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Everything posted by ColdSoulEater

  1. I'm loving the game so far. I watched all the Re: Coded scenes in one sitting and they were nicely made. Im a decent ways into KH2 Final Mix and my only problems so far are the load times for Drive Forms and a 2 second freeze that occured when I opened up a chest. Other than those minor issues I'm still really enjoying the game. :cool:
  2. Some stuff is still really confusing but thats how the series is.
  3. Corneria theme is one of my favorites if not my favorite in the entire game. I'm not even a fan of starfox but this song is legit.
  4. Not quite yet lol. Nearly everything from The World That Never Was that was plot related blew my mind! I will have to go back and watch some of the scenes just to make sure I didnt imagine the things I heard
  5. Just got done beating Dream Drop Distance and man was it a great game! Lots of interesting plot elements that were explained a bit and even more to lead into Kingdom Hearts 3. Ansems second form and Young Xehanort were really giving me some trouble since I was on Proud around level 40 but after a near hour struggle on each of those fights I pulled through. Finally it feels nice have finished all the games in the series since I have put them off for far too long. Now just to wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 and it feels like its gonna be a long one but HD 2.5 along with other games of course will keep me busy in the long run.
  6. Alright thanks for the feedback. I'm just glad I finished the game because I felt obligated to play the series in order of the story so when I started playing it, it just felt like it drifted away from the pace of the story. Now I can get back into the flow of things with DDD which I hear is really good. I am interested to see what the extra scenes in Re: Coded for 2.5 will be like though and how they will connect the story together. :cool:
  7. Now Im trying to decide whether I should put myself through the whole game again just so I can get the extras to unlock the secret ending. Honestly I watched the ending on youtube after beating the game just because I really rather not play it again just to unlock a 2 minute cutscene. I'm not saying that the game is terrible like others say it is. I actually think its more enjoyable than Re: Chain of Memories gameplay wise. Its just the story that I find ridiculous. I'd love to move on to Dream Drop Distance so I can finally say that I played all the games in the series. But I have this guilt in the back of my mind that if I dont get the secret ending it just wouldn't feel justified moving on. I dont know maybe Its just my completionist mindset thinking about it too much. So should I just forget about it and move on since I already watched the secret ending? Or should I feel the satisfaction of Unlocking everything?
  8. I had planned on going til I found out it wasnt going to be at my local Best Buy. Hell its not even going to be in my state!
  9. Only creepy thing I can think of is the Heartless Ship area on the last phase of the Ansem fight in KH1. That face is a bit creepy but thats just a minor thing since I couldnt think of anything else. :tongue:
  10. Yeah I'll probably be waiting to get a PS4 for when KH3 is out and Final Fantasy XV has me interested even though I've never played a Final Fantasy game before. Got an Xbox One this past Christmas and I rarely play it and now it has a price drop already. Gonna be getting a Wii U this year for sure though with Smash bros. and all those other great titles coming out for it. Im a big gamer so I like having all consoles but mainly just because each have their exclusives. :cool:
  11. I always go in Standard/Normal on my first playthrough of any game and if I feel like playing through it again I'll bump the difficulty up. I actually played Proud mode on my first playthrough of Birth By Sleep though because I already had past KH experience so it was a breeze the whole way til I got to the end bosses. Have yet to try critical mode yet but I think I'll stick to Standard/Proud as my favorite just so I can enjoy the game.
  12. Yep Caddicarus is awesome. Loved the Crash Bandicoot retrospectives. Still waiting for that Spryo one though haha. :cool:
  13. Yeah I usually go to IGN for all my gaming news but then I came across this list and just couldnt believe what my eyes were seeing. I immediately thought that this was a straight joke list because I doubt there would be a big kingdom hearts fan who would want any of these worlds other than maybe a few people who are fans of those mentioned. From a logical stand point I couldnt see any of those worlds fitting into the kingdom hearts universe other than the ones you mentioned yourself. This is yet another time IGN has made an article with little to no sense being made about the topic. Although I understand opinions and all but still just a big no to that list for me.
  14. Had these way before I got into Kingdom Hearts myself so I was surprised when I found them now after becoming a big fan of the series.
  15. meh. Im not big on street fighter games. Ive only ever played SSF4 Arcade edition. But I can still agree that capcom always tends to deliver BS rather than what their fanbase deserves. Some like it others hate it. Guess its all a matter of opinions in the end really.
  16. So I was going through my old stack of Nintendo Power magazines and discovered I had these with the Kingdom Hearts artworks on the covers. So I decided to proudly display them on my shelf.
  17. Very well I'll clear things up. The very beginning wasnt too impressive until the scene with Anna and Elsa as kids started. I didnt care much for the scenes with the Trolls singing to Anna and Kristoff. I sighed when the Troll King said the only thing that can unfreeze her heart was true loves kiss. I found that very cliche since thats been overused far too many times but since its Disney and all I was expecting it. Other than that I pretty much liked everything else. Was that a Better synopsis? :cool:
  18. So yes I am a bit late on this masterpiece of a movie. Loved every second of it I guess you could say I've officially jumped aboard the Frozen Hype Train! Seeing how well the movie did I wouldn't be surprised if it made it into Kingdom Hearts 3 but I'll stay optimistic about it for now. Fingers Crossed! :cool:
  19. Haha. Nope not at all. But I can see how you'd get that hence the title of the series. Even I find the title to be a bit strange lol.
  20. I'm not really good at explaining things. I'm more of a "view it for yourself and you'll understand" type of person haha. But I guess I could say that I'm liking the character interactions up to this point and the story seems to be an interesting one for sure. I'll just keep watching and see how well this story can take off.
  21. So with the Anime game J-stars victory VS just around the corner I decided to watch a few of the series that some of the games characters are from and I started with Hunter x Hunter. I've known about it for quite some time now but never got around to watching it til today. Lets just say I am not disappointed. Even though I'm only on episode 7 I am liking the way the series is going so far.
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