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About blackhammer

  • Birthday 11/30/2000

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  • Member Title
    Best anime hero ever
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  1. All you have to do is name a character from a animation (us cartoons,anime,animated movies) that never did anything useful in that series Rules 1 no live action or video games characters 2 they have to have moments where they were useless Go https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://naeye.net/1049/opinion/the-top-5-most-useless-disney-characters-of-all-time/&ved=2ahUKEwj3uamIiI_gAhVIS6wKHeagBAEQFjAGegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw3WGT39WcOwe9w0PYrAK7ym
  2. Z ,super is the last Jedi of anime Typeo sorry) ninja Strom 2 or Budokai 2
  3. Z ,super is the last Jedi of anime https://youtu.be/StZV78F2hO8 or https://youtu.be/StZV78F2hO8 Typeo sorry
  4. If there was a character you like to recast in kingdom hearts who would that character be and which voice actor will replace him/her?
  5. Warring:following videos are too black http://youtu.be/6rNHVpKjrLk
  6. The incredibles Spider-man 3 Big hero six Sky high one-punch man Iron man 4 Avengers:zombies
  7. After the success of my disney transfomers cossover(that's on hiatus)I thought to do a parody of the marvel cinematic universe with cartoon/anime characters
  8. honestly Spider-Man would beat most of deep characters
  9. Hi how are you and also i love your avatar its Awesome :)

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