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Everything posted by Caxkj

  1. Ohhh, a Star Wars discussion. Even on the dark side, there's a part of Anakin within Vader who knew what he was doing was wrong. Shaak Ti's death on Felucia is the canon one.
  2. If this is a poem to Xion: I love it. If not: still love it.
  3. Not sure if missing something... or LightChaser is just making this up as she goes.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8w2GcCUjBM Wait... you're not Mr. Smithers... oh well. Happy Birthday!
  5. I played the game years ago on two-player campaign with my brother. The game was decent enough; fair graphics, average story structue, annoying gameplay, and an epic final boss.
  6. Oh Kingdom Hearts... Facebook has changed its layout again.

  7. Saw this video before: nothing valuable from it. No evidence that there would be a crossover, the guy was just giving off an idea without any potential leads to convince us it will happen.
  8. ...My jaw just literally dropped; I am just listening to Power Rangers right now. 1. Wild Force/Time Force. 2. Forever Red. 3. Dino Thunder/Ninja Storm. 4. MegaForce War at the end of that season.
  9. *Takes deep exhausted breaths, face almost landing on keyboard.* My fingers... deserve... a break... must have over 10,000 words on this chapter, wouldn't be surprising.

  10. Welcome, friend! We are pleased to have you here at the Kingdom Hearts Forum for the Insane, where we make the Joker look sane.
  11. YES! Burial At Sea DLC Episode 2 is out! Show me what happens next, Cry!

  12. I won't deny it. I don't like or hate him; I'm more tolerant to him. The most popular (unfortuenately) person on Youtube. Saw his walkthrough months ago; Christ it was hilarious.
  13. This must be a joke; Disney can't be stupid enough to buy this annoying upstart.
  14. I'm getting a "Slender" vibe here... do it. Immediately. I approve this.
  15. In order: Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball Z and One Piece.
  16. Reaction Command: OBJECTION!
  17. I plan on one day doing my own "Let's Plays" on Youtube. I already have a name in mind for myself: The Grouch; the guy who takes games way too seriously.

    1. TheWayToDawn


      Sorry... going through a Hunger Games faze lol

    2. Caxkj


      Recognized it instantly. xD

    3. TheWayToDawn
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