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Everything posted by Guidinglight

  1. I bet KH3 starts Like Prequel and we can play as younger eraqus for while , something like roxas in start of KH2
  2. Welcome! KH fans are awesome.
  3. E3 hype wohoo :)

    1. WakingDawn96


      I wish it was E3 now, partly due to the fact that I'm already sick of everyone talking about it and complaining about how far away it is even though it's only a few days more. The other reason is, of course, to find out about games that interests me

    2. Guidinglight


      Yeah.. Im mostly insterested only rpg games and theres gonna lot of them showing there so thats why im exited :)

    3. WakingDawn96


      And Smash Bros! Don't forget Smash Bros!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Best Tales games in my opinion. Characters are good, story takes to many places and battle system is superb
  5. Was it fun experience? And how much time took it?
  6. Heya! Just curious is anybody played every FF game from 1 to 10 in that order ofcourse?
  7. I wish KH3 would be the end. atleast for Sora, i mean how many times he saved the day? Sora deserves the rest.
  8. Other Christians here? I really like specially Christian altrock.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raziel


      My name comes from a really cool game called Legacy of Kain! It's super violent and bloody/gory...But fun because you play as a demon in the underworld named Raziel!! xD

    3. Raziel
    4. Raziel


      square enix makes the series too o_o

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Welcome! nice to have new people coming.
  10. Heya! Welcome to the site, have fun
  11. Why this Depression must haunt me so often :/

  12. I belive in destiny so its not my choice to make.
  13. Welcome! Im bit new here too but its nice forum really.
  14. Because they make me forget real life for while.
  15. PC version there is little chance because Nomura stated that FFXV even might come to PC.
  16. I bet its around 2015 because of XV release and maybe announcement early 2015
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