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Everything posted by aliyarocksyoursocks123

  1. Hurricane Harvey was r o u g h y'all. But, I ended up meeting Ted Cruz at a shelter today, so I guess that was interesting??

    1. Xiro


      List of people you wouldn't necessarily be dying to meet but if you meet them still kinda cool? lol

      Hopefully things have been alright for you. Storm was pretty bad

  2. Can't wait until graduation

  3. Dude this is dope
  4. There's this sixth grader I know who's writing a speech for a class and her first two sentences are "I am a weaboo, This is anime." And I'm just like ohhh sweet child no don't do this to yourself

    1. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      she'll doom herself to a life of ridicule and social recluse if she decides to start her speech like that.

  5. *desperately waits for PC version of FF15 to be released TnT*

    1. Geralt


      *waits with you*

    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      *Waits together*

  6. College applications will be the death of me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xiro


      ugh yeah FAFSA was annoying

    3. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      Don't even get me started on the CSS Profile TnT It's never ending

    4. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      @Sora lol but am I truly alive tho *vanishes in a plume of smoke*

  7. Painting fire is ridiculously difficult D':

    1. Elrandir


      Not according to this. https://derpicdn.net/img/2016/8/6/1218588/medium.gif

      But seriously, it is a pain ^^;

    2. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      I wish it was that easy D; I've spent nine hours trying to paint fire so far (my canvas is rlly big tho) and I'm dying

  8. Archery! I hope South Korea doesn't obliterate the American team
  9. Finally catching up on RWBY. Ahhh, memories.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      Oh please. I'm totally...uh...cool......uhhhhh........

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ are you too Kool for Black Mage class?

    4. aliyarocksyoursocks123
  10. If any of y'all are havin a rough day, here's a video of some baby goats to make you a bit happier. It always a stress reliever to watch some cute baby animal videos, at least for me. Plus, these goats are ridiculously cute. Just look at 'em. Totally adorable. Unless you think goats are gross. Then I dunno what to say.
  11. We're gonna start reading Dante's Inferno in class, and I'm psyched as hell *ba dum tss* (okay that was bad xD)

    1. EternalChange


      Joke of the year 2016.

  12. Cry and PressHeartToContinue's playthrough of Dandelion is the best xD

  13. Officially became an archery instructor :D

    1. Amber Cole
    2. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      So your life must be... on the straight and arrow.

  14. Thanks you guys! nah you da awesomestest quoting loveless I see
  15. For some reason, when I read the title of this topic, I pictured
  16. Popularity is fleeting. High school is short, so you shouldn't concentrate on what your peers think of you for helping this girl out, since they probably won't even remember you a few years from now. What really matters is making sure this girl is okay and safe. Try helping her in any way you can, get aid from adults, be her friend, save her from the bullies, anything. Even if she may not want to talk to you, at least let her know that you're there for her. Because people in this state of mind usually think no one's there for them, and no one would listen to them. But if they know that at least one person is there for them, it could save them from going over the edge. Just my opinion.
  17. the My Immortal fanfic actually killed me

  18. ayyyyy just finished Far Cry 3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Clouded Sun
    3. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      @Sun So exact with the timing xD

      @Lelouchanort I didn't know that quote was popular enough that even people who haven't played the game know of it

    4. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Well, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein.


      But I do know the quote is used in the game!

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