please help bring kh hd 1.5 remix to xbox 360 by signing this petition, every signature Counts and you will be helping kh fans get the game on their platform. As you may be aware kingdom hearts 3 will be on the Xbox one however there are many kingdom heart fans that want to be able to play the story from the beginning. Kingdom Hearts hd 1.5 remix is the HD version of the games that started the franchise. It even has added story content that was not seen on the original game. A game this important makes no sense to be a ps3 exclusive especially since kingdom hearts 3 will on the Xbox platform. There are many Xbox gamer who never played the franchise(whether they were around when the first game came out or not) and would love to be able to try it from the beginning. This game would mean tons of revenue for square enix and would be an amazing game to have on the Xbox platform. there are even fans that remember playing the game on the ps2 and transferred over to the xbox platform.Whether you own a playstation or an Xbox we all are kh fans so please sign this petition to show your support so no fan has to be left in the darkness.