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Tesa Hue Creedless

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About Tesa Hue Creedless

  • Birthday December 21

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    Fire away, Fire away.
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  1. I will act all fancy feast if I have to~

  2. Wow, thank you all.I didn't expect such a welcoming response.Though I didn't get the notifications of all of your responses, so I am sorry for the reply delay.
  3. If he really is serious about quitting I would say he is being smart about it. Just for the simple fact that he might have a clue to what happens to famous pretty boys in hollywood: They become forgotten until the next big thing pops up.Example: The backstreet boys, Nysnc, Jonas brothers, Jesse Mccartney (Inb4 raging fangirls but he hasn't been noteworthy in the music business) And if he saved his money and played his cards right, he is one of the luckiest young people of my generation to retire EARLY.
  4. It's a pleasure to introduce myself to all you here reading this on the internetz, I am Tesa Hue Creedless.I do hope we can all get along.
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