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About TheWaywardWind

  • Birthday 08/12/1995

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About Me

Hello  :3 My name is Emily. I grew up with the Kingdom Hearts series along with my best friend who introduced me to the games when we were in the 5th grade. I remember those nights we stayed up until dawn playing until our fingers hurt. Time has passed and my friend grew out of the series but, for me, it will always hold a special place in my heart. I think I learned what I value in friendships from these games and I don't plan on growing up any time soon! I suffer from a chronic auto-immune dissorder, and therefore can no longer attend school. So video games have become a big stress relief system for me. Besides Kingdom Hearts I love Homestuck, Hetalia, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, trying different tea's, and photography. I have a Tumblr, where you can follow me at 'chamomeowltea.tumblr.com'. I love to chat about video games, anime, and other things. So send me a message sometime and we can talk! 0/*<3

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