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Everything posted by DaxtotheMax

  1. I hope Target carries 2.8...

  2. Are there any KH Rp's rn with characters such as Aqua/Ven/Sora?

    1. MythrilMagician


      A lot of RPs allow you to create your own characters or use characters like those you mentioned. So there should be plenty.

    2. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      Canons are a responsibility in rps; as such, many times they are not used. Just aren't fyi!

    3. DaxtotheMax


      @Sabre Lily ok I see, that's why I didn't see that many.

      @MythrilMagician ok I'll take another look

  3. Still need to play 2.8 but so far it's seeing Xehanort interact with Vanitas, it's just creepy to me
  4. Despite what they say I'm gonna watch Fate/Zero before the rest of the franchise...

    1. Emrys


      Thats what I tell people to do.

  5. I was a bit weirded by Alpha 5's design when I first saw it but now that I've seen it in action it's kind of grown on me. Goldar looks better than the toy. And the Megazord looks quite fine I might add ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Don't even get me started on Zordon...(Bryan Cranston is boss)
  6. He's a double agent Does Goofy have a heartless since he kinda died?
  7. 21st new Hunter X Hunter comes out, 24th new Erased episodes and 2.8...so pumped!

  8. November 2099 whenever it reaches 358 days Who will be the villain of KH4 or any future games after KH3?
  9. The Black Cauldron: The Wicked Woods Treasure Planet: RLS Legacy Monsters University/Inc.: Scare City Brother Bear: Fate Trail
  10. Xehanort he makes the best chicken pot pie, that's why everyone's after him That reminds me, what else does Sora and everyone else eat besides Ice Cream? They never had dinner...
  11. This is what hangs me up http://www.idigitaltimes.com/kingdom-hearts-3-update-director-tetsuya-nomura-says-team-working-one-world-time-579079 I know you can't trust all articles, but to say that there's "No delay." So I mean was it planned to have KH3 come so late? and you just didn't bother telling anybody? I mean I know there have been previous statements about having revealed the game too early but I mean Square Enix is a big video game company not to mention one that has been around for a long time with a big team, I would be pretty certain that they would have things on track. This seems to not be the case, I don't understand how a game is made but games like Uncharted have been revealed and already released in the time that KH3 has been in "Development" and has more realistic graphics than a KH game would (making it a longer process right?). I know size is a factor as well as well as how much the team is working on it with both FF7R and KH3 in the works by one main guy (Nomura). I want the game to be done, I want the game to be good, I also would like a little more notification as to what's going on though. They are working with a new engine (not to mention learning it) with both games putting even more pressure on these developers. I don't blame Nomura, never have, I don't even see a blame, just a problem, with little solution.
  12. I guess KH3 will come out when Jak 4 comes out and Tron 3 is made....

    1. MythrilMagician


      Meaning most likely never :(

  13. I'm pretty much caught up with the Hunter X Hunter dub...any suggestions for a new anime while I'm waiting?

    1. MythrilMagician


      Psycho Pass, Death Parade, Black Butler, Gosick, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control.

    2. Emrys


      The guy who did Hunter X Hunter also did Yu Yu Hakisho. I always recommend that.

    3. DaxtotheMax


      Cool I'm thinking either Psycho Pass or Yu Yu Hakisho...

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. Days is getting that fan remake, so I want that to be good and all. So I pick BBS. Sure I have an emulator, but this is the game that I actually love but can't really play properly (Trust me I started playing it the week before I went to Disney World and would go to sleep missing it O_O) , I bought a controller for my pc and it's good and all but it just controls strangely and on top of emulator glitches. I would just buy 2.5 for PS4 but I don't want to pay all that just for BBS out of the 2 others that come with it. I mean if it was available on the Playstation Store or even on the Nintendo Switch eShop then I would totes buy it. (I'm seriously considering getting the Switch)
  15. I laughed so hard when the guy said he played from 2-3 and didn't understand 3, then HMK's face at 3:22 :lol:
  16. Yeah I mean I don't play games for the highest difficulty possible or anything, just to have fun, being challenging and rage inducing isn't fun to me. I try to keep my playthroughs of games on normal, that way there is a medium. I have recently started replaying KH2 on Proud mode though, I can't say I'm the best at it but hey I feel like I can at least try and do it, it's my favorite game of all time so I still have fun doing it.
  17. I told my friend I've been waiting for KH3 since 2013 and he said "Cool, when does it come out?" -_- poor kid

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      only since 2013? Ur a lucky one!

    2. DaxtotheMax


      Well I mean it was announced then so the real wait began

  18. As you probably know we are getting 1.5 and 2.5 for PS4, as well as 2.8 so that all the games can be on PS4. Now hear me out, what if they released each game individually instead of the collections on PS4? I would like to play BBS in HD, since I only have an emulator for it. So I'm down for it as long as it doesn't affect the release of KH3. I'm not saying to release separate discs in separate cases. I'm saying if they would just be on the Playstation Store. Do you think it's possible? Do you like it/hate it? What are your thoughts...?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6mGOeKbeTo I mean the possibility still stands that he's trying to buy some time to get our hopes down that way when the release date is announced everybody springs up more hyped than ever
  20. I'm surprised not as many people say The Jungle Book, that's my no 1 for the year then probably Cap:Civil War, then probably Zootopia, then BFG, then Finding Dory (I actually loved all of these). I haven't saw Rogue One, Doc Strange or Moana yet so...
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