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Professor Port

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Everything posted by Professor Port

  1. Ok, To play this game you need to type in the word that comes first into your brain from the previous word. Example: Cat : Lion: Tiger: Jungle: Trees and we could keep going I'll start Sora
  2. So you all have probably noticed that we can like and dislike a comment. When doing so you see the person's signature. I think it would be pretty cool, if we could have an option to like someone's signature. Because in my case, I'm getting sick of saying "Nice Sig!" In this way, it would save room in forums, with random comments saying nice sig. This way we could always keep the forum on topic. :biggrin:
  3. Yang you can stay after class today young woman. lol jk

  4. Hey Megaman X i was wondering if you can give Professor Port a Santa Hat a.k.a me

  5. I'm 12. I was born 12 months after u lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emrys


      Fun fact, He is ny little bro IRL, no joke

    3. Skai
    4. Weedanort




      13 year olds are from 2000.


      I feel old .-.

  6. I'm new to this website. But I feel very welcomed by everyone here. BTW I'm Ozpin's little brother. lol

    1. DChiuch


      I'm glad to hear that you feel welcomed. :) Welcome to KH13.

  7. IKR how old are you??? Everyone keeps saying I know where my presents. But why aren't your guys preset's under the tree??? present's*
  8. For some reason, I'm craving Chinese food, weird right.

    1. Emrys


      me too. lets get some

  9. Welcome me or die. ._. BTW I'm Ozpin's :biggrin: little brother.
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