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Sándor Major

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About Sándor Major

  • Birthday 07/30/1998

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  1. I can't say sure because I wrote 3 normal working for hobby and some to a competition.But no , I don't find hard to program. Thank you
  2. Now I learn programing and I had to write a simple program.And my first idea was to create an Al-Bhed transalator(Maybe I played too much FFX last week ) That's my second normal working program I think. Al bhed trans.zip
  3. I've seen a lot of sentences like these in my tests (yes my english teacher sometimes can be a big troll ). But what is the meaning of the first question?
  4. That's great!So let's discuss it! Now here the weather is beautifull. The sun is shining. I love this weather.And around you? :DDD And yes my favourite game series is KH.
  5. Nope. My first language is Hungarian.
  6. I don't hate it sometimes help and sometimes make me laugh For an example jókedvű in hungarian mean somebody who is in good mood(sorry for my bad English) . But the google transalate transalete this to: in English: Gay in German: Homosexuell
  7. Hello, welcome to the site. I hpe You 'll enjoy here
  8. I promise I won't. I have enogh crazy dreams without babycorn.
  9. That's great! You will be a proffesional writer (I'll be the first who buy your first book) And I think you saw too many horror movies. And I'm waiting for the next part.
  10. Happy Birthday !And Your picture is amazing !
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