Well this is really an interesting question...as for now i would definitely want to go back to those worlds: - Mysterious Tower - Twilight Town - Destiny Islands (including the Main Island!) - Radiant Garden (maybe including the old castle parts from KH 1)
- Mulan (Mulan 2) - Disney Castle and Disney Town (but please not as a mini-game world)
- Hunchback of Notre Dame (more oriented on the first movie and with Frollo as an actual bossfight or oriented on the second movie with this thief and the bell [i forgot the name of the thief])
And those are old worlds i MAY want to see in KH 3 - Port Royal (Dead mens chest, but i don't need it if we are getting Treasure Planet ) - Agrabah (Aladdin and the 40 thiefs [i don't know the right english name so sorry if i named it wrong]) - More or less Deep Space but i think it will be more likely Hawaii but i could totally go with that - Atlantica (but just if it is a normal world without musicals and oriented on Arielle 2 and NOT completely underwater, otherwise i don't want to see Atlantica again! EVER! )
- Monstro/Pinocchio (if there is everything besides Monstro!) That sums it up.