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Gregory Cloninger

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About Gregory Cloninger

  • Birthday 08/27/1991

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Trainee Keyblade Wielder
  • Gender
  1. Well, finally rejoined the community after a long hiatus. It's been awhile, eh?

  2. Welcome, friend! Nice to see a new face around these parts. Here are some starter tips the others gave me: 1. Don't drink the water, it's actually heartless blood 2. Rainbow cupcakes are our currency 3. Weedanort is actually one of the thirteen darknesses ( don't tell him we know!!!) 4. have fun and be yourself Call if you need any tips
  3. Sora has shown a power to reach out to people in a way that seems supernatural. It may be that this whole journey he is on is the path needed to unlock the greatest light within himself, maybe even the light of Kingdom Hearts, in a way. Also, has anyone considered the potential that Kingdom Hearts may not be a place or object, but rather a person? A conduit of the hallowed light that birthed all worlds?
  4. Riku avatar riku avatar rikuuu...*dribbles from my porcoline little mouthy*

    1. Anonn0000


      *snag's your avatar and snuggles the HECK out of it xD*



    2. Gregory Cloninger

      Gregory Cloninger

      *Huggles back just for the heck of it* By the way, it's Riku Replica, not real Riku, in pic. I call him Repliku.

    3. Anonn0000


      i know. still adorable <3

  5. Currently level-grinding on KH 3D: DDD. It's a pain.

    1. Gregory Cloninger

      Gregory Cloninger

      The level-grinding, not the game.

  6. BBS. I never got the chance to play, so this will be the best opportunity to do so.
  7. Gregory Cloninger

    165777 V0 460x

    So, what is the keychain's name? Master Key?
  8. Hey there, I decided to finally get myself out there and join a forum for KH fans.
  9. Well, I was surfing the web for news on whether Xion would end up coming back in KH3, and came across the topic in this forum, so I decided to join the fanbase of the greatest gaming series of all time.
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