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Everything posted by Altemisea

  1. Before Crisis is set during Crisis Core, just With whatever it is the Turks do Then its the original Final Fantasy VII Then the Cases of Tifa, Barret, everyone and Maiden who travels the planet, though whether they're canon or not is up to interpretation Advent Children/Complete Dirge of Cerberus is last Last Order is an OVA of when Zack and Cloud escape Nibleheim from the Turks point of view. I don't really know what else is there, I feel like I'm forgetting some.
  2. yeahh i dont think they would do that unless, god forbid, her original voice actress died.
  3. eh seymour's kinda boring to me. also Sephiroth totally did the "back from the dead" thing so much better.
  4. Definitely VII.Although I've never gotten to play a mainstream FF, only played a spin off Dirge of Cerberus, but I have watched Let's Plays of IV, VII. VIII and IX, and I.m working on watching XII, and maybe X and XIII, so maybe I have no right to say which is my favorite.
  5. yes please more Tifa, and conclude Clouds little side plot. thats all i want really but please for gods sake do not add Lightning. I'm sick of seeing her everywhere I look when I want anything remotely FINAL FANTASY related.
  6. i honestly wouldn't really care cause at this point disney worlds are more filler than anything and detract from the overall plot.
  7. Definitely CC and DoC Remastered or surprise with that FF VII remake we've been asking for for how long now?
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