said with a smile. "Yeah it was fine and sory im late i had detention. Is she awake now?" Gallan said in a rush. He was rather swety and tired as hell. "Yes She is awake but before you doo anything go take a shower.l You still have a spare uniform here right?" She gave him a key to the staff showers "Youve been here so many times its almost as if you arepart of the staff and i think everyone wuldnt mind" She said still in a cheerfull manor. "Fine." Gallan said and went down the coridor. After a quick shower he went up to the highest floor. It was an empty white place and he culd feel all of the sadness that was hidden in this floor. He stroled down to the room furthest away from the stairs and opened the door. Inside tehre was cadance sitting on her hospital bed and reeding a book on advanced physics. As soon as the door opened she closed her book and hapily screamed "Lucio!" The boy in the meentime reganed control and smiled at her "Hey. How are you feeling? "Oh the doctors said i culd be out of the hospitall soon. Isnt that great?" that made hin almost cry of happiness. Tears nearly came out of his eyes when he heard the good news."Thats just ... just ... I culdnt be more happy today." he said wiping his tear. "Thay said i can even attend school a a freshman starting tomorow. And guess what im coming to your school. But i have to be back here right after class." She said inthusiasticly. It was just that that made her like a sister to lucio. Gallan took over "Yuhu! My little sister can finally have a normal life. Thank goodness that happoned." He screamed it at the top of his lungs not holding back any of the feelings that were going through his head. "Big brother ! She said reaching out for him. He in turn hugged her. "You know i can get you to stay at my dorm so we can be together more often if youd like." "Yes! I only dreamed that it wuld be possible but i have to still come to this place after class you know." Cadance said smiling. "At the dorm were having cake tonight so since you culd join us. Ill even ask the doctors to let you stay the night. Im sure we can find a room." The doctor comes in te room "I heard everything and i have just one thing to say. Yes. Please take care of her Gallan ,lucio,Jean,Juan and Rei. And please watch out for the wheelchair while youre at it." He said pointing to a wheelchair. That made Gallan hurt a little inside knowing that she culd never really walk. Lucio reganed control and helped her get on the wheelchair. "Hang on ill call a car." He said taking out a cellphone. Soon everything was aranged. He pushed her intoo te elevator and went with her to the botom flore. A Limuzine was waiting for them. Before they got to the dorm they stoped by the bakery (So yeah i think there is a party about to happon) Cadance kept looking around the diferent kinds of cakes and culdnt decide. In the end they took three. "Wow lucio! All this for me?" she said in amazement At what expense he wuld go for her. "You are like a little sister to me and this day deserves to be perfect for you." He replied. Soon they were off and got to the dorm. Lucio managed to get the three cakes to the kitchen only with the help of the driver.He noticed that Erin was still there and said " Hey i guess there is going to be a little more cake on the menu." He said and cadance also said "Hi..."


    (Longest post of my life)

  4. Ok i made another character


    Name: Cadance Bradwell

    Age: 16

    Gender: female

    Personality: A little shy but likes to be with people she knows

    Appearance: Violet eyes and light brown hair

    Bio: She was the sister of gallan so after he becouse of a terrible freerunning accident died she had noone she culd relate to. then one day during a buisiness trip with her father she met lucio. He was the first person to be nice to her. She was like a sister to him then she told him about gallans death and how much it hurts her not having him there. Shocked by the development he visited a psychiatrist and told him to brainwash him with Gallans memories. During a flaw in the proces it gave lucio three other personalitys. Aulthrough she dosnt say it she took lucio as a god for what he did for her. The day of her birthday she ran ontoo the street and got hit by a car. Lucio also was involved in the inident but he only broke his arm. After tgetting to the doctor they figured out that she wasnt killed but becose of a it to the head she culd no longer walk. Lucio promised that he wuld visit her every day.

    Persona and arcana: none



    I wanted to make a peacfull character to go with the agresive Gallan is it ok for her to have no persona

  5. "I dont know i have to get to the hospital fast. I made a promise." he said as he found his bag and quickly took out a strangely shaped peace of glass. it resembled a bird ore at least something like it. "I wont be here for cake i gotta go but ill be back sometime tonight. Anyway have fun and please dont pule out a knife like that again in public Juan almost pissed his pants ... make that my pants." He ran out the door again shifting to Gallan so he wuld be faster. He then ran recklesly through the city streets dissregarding other people. "This isnt fast enough" he thought as he went through an allyway. in the tight corner Gallan then hoped from one wall to another untill he got to the rooftops. there he was unabstructed as he made his way towards his destination.


    (Was this whole thing a little too much cuz i just cant get free runing out of my head. Must be playing to much assasins creed.)

  6. "Do my bidding? Well thats new. She is just like father." Lucio thought as he opened the window. "You guys if miss prez comes back tell her it was an emerdgency." Gallan took over and smirked "Just like in grade school." He juped out and got a good grip on one of the ledges below from there he swung to a nearby tree and got a grip on one of the branches and managed to decend by continously gripping the branches. He then ran as fast as his legs culd cary him. He quickly stoped by the dorm. He was searching for a bag he droped somewhere in the dorm when he saw Erin and Shiro. "Hey. Hows it going." He sain regaining control. He gave te expression that he was in a hurry.



    (I didnt understand what dissmissed ment culd Lucio go or must he stay there so i just went by isntinct)

  7. Lucio left the auditoriun in search of something to do while he Will be in detention "God dam it Gallan wuld you mind not resorting to violance next time." He sighed while he walked towards an unkown direction. the students heard him talk to himself but didnt want to say anything better to leave him alone. The truth is Lucio hiself hated any kind of fighting and hated the solitude that came with it but then again he had no choice. He was walking and somehow iracoulosly found the room in which detention was held. "Hello in coming in." he said as he came through the door. He saw Usagi sitting at the teachers desk and sat down in the front row. "This is my first detention and im guessing ill have it alot so culd you please tell me what im supposed to be doing here." He let all of that out by exhaling and runing his hand through his hair. With this kind of confidance he is going to get himself killed eventualy.

  8. "I remember last night almost too well. But as interesting as that was i think that this will be one interesting year. And please dont call me a freshman i hate it when people think that. i was in this school last year but i didnt attend classes at all i just went to the final exams and passed. So now im like this strange protedgy who can do anything without even trying but thats a lode of bullshit." he said with a sigh clearly not being to happy about his past. who culd blame him he was abandoned by his family and left to take care of himself. To make matters worse things even went south with the rest of his family so now he baisicly had noone. "What were you doing last night anyway. I get the feeling that youve done that before." He continued with questions that were in his head since last night.

  9. again with his nice guy face he said "Im not sure. Its myfirst day andyou see i got intoo some truble earlyer today soi think some people may want me out of their life. And another thing the people in my class are realy agresive especialy the gang and ... Oh sory im rambeling. " then Juan took control. "So you were a guitarist i heard you play i think. the solo right. Please tell me more about yourself." All ofthat was said in a  spanish accent then Lucio regained control "You see what i meant by some other personalitys they are prety nice once you get to know them or at leasti think so." He sighed the last part. He gave of an expression that made it clear how much he hated his dissorder. "By the way who is makoto? Is he your boyfriend? and sory if im nosy"

  10. Lucio got up and put his hand on Erins shoulder. "You know its not the best idea for you to be swinging around a knife especialy here." He said with a cheerfull smile like this was no big deal for him "My names Lucio but there are four other personalitiys that might take over So just callme by mylast name Sky. I noticed that you saw something interesting in someone here care to tellme what you saw." He continued in a slightly more serious tone. Aultrough his introduction was short he gave off a vibe that nearly everyone in the room culd feal. This was not like him but ever since he saw the so called ghost of Gallan something has been buging him like he was suddenly out of place. Now he had a sort of mixed face between curiosity and another crepy emotion.

  11. Lucio went out of the class room and folowed the crowd to where the president was going to give her speech. He had a strange feeling that something was out of place and it was making him uncomfortable. He got to the theater a interesting architecture it was giving of a barokan feel and the seats were placed so no matter where you were you culd still see what was going on on stage. He went to the front row and sat next to a freshman (Joshua). He sat down next to him and said

    "Hi is this seet taken?" He gave of a faint simile as he waited for a response.

  12. I thought you noticed it by now

    Lucio has multiple personalitys (he has MPD or multiple personality dissorder) for now i made up:

    Gallan the athletic fighter dumbass who settles everything with his fists

    Juan the perverted spanish guy (or mexican) not shown jet but he is a musical typ

    Jean silent creapy guy usualy dosnt even try to take control of lucio

    Rei an energetic extrem sports fan also overconfident


    by the way i can trade empress if you want i havnt used it jet so it wuld be ok to trade

  13. i cant do anything until the speech unless i make a fiasco involving Lucios other personalitys that shuld bring everyone together but there Will be godmoding on a small scale and destrojing a part of the school.

    Or i culd do without destrojing it but then it wuld get realy confusing

    If ti wuld be without gododing te wierdness meter wuld be of the charts


    shuld i do it?

  14. Affter about twenty minutes he finally found a way back to his classroom. "Well well well... looks like the slacker finally decided to join us. Now I understand that your attendance rate last semester was zero. Is that true?" She/He (Im not so sure what it is) asked with a slightly mocking tone. "Yes taats true." The boy decided to answer trying to get jet another anoying escepade over with. "If that is true than culd you please explain how you came to dechisionn that you wuld come back to class?" again with that tone "Please excuse me for last years attendance rate ani i ashure you unless you are a total nazi i Will attend all the classes this year." Gallan said as he took control once more. "Are you thretning me?" the teacher implied with a smirk. "No youre the one thretning me. I mean com on just looking at you makes me want to throw up." he said making the now really pissed of thing (still not sure what that is) shout "Now listen you ingratefull arogant slacker i dont care how tough you might be on the street i asure you i Will make your life in school a living hell!" "Youre kind of aulready doing that." He shoved back and looked at the back of the class. There was something back there that gave off a bad vibe. Lucio managed to regain controll of his body and said "In case this hapons again in the future please forgive me. I have multiple personality disorder and as you have seen they are not the most friendly typ of people." The now confused not sure what replied with "We Will talk after school now get to your seat." Lucio just did as she said not wanting to cause more comotion.

    (Am i posting to much cuz if i am plz tell me)

  15. After his little meatig with Usagi he decided to go back to class. He was still new and didnt realy get how the place. Lucio took a turn and before he knew it he was lost. "Aw man haponed again." he let out a sigh and started to aimlesley wander around the campus. Even after the break bell rang he just kept on walking through the coridors "And they call me a protedgy. Some genius im turning out to be." He thought to himself and looked around to oriante himselfAs he wandered he saw something strange. A figure in the distance that reminded him of someone he thought he wuld never see again. He had this sort of problem often. From time to tie he wuld have miragesor ilusions of people who he saw die. This one in particular was gallan. "Its haponing again. something bad is abot to hapon." He said and ran off. Kind of a bad idea becouse he was lost and just ended up even more confused.

  16. Lucio just stood up and helped her gather her supplies. "You know you dont look so well mayby you shuld go to the nurse" he said concerned. In honest Lucio just culdnt stand anyone around him to be feeling unwell. "Just wondering how good is the school nurse? Cuz the guys that picked on me ... well lets just say they are going to need some medical atention." Gallan jumped in "They tried to attack me again." And Lucio reganed control and said "You know you dont have to do everything by yourself. Dont the vice president or the secretary ever help you with these kinds of things. I can see you are realy overworked." He was he picked up the last of the papers and handed it to Usagi. "Good luck with your speech." He said with a smile.

  17. "The president has a speech in two periods? Wait i saw her fall aslep when i was climbing." He thought out loud. "Gotta go i think i have something to take care of. It was nice seeing you. And by the way five zero three sounds familiar the number poped up in my head a while ago. Well if you find out tell me." He ran down the stairs and went of to look for the president. As he was runing through the school the "gang" that he delt with in class got in the way "Not so fas..." The leader tried to say but was once again knocked down by gallan "No time the neard has something to do." He then leaned back so he stood on his left arm in a moment his lef flew through the air kickilg each of the lackeys so they wuld get the message and gave control back to lucio. He finally found her. She was  asleep as he saw earlyer. He gently wisphered "Hey prez sory to wake you but you have a speech in two periods."

  18. During the break lucio went up to the roof thinking that he Will be alone there. After Juans apearance and the fight he had to clear his head. Anoyed by his classmates he had nothing better to do. Before he got there he got lost and decided to take a short cut. A normal person wuld ask for help but he had a simpler plan. He got out to the window ledge and jumped up geting a grip on the second ledge. After a fiev seconds he reached the top. He got up to the rooftop seeing naoko there he sat down beside her and said "Sory about what haponed earlyer both Gallan and Juan can be anoying at times. Anyway my name is Lucio nice to meet you." He said trying to make his situation a little more well not wierd. 

  19. After regaining control over juan or at least most of it he ran back to class. When he walked back it there was this awkward feeling everyone glared at him "This is all your foult juan you craza asshole" He thought as he sat down. once again he opened his notebook and began writing something. After a moment he stoped and took out a blue and golt amulet from his pocket and put it around his neck. He sighed and started writing again.

  20. "Hey naoko right? What exactly is your relation with the president?" Lucio asked trying to make a conversation to which Gallan once again took control "Forget the neard tell me more about yourself sweetcheks." obviously he was trying to get lucio in a akward position. And here another personality surfaced "puta madre Gallan you are a pendeho." That was juan a less agresive personality aulways fighting with gallan. He is sort of spanish/mexican even lucio himself isnt sure what he is but he does somewhat appear to be the voice or reason .. right? "You are anoying the mamassita." i stand corected he is a pervert. Geting back in control lucio said please excuse me" He ran to the bathroom and tried to get a grip

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