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Everything posted by ScarletArisa

  1. I only sleep 5 hours a night as a maximum even at weekends because my father always wakes me at 8 o'clock.
  2. I woke up at 6 in the morning...O_O

    1. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister

      I have to wake up at 6:00 am.

    2. ScarletArisa


      When i have school i have to get up at 5. Normally i dont wake up before 10 when i have a day off :D

  3. I am actually playing it and have also bought the Deluxe Edition.I am not very far in the game and i don't want to spoiler you so i will tell you nothing about the story. However can recommend it gameplay wise if you like a roundbased battle system combined with crafting, skill trees and good puzzles. For the graphics i can tell you from my PS3 version it does look even more beautiful on the console than in the trailers and i think from all the places i visited it looks really amazing. Also the music is really good and together with the graphics they are fitting the atmosphere.I would buy it, if you don't have enough money wait until it is cheaper.
  4. Normally I would go with the Blu-Rays but i like download games when they are cheaper because i don't have that much money.
  5. Yay, i can finally play Child of Light

  6. I got my Deluxe Version today (1 day earlier) and it looks awesome on PS3
  7. Do you know if this demo is just for the US? I live in Europe and want to play Smash too
  8. Oh my ....i on the weird side of youtube again.
  9. This looks very very nice what a shame somebody ate it...
  10. I would really really like it with the old and the rearranged music together and you could choose which version you would like to play.Kingdom Hearts has so many wonderful tracks and maybe they could even include a sneek peak on one or two KH 3 tracks while they are at it.Also it would fill the gap between 2.5 and KH 3 if KH 3 is not coming in 2015.
  11. Oh my.....i hope they sell that where i live soon *___*
  12. Well, this is very twisted for me on the one hand i want other developers (maybe smaller studios) have their attempt on big titles like Kingdom Hearts (or other games in general to bring fresh ideas into a franchise) but on the other hand it has to fit into the series and the current saga so i would like it if they would work together with Square for the game.
  13. Maaan i am sooo slow i still haven't finished Grace F (because Xillia hat more priority ) and i still have to fetch Symphonia and then those 3 little gems are coming up and maybe the new tales of world for the 3DS is getting localized...wonderful times for me bad times for my wallet
  14. I am also very excited for this game just 9 days left in Europe and every day my hypemeter goes up. I just hope that i won't be dissappointed by it. I will buy it for the PS 3 and if i can get my hands on it i will buy the Deluxe Version as soon as possible
  15. My good old game boy :wub: after that i got a color then the SNES as my first TV console
  16. I want to battle Frollo and i was very disappointed that this wasn't included in DDD. I can live with the fruit bat as the final boss of this world in SOME way but to leave out Frollo was a terrible decision. Well Nomura can set this right in Kingdom Hearts 3 and i REALLY hope he will.
  17. *the lions are distracted by the food*Well, i think it's time we start attacking, don't you think
  18. Well i for myself also searched for a long time until i found my perfect YT name. Actually i tried to use some elements of the games i like (Kingdom Hearts, TWEWY, Pokémon, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Touhou) and combined this with my old nickname and things i like (colors, items, whatever). Maybe this helps you to find something very unique and catchy.But out of the suggestions here i would go for CrownedGuard because that sounds cool. Hope that helps.
  19. And after the writer's block comes the design block...-___-

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