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Everything posted by Caxkj

  1. "IT JUST DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL!!!" ...I've been watching way too many Hitler rant videos, as they were the first thing to pop up in my mind when I read this. Anyway, I'm sure Nomura will explain these plot-holes in KH3. If not, well I'll rage with you.
  2. It's fine, my friend, don't fret. Everyone usually sounds aggressive to me anyway. Frozen is my current number one film. This topic is more of my attempt to finally try and open up to embracing others opinions without cowering in the corner and bawling my eyes out.
  3. Okay, that topic I just made is really more of my attempt to try and be more open-minded; since I usually cower like a child away at the opinions and arguments of others.

  4. Not one to download fan-made games. But these "Pokemon Zeta and Pokemon Omicron" look pretty promising.

    1. Dracozombie


      Ooo. Go play Pokemon Reborn. Seriously. It's awesome.

  5. I learnt that the hard way. I am in no way attempting to start an argument about it; I fully respect what anyone thinks or feels about the film. Like I said: it's the best Disney film I've ever watched. Thank you for your reply.
  6. I love Frozen, best Disney film I have ever watched. The atmosphere and design of the world is beautiful, the story is decent, the songs are well-developed... most of them anyway. However, even I acknowledge many of the, I feel, flaws it has. Mainly the characters and the ending. Constructive criticism welcome, I respect all opinions. Anna being more of the focus than Elsa... oh, I need to explain why that's a bad thing? Anna is... bland. There is nothing of value about her, she's a boring person, she contributes nothing; I think the only useful thing she did was save her sister from death. That's it. Why couldn't Elsa be more of the main focus? She is a complex character with dilemmas, she's very interesting and I actually felt sorry and wanted to connect with her. And the film is called Frozen; I expected more on Elsa than her bland little sister, guys. Anna is someone I would rather ignore; she has about as much character as a wooden board (no offense to said boards everywhere). Olaf. Jesus Chocolaty Christ, this guy annoys the hell out of me. I understand if Elsa created him to test out her powers while letting herself free from the restraints of fear, and if Disney just wanted a comedic sidekick in the film. But why this? Yes, he has some funny lines, but that doesn't stop that irritating voice of his, and that song sequence... ugh. Couldn't the reindeer be the funny sidekick? That animal had more potential than... that. The Parents. I can understand they feared for their daughter, but the way I see it: the lengths and ways they go to to conceal her powers is despicable. Isolating her from contact with the outside world and her own sister? What a pair of *BEEP*. Their methods are cruel and idiotic. The only useful thing they conjured up was is the gloves. Surely they knew Elsa's powers will be unleashed in full eventually? They were scared and didn't want her or their other daughter to get hurt, I know that. They never experienced anything like this before, I get that. But couldn't they just allow to her connect with the world a few times instead of isolating her completely? Elsa, after their passing, had that rule of never interacting with anyone but the servants and guards drilled in her head by then. Plus, I'll say it right now: Conceal don't feel? I'm glad that would bite them in their dead behinds later. The Trolls. I hate these rockweiler-rejects. "There is beauty in it... but also great danger." Well thanks a lot (pardon my language) asshats. Not you just make her and her parents fear the powers even more. There would have been a more gentler way of explaining the extent of this gift of hers. The only satisfaction I would get is kicking and playing football with them. Wouldn't it make more sense if the parents left Elsa with them to help control her powers; and they would raise Anna to be the future queen? Plus their song sequence is also an "ew" to me. Did I also mention the fact they practically kidnapped a child and his reindeer to raise as their own? Hans. His transformation to villain seems so last-minute. It was like Disney decided "Oh, Kristoff and Anna will get together, what about Hans? Oh, I know, let's make him the villain all along." I like the idea of a deceptive being, and the message that appearances are deceiving. But this... I'll give them credit: he's the first villain I've ever wanted to hit with my bare fists. The conclusion. As it turns out: it is LOVE that gives complete control over her powers... I'm sorry... what? Now, Disney... couldn't you have come up with something more original and satisfying, than probably the most cheesiest clichéd answer to a problem I've ever heard in my life? Love? LOVE?! Are you kidding me? Are you absolutely bullshitting me?! You could've gone for anything, and you choose THIS unsatisfying conclusion?! I felt slapped in the face when I saw this. This is stupid. I know what you're thinking, "Well this would be typical of Disney", but with the way this story was going; I was hoping for something more original and beautiful, something that no one would anticipate. And they gave me, no, us, THIS?! *Goes into a Nostalgia Critic rant.* THIS IS STUPID! THIS IS UNDENIABLY STUPID! THIS IS FROZEN! Okay... I've calmed down now. Anyway: that is all. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
  7. Now to work on chapter seven... I hate that number.

  8. A great farewell to your PS2, my friend.
  9. You could also think of a username where, if you want to different than most gamers, think of something that defines you and your gameplay style.
  10. Wait wait wait wait, what's all this about?
  11. I'm going to do that eventually myself; Let's Plays and Reviews. I've already got an ideal name for my self: The Grouch, the guy who takes games way too seriously. I suggest WhitneyGGaming if you don't want alot of fans to add you 24/7 on Gamertag.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. The last Airbender is now remastering KOTOR... well good luck.
  13. Do you mean how can you change your username?
  14. Guess all the residents and their ancestors adapted to it.
  15. Permanent Twilight on a world... I like that.
  16. Frozen has affected me more personally than anything I've ever watched. I too notice the problems that I was going to make a thread over, mainly the film focusing on Anna more, the areshole trolls and parents and the villain. I love Frozen because it has connected to me on a more spiritual level, and this is the first film I opened my blackened heart to in a long time. It'll take too long for me to explain why I love the movie that much, but in a summarization: there has never been a film that has connected to me this emotionally.
  17. I love it, thanks. Tamagotchi in a scarf.
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