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Everything posted by aliyarocksyoursocks123

  1. People should stop making Harry Potter jokes, I'm sirius.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Snape killed Hedwig

      You'll get no puns from me today ._.

    2. xoblivionx13


      It'll all be ok. Just as long as you turn to page 394.

    3. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      That's it: Howlers for you all.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  2. Is it just me, or does Dylan Dauzat look EXACTLY like Roxas? Idk.

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      More like jack frost.

    2. DaxtotheMax


      Not exactly ,because of the curls but the hair color is about right

  3. I feel like you could use the comeback "Your face" for anything.

    1. Philip Ellwell
    2. DaxtotheMax


      I'm gonna punch your face....in the face

    3. MyDixieRect


      "Why did you have sex with my sister?"

      "Your face."

      "Cause she has my face? Aww, kthxbai! <3"

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  4. I feel like you could use the comeback "Your face" for anything.

  5. How would you view yourself through another person's eyes?

    1. ReikuSSR


      An insane psychotic dreamer.

    2. Danex Darkfire +

      Danex Darkfire +

      "Will this guy ever shut up"

    3. Demyx.


      Let me ask John

  6. Benedict Cumberbatch was on Sesame Street. It was the most adorable thing ever.

    1. Anonn0000


      Awwwww. I hope i get to see that episode..xD haha

  7. "Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad!"--Oh wait, wrong song...*switches radio*--"Happy Birthday to you!" *blows out candles*

    1. DaxtotheMax


      So what did you do for your b-day?

    2. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      Well, I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. It didn't feel like a birthday day, y'know? So, I just stayed at home and pigged out on candy.

    3. DaxtotheMax
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. Let's get down to business, to defeat the huns!

    1. Shulk


      "Let's get down to business, to control the world!"

    2. DaxtotheMax


      I'll make a dictator out if you

    3. DaxtotheMax


      I love that movie

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. The ending to Crisis Core was insane. I just watched a play through of it, and, wow. So many gaps filled.

    1. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      @Caity Rainsdrop, If you are a FF7 fan, then I really recommend it. It filled in so many gaps in FF7, and the game itself is awesome. So yeah :)

    2. Caity


      I only just bought FF7 the other day (the one on the PSN sale) but once I finish all my current games I'll get stuck into the series, I have like 12 of the games relatively unplayed

    3. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      Hah, I know exactly what you mean. I still haven't finished AC4 yet even though I've had it for months. Things just always seem to get in the way.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. Cocoa Puffs are actually the best cereal ever.

    1. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      @Lalalablah Wow, you were quite the imaginative child. When I was younger, I named my yellow parakeet "Tweety Bird," but, yeah, well, Reddy Freddy kinda trumps mine. :3

    2. Lalalablah


      Tweety Bird is a cute name, I've always wanted a parakeet when I was a kid :D

    3. aliyarocksyoursocks123
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  11. Watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Oh yeah

    1. DaxtotheMax


      Kind of Old School ,but still cool .. I used to watch it all the time

    2. xoblivionx13
    3. aliyarocksyoursocks123
  12. My parakeet's eggs just hatched. And now all 4 of her babies are screeching and screaming, and my dog is going crazy, and my local Taco Bell is closed (I don't even now why) and life just isn't fun right now. It just isn't.

  13. Hi, I'd like to change my username to: aliyarocksyoursocks123 Thanks!
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