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Joe Kalico

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  1. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Fierce Deity Link in What's the best part of the a KH game?   
    *Waits for DawnStar to say Riku is the best part* Hm... I'll just say characters.
  2. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to HarLea Quinn in What's the best part of the a KH game?   
    Dem feelz
  3. Like
    Joe Kalico got a reaction from Anonn0000 in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    That mule turns me on
  4. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to HarLea Quinn in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    Very adorable pics . On a side note you are such a pervert Winner !  I love ya for it though
  5. Like
    Joe Kalico got a reaction from HarLea Quinn in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    That mule turns me on
  6. Like
    Joe Kalico got a reaction from Dracozombie in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    That mule turns me on
  7. Like
    Joe Kalico got a reaction from MyDixieRect in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    That mule turns me on
  8. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to MyDixieRect in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    I mean when he grows up his testosterone level is gonna shoot through the roof and he'll rip off your hands and tear off your face if/when he feels like it. But for now...just awwwww!
    And so this topic doesn't seem like such a waste I guess I'll present you with some other cute and maybe some funny gifs (but that baby monkey though!).
    The Sleepy Duckling
    Kitten, Go Home, You're Drunk.
    I Imagine This is Flaming Lea with Squirting Demyx's "Stick" but I Don't Know, I Don't Watch Their Late Night Activities.
    The Dog That Just Can't
    Not Now, Honey the Game is On
    For those of you who want to look at something that's a bit more of a turn on:
    Dat Ass
    ....But that baby monkey though!
  9. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Shulk in AH! It's so cute it hurts!   
    The one with the cat and the dog is like my new puppy with my oldest dog.
  10. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to HarLea Quinn in On the Subject of Keyblades   
    There are so many things to address in your post i'll answer things in bold  :
    Yes Keychains change the appearance and stats of a keyblade based off memories,connections, and experiences the keychain was based off of .
  11. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Xiro in On the Subject of Keyblades   
    So earlier today I was randomly thinking about Keyblades and how one 'stores' them when not in use. I always assumed it was just some alternate dimension storage thing or Hammerspace or whatever you would like to call it. Then I thought: What if Keyblade wielders stored their Keyblades in their hearts? That then somehow turned into this thought:
    What if Keyblades were created from one's heart?
    Dream Drop Distance explained that Keyblades were forged in the image of the χ-blade, but we don't know what methods were used to forge them. So creating Keyblades from one's heart is a possibility. After all, Keyblades only come into the possession of those with strong hearts.
    But what about the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony that Terra and Aqua performed on Riku and Kairi? Well, perhaps that was just the planting of a seed, the facilitation of the growth of their hearts so they could become strong enough to have Keyblades of their own.
    But Riku didn’t get his own Keyblade until… KHII. His heart wasn’t strong enough to him to have a Keyblade of his own, due to him always grappling with the darkness and his own self-doubt. It was strong enough, however, to use Sora’s Keyblade in KH and Roxas’s in Days.
    Speaking of Roxas, what about him and Xion? They just used Sora and Ven’s Keyblades, right? But as DDD said, Nobodies can grow their own hearts. So it’s possible that Roxas had his own Keyblade the entire time he had a heart, and/or he used Sora’s/Ventus’s until his heart had grown enough. Same with Xion. She couldn’t even use a Keyblade until that one Darkside mission (I don’t remember specific days and things, so yeah), and then lost the ability to use the Keyblade until that other mission when she used Roxas’s Keyblade (and Roxas got stuck with a stick).
    This could also be a reason as to why Xemnas doesn’t use a Keyblade: it would require him to grow a heart.
    On the Topic of Dual Wielding:
    Dual-wielding is either brought about by using someone else’s Keyblade or having a heart strong enough to produce two. Roxas could use Xion’s (or as many believe, Ventus’s) Keyblade along with his own at the end of Days and in KHII. It’s also possible that Roxas’s grown heart became strong enough for him to have two. As to which idea is correct, or if either of them are correct… well, that’s still up in the air.
    One thing that has been discussed in the past is whether Sora would be able to dual-wield after Ven and Roxas and everyone else is saved and their hearts no longer reside within Sora. If we go with the “more hearts = more Keyblades” theory, then the answer would be no. But if that were, true, wouldn’t Sora be able to wield more Keyblades? He’s got Roxas, Ven, and Xion in him. Those plus his own would give him a grand total of four Keyblades. But he only uses either one or two. Why?
    Because he doesn’t use the others’ Keyblades.
    Think about it. Sora is the main character, and his heart has grown a lot over the course of the series. Who’s to say that his heart isn’t strong enough for him to have two Keyblades?
    Also, look at Sora vs. Roxas in KHIIFM. Sora has his one Keyblade while Roxas still has two. If Roxas used Sora’s or Ven’s Keyblades, how could he use two if Sora was using his own? And if Roxas had Roxas’s heart and Sora didn’t have Roxas’s heart, how could Sora have used three Keyblades (albeit temporarily)? Of course, you could always throw in quantum mechanics and argue that Roxas’s heart is both in Sora and Roxas via superposition, but I digress. Since Sora was only using one, he could have borrowed Roxas’s two for a bit to knock out an HP bar or two, and Roxas either used his and Xion’s or had a heart strong enough to have two.
    Last but not least is Lea. He, training under Merlin, tried to learn how to wield a Keyblade, but couldn’t do it when the time came and things went down at TWTNW. But at the end of the game, he summoned one (much to everyone’s surprise). So, one can theorize that Lea's heart wasn't strong enough, and that the battle at TWTNW was enough to strengthen Lea’s heart and produce a Keyblade.
    Also, it is possible that the heart can create a unique Keychain for the wielder, such as Lea’s Keyblade and Riku’s Way to the Dawn.
    I believe that is all I have to say on the matter. TL;DR: The heart is like a big and burly blacksmith that forges you a Keyblade. Some can get so big and burly that they’re strong enough to make you two. (Despite the presence of a TLDR, it would be nice if you actually read everything.)
    NOTE: This is ALL theory. I apologize if some things aren't necessarily clear or anything; I have a bit of trouble with relaying my thoughts with the written word. Feel free to refute some points and things, but just don't be an assbutt about it.
    EDIT: I totally forgot about any of the interviews when I wrote this, and as a result some points are blatantly wrong. Sooo just disregard that whole thing regarding dual-wielding and that one paragraph above it.
  12. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to xxClouDxxmoon in Every member of kh13 to me   
    Who is that green chick, she looks hot.
  13. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Rizzyy in Every member of kh13 to me   
  14. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to KHWaterBlock in Minecraft Kingdom Hearts Adventure Launch Trailer   
    Hey guys! My Launch Trailer for my Kingdom Hearts Adventure map for Minecraft is finally up!
    It's releasing this year so I hope everybody likes it!
  15. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Villi1997 in Jake The Dog Drawing   
    So i watched the first two episodes of Adventure time and i'm kinda getting into it

  16. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Cucco in Toonami - Equality Speech   
  17. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to King Demise in Ads can be very creative   
  18. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to xoblivionx13 in Happy Single's Awareness Day!   
  19. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to blackhammer in finding nemo 2   
  20. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Shulk in What's wrong with downloading games and music?...   
    "but who doesn't do that?" For starters, I don't.
    By not buying games or music, you aren't supporting the creators, which could make them have to stop what they're doing. Thinking "Just once won't hurt" means that there are likely thousands, or even millions of others who think the same thing, which will hurt the creators even more. This is like asking "What's wrong with shoplifting?"
  21. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Sora96 in What's wrong with downloading games and music?...   
    Because it's stealing. Ever hear of supporting the people who develop/produce something?
  22. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Tails in New Infamous: Second Son Trailer   
    Can't wait for this game to come out! This game ALONE motivates me to get a PS4.

  23. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Ruby Rose in What game is going to boot off the next saga?   
    Kingdom Hearts IV: This Boat Runs on Happy Faces
  24. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to MasterXemnas in Does anyone even use the 3DS' 3D?   
    Fool. I try to every once in a while, but it's just annoying. I want it to be a cool thing, but it's not.
  25. Like
    Joe Kalico reacted to Shulk in Unpopular Video Game Opinions Topic   
    Honestly, I don't see why Lucario has such a huge fanbase. I don't really see much that sets it apart from the rest of the Generation IV Pokemon. Heck, I don't even like its typing that much. I don't really think it's as cool as most people make it out to be.
    Also, Heart Gold/Soul Silver were fun, but inferior to the original Silver/Gold versions. I don't think any of the music remixes were as good as the original soundtrack (I can't stand the champion battle remix), and the Gen IV engine kind of bogged it down.
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