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Everything posted by Klopp

  1. I like both Sony and Nintendo about equally. I like how Nintendo tries to be more intuitive in creating new ways to enjoy games with each new system they release. However they do tend to focus more on gameplay than anything else. Sony on the other hand seems to have greater focus on graphics and story. I don't really care about fancy graphics at all (Though prettiness can certainly be nice) the improved stories are much more Epic than anything Nintendo has released. Both are certainly awesome, but in their own different ways. But I got nothing good to say about Microsoft when it comes to the X-Bone.
  2. I've never bothered trying, because everyone I've ever known who is remotely into video games already loves it. Either that or they are hardcore XBox player, in which case it wouldn't be worth the bother. Besides, those who don't like Kingdom Hearts usually aren't my friends.
  3. I have got them all except for Re:coded. Not particularly interested in getting that one anyways. Doesn't seem worth it especially since I'd only be buying it for the story, which I will be seeing all of, and more, on KH 2.5 HD Remix.
  4. Me and my girlfriend are doing a Let's Play of KH Final Mix. Today we fought a Homosexual Heartless.

    1. Weedanort


      You had a hard time with the Trickmaster xD

    2. Klopp


      Proud mode + lack of necessary grinding = dead. D: (We were smart and grinded AFTER the boss. :3)

  5. Riku is without a doubt the best fish I've ever seen.
  6. Naw, I just listened to random fireworks going off every 30 minutes or so. Was kind of annoying when I was trying to sleep.
  7. I wouldn't mind blitzball in the game really, but it's very unlikely to happen. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort for the developers to throw it in there. I'd much prefer they just keep blitzball to FFX, and save room for more Kingdom Hearts exclusive things in the series. New stuff that's awesome is always better than old stuff that's awesome.
  8. I don't yet have a Wii U, but I do certainly have plans to get one in the future. Looking forward to such games as Super Smash Bros and whatever the new Zelda game will be. But for now it's not yet worth getting. I'm more looking forward to the PS4 anyways.
  9. Chain of Memories wasn't that great a game... until I got to play as Riku. Then it became Awesome.
  10. For a long while I have wanted to become a voice actor. Doing voices for things has always been a sort of passion of mine, though I never really thought of taking it into a career choice until about 3 years ago. Even then, I never really bothered to do anything about it. Recently, however, I have been starting to make some progress there. Currently I am frequenting websites that are centered around voice acting, and auditioning for small roles here and there when I can. Not to much at the moment, as it's difficult to get some time of silence in this noisy house. But the one role I have auditioned for (since getting a good quality microphone, anyways) I have actually gotten. It's a small role for an independent video game, but it's a good start. Once I move out of this house into a more quiet setting, I will take on larger roles that are more time consuming, and hopefully I will eventually get a big role that gets my voice noticed. My Ultimate dream? To be a voice actor for one of my favorite video game franchises. Kingdom Hearts would be awesome, or Final Fantasy. I'm intent on getting there too, and I look forward to that day.
  11. Oh, I know that. I didn't literally mean hate. Just that typical teenage angst that occurs when parents are still trying to be parents while teenagers are trying to prove that they aren't just little kids anymore. But you do have a point there. Even before they left they had made a conscious decision to leave their family behind. But that brings up another question... Did the inhabitants of the Destiny Islands know the world was round? Imagine their shock if they took off on their raft and after a long while they suddenly found themselves just on the opposite side of the islands from where they started!
  12. First of all, most teenagers hate their parents, I'm sure Sora and Riku aren't any different. As for Kairi? She doesn't have any real parents cause she randomly dropped into the place during a meteor shower. It's not completely unrealistic to think that they might neglect them, and other friends who they aren't as well connected with, in favor of their super-duper best buddies. Sora, Riku and Kairi are an inseparable trio and care more about each other than anyone else. Of course, there's also the fact that they aren't relevant to the story, therefore the producers and developers don't really care about them at all.
  13. It's way too dark in here, would you mind opening up just a crack at least?
  14. Jack Frost in the dark, attempting to hide a small LED from sight.
  15. Seems just a tad bit... inconvenient? Even if you've got the money to do it, holding up all them tablets would be a pain in the wrist for too long. I guess it's probably only for the Hardcore rich snobs.
  16. I'd like to see more FF IX characters, myself. Zidane and Garnet would make for a nice addition. Even Quina would make for some fun times for Sora and the gang. That thing would probably want to eat Donald. "Duck, you say? Quina want duck, roast duck good!" Another I would like to see is Rinoa from FF XIII. Have her slap Squalleon around, and force him to dance with her. That would be fun to see in Kingdom Hearts.
  17. I've been wanting to go back to the destiny islands the second I first left and arrived in Traverse Town. It's such a nice, bright, cheerful place, and I would love to explore more of the islands. Especially go and visit Sora's mom, have her cook us some dinner, all that good stuff. Would be especially awesome if they had some dark creature thing of doom-death come and try to destroy the islands, and Sora and all them destroy it before it has a chance.
  18. I agree that Donald is a bit of an ass, but that's always been a part of his character since the beginning of his time. His character is based around having a short temper and overreacting to things that don't go his way. As much as I hated how he ruined everything that happened in that scene, I would be more upset if he lost his personality was flopped around and he welcomed Riku with open arms... wings, rather. What annoyed me most about that particular scene was how Sora just kinda brushed the whole thing aside afterward. He was all, "At least Riku is okay! Time to go pretend he never existed anymore!" That bit there was more unrealistic than Donald being an ass. If I were in that situation I'd have been confused as to why Riku left in such a hurry without even a word. I'd still probably have kicked Donald's rump all the way to Castle Oblivion though.
  19. Here's a picture of me and my girlfriend. (She will probably be joining me on these here forums soon. ) Spoilered for massiveness:
  20. Nothing this year in the way of video games. I got a striped shirt, and a surprise I wasn't supposed to know about. I suppose the Blue Yeti Microphone kinda counts as half a gift as well, since my girlfriend helped pay for it.
  21. I doubt there would be an Epic Mickey world, but I agree using that Oswald character as his nobody would be a great idea. Won't be any different than Sora and Roxas, or Kairi and Namine. Having mickey turn into a heartless similar to how Sora did would be a pretty interesting plot idea.
  22. Kingdom Hearts is already spread across too many platforms. I'd be pleased if they just stuck with the main Playstation consoles, and avoided handhelds, from now on. Probably not going to happen though.
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