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  1. Hello there! I am Mystic! I have been in contact with some sources. and I can confirm that Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is coming to the PS3 as a PS2 Classic. It should be available in May. This is not a port of the PS Vita version of the game. It is a port of the PS2 version. This is NOT an April Fools joke either. Today is the first day of the second quarter of the year, which is part of why you are seeing these things.
  2. Who else here thinks that Gorillaz are an amazing group? I love their music and their virtual little world.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demyx.


      they are pretty rad

    3. WakingDawn96


      I would really like to quote them, but they have so many great songs with many great lyrics

    4. Lalalablah


      Yeah they're good

  3. I'm going to be announcing something cool soon at TRADUKO Soft, so check it out then. Hint: Final Fantasy fans are going to love it!

  4. Out with the old and in with the new. Welcome to 2014!

  5. 2013 was an amazing year. 2014 doesn't seem to have the momentum 2013 had, but I can't really make full judgements. This year has just begun, after all.
  6. I agree. 2013 was a great year for me, too. Too bad it ended too soon. Let's look forward to 2014. There's a lot we can do now that we've set the foundation for this year. 2013 was the year I got things in order, and now in 2014, I plan to set things in overdrive and continue the foundation I've built.
  7. Persona5 2014 Winter for PS3 That's the game I'm looking forward to.
  8. Well. This announcement will be crossposted to the TRADUKO Soft official Facebook page, which is basically the team that is working on the fan translation of Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable. But don't let that convince you that it is for that game. We will be announcing news on that game soon, though. It's been quite a while since we've talked about the Madoka PSP game, and we're gearing up for an official announcement regarding the game's progress in the beginning of 2014. Also, in regards to cookies, I'm afraid not...
  9. I will be revealing a new personal project of mine on January 17, 2014, at 8PM EST. It may be a game, a fan translation, or something else entirely. Look at the image, and that will give you the first hint at what this upcoming announcement may be about.
  10. I really hate my life sometimes.

    1. Mystic


      In other words, we'll probably see Persona5 news on January 5, so that's a good thing.

    2. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard



  11. Yes. That was Vincent Brooks, the main character of Catherine. What an amusing cameo! I wonder if we'll see a successor to Catherine, maybe on PS4 and Xbox One.
  12. Take a look at the newest trailer to Persona Q! Sources say the theme in the video is the final boss theme, and Etrian Oddysey and Persona fans are going to love this game. A surprise cameo is also in the trailer. Take a close look.
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