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About Lilac1100

  • Birthday 01/01/2000

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  • Gender
  1. Hey! How's it going?

  2. Sup friend?

    1. Lilac1100


      Nothing much! How about you?

    2. Alicia Maddox

      Alicia Maddox

      Oh quite a bit. xD Got accepted into the school I want, but I have yet to hear back from the department. T.T

    3. Lilac1100


      I'm sorry to hear that! But congrats on getting accepted! I hope you hear back soon!

  3. Merry Christmas Lilac!

    1. Lilac1100


      Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Welcome! I'm Lilac and I hope you enjoy the site
  6. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a good day!

  7. I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  8. Hi How R U ? ^^

    1. Lilac1100


      Good. Well stuck at home with a ear infection. But other than that good! Thanks! How r u?

    2. RE_NO


      Omg hope u get well soon ♡

      I'm fine Thank u ^^

    3. Lilac1100


      Thanks! And your welcome:)

  9. Hi! Haven't talked to you in a while! How are you?

  10. Hey! How are you?It 's been a while I didn't see you :)

    1. Lilac1100


      I'm good how are you!

    2. Caracool


      Really great it couldn't be better! Holyday incoming for me :D

    3. Lilac1100
  11. Welcome I hope you enjoy the cite!
  12. Thanks so much for adding me as a friend :)

    1. MarkXIIII


      *PS: The color is spelled teal

      [i know cuz it's my eye color haha]

    2. Lilac1100


      Your welcome and thanks for the tip! :)

  13. So sorry about that on the Rp I fixed it but I was writing something somewhere else and I accidentally posted it here. I didn't mean to post that. And it wasn't about your character or the story. So once again I apologize

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iamkingdomhearts1000


      Don't be hard on yourself for one thing, instead, learn from it, take joy and be happy, it can just be something to remember fondly of, even if it isn't a majorly huge, HUGE thing, know what I mean :]?

    3. Lilac1100


      wow i should seek advice from you more often!

    4. Iamkingdomhearts1000


      Not really, I am a bit vain in my opinions so yeah, I only say what I think is truth :].

  14. Hikari's Pov: "What?" I asked. I could not fight! I just got the keyblade how could I fight!
  15. Hikari's pov: I had somehow ended up walking in circles. I slowly turned the corner to see Oracle and the girl ?(still haven't learned her name.) fighting an old man. The old man shot some darkness at the girl about to take off her head. I could not help but let out a loud scream.
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