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Everything posted by KhaosReaper7734

  1. Listen to all that say wait till 2.5 I can't afford to get a Ps3/4
  2. Yeah but I don't have access to my computer at the moment.
  3. Lately I've been looking for a copy of Kh2 online but to no avail. I've currently looked on Walmart.com and GameSpot.com and they are sold out. If you know where I can get a copy please comment below. -Khaos
  4. Welcome. I haven't seen this video and wouldn't know where to start, but have fun on the forums!
  5. Kingdom Hearts 1 thanks to my dad for getting me hooked on the entire series though.
  6. Is the disk scratched heavily? If so I say go get it clean professionally.
  7. Khaos v.s. The Fire Kingdom (Part 1 Chapters 1-3) Chapter 1 "An Unconventional Quest" Khaos clutched his scythe tightly while glaring at the demon. The blood dripping from the wound on the demon was black. Khaos said, "Dad you seem to be slacking a bit." "I believe that is where you are mistaken," the demon replied. He quickly sent a surge of dark light towards Khaos. Khaos without noticing tried to retreat from the horrid image of blinding light but was swiftly captured. He blacked out.. Khaos awoke in a cage. He punched it as hard as possible to no avail. A voice whispered, "You have failed. You will be sent to Drale to defeat the 5 prosperous Kingdoms and their Champions. If you fail me.. You will never become king." Khaos responded, "Fine. I'll do your bidding." "Great you may keep your scythe." Khaos was transported into a planet named Drale. He looked around slowly and did not see anyone in sight. He looked at his scythe and said, "You and I have a long journey ahead of us." Chapter 2 "Elder Elimination?" Khaos noticed a village just south of his current location. He started walking towards the unknown village. There were 4 cottages at each corner of the village and a market directly in the middle. Although it was a small community, Khaos decided to interrogate the common folk. After arriving in the village, Khaos approached the first villager he saw and asked, "Do you know where the nearest Kingdom is?" "You should ask the village elder. But beware he does take kindly to newcomers." "Thanks for the warning. Which cottage does he live in?" "The one in the over there," the man pointed to the furthest cottage. "Alright," Khaos replied and strolled to the elder's cottage. He looked inside and saw an old man with a long white beard and a simple blue tunic. "I saw you coming from my Third Eye," the elder whispered. "Hmm, a man with a Third Eye? Cool, I just wanted to ask if you knew where the nearest Kingdom is located?" "I could tell you, but that would be too easy. So why don't you duel me?" "A fight? I'm in, but I got to tell you I am the son of Satan XIII." "I know! You aren't deemed worthy of winning. You get one chance." Khaos equipped his scythe and slashed at the elder. The elder dodged and yelled, "Got to do better than that!" Khaos summoned two darkened demons at both sides of himself. "Attack," Khaos whispered. The demons flew forward and toppled over the elder. The demons disintegrated and the elder remained on the ground. The elder confidently said, "Is that all that you've got?" Khaos summoned a bone, skeletal hand just beneath the elder. "How would you fill to be the first elder in Hell?" The hand gripped the elder ever so tightly. He gasped and whispered, "Go.. north.." His body lay motionless. Khaos ordered the hand to return and started his journey north. Chapter 3 "The Savior" Two days later Khaos arrived at a Kingdom named Phlare. He glanced over the Kingdom carefully deciding where to find the King. He noticed a palace toward the other end of the Kingdom. As he was walking he noticed a strange aura surrounding him. The a voice exclaim, "I got him!" Khaos was then pulled down into the ground. After the dust cleared, Khaos saw 3 peasants looking at him. The tallest one who seemed like the leader said, "Why are you here?" Khaos replied, "I need to eliminate the Champion." Khaos decided not to tell them the reason why he was after the Champion. The leader said, "I see. But you won't get to fulfill your wish.." Just then a dagger impaled the leader. Blood spattered onto Khaos. The other two peasants turned around and saw a figure hidden in the shadows. The figure said, "Poor peasants won't live to steal their riches." He threw 2 more daggers, one at each of the men. They dropped to the ground with a thump. The man stepped out of the shadows, and Khaos saw a that the man had menacing, golden eyes and was wearing a fancy, blue tunic. Khaos said, "Who are you?" "Your savior. Better known as Cain.."
  8. Yeah of course. I'd just imagine Kid Goku with a keyblade.
  9. Anyone a Graphic Designer and wouldn't mind making me a custom sig?

  10. I actually hope they'll continue with more Kingdom Hearts games just because they're that awesome. More games means more of an intensive story.
  11. Sonic.. Just because I like Shadow the Hedgehog.
  12. Finished my About Me X3 Check it out :P

    1. Anonn0000


      its pretty epic xD

  13. Thanks. I would just like to see a Fan-Fic on the resurrection of Ventus.
  14. Ehh, I wouldn't care if she was in the game.. But do we really need more Princesses?
  15. Maybe continue with the story of Ventus. Like have characters(ones you choose) to go and find/free Ventus? I don't know just brainstorming x3.
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